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55398557 No.55398557 [Reply] [Original]

Which companies will pay me $200k a year WFH?

>> No.55398600
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Lol none
There are people with cs degrees for that. Especially foreigners.

>> No.55398607

So the just learn to code is a meme?

>> No.55398634

Well if you have some other kind of skills knowing how to program can be useful. If you're good and can show it maybe you can get a job. But you will probably have to do some shitwork for a while for about 1/4 of that pay. Probably not even WFH.

>> No.55398680

Learn some excel and python and how to make graphs them get a 70k a year job as a “data scientist”

>> No.55398721

Top kek "online coding course" is not only a scam but a three year old one.

>> No.55398734


You have been asked to create a customer service program for a new phone store that will be opening soon. Since this company anticipates being the agent for a rising new product that will be able to host the most popular video games–always released at midnight on the eve of the anticipated announcement date–they want a customer service module that will help them manage the customers as they arrive. Customers will be added to the queue as they arrive, removed once they have been served. Sometimes the queue will be search to determine who is there. As a prototype for this system, you are to use the linked list created in Assignment 3.1 to create a queue class and a test program that can handle this new system. The queue class must include a method to insert elements into the queue, remove elements from the queue, look at the first and last element of the queue without removing the elements from the queue, and search for an element in the queue. Use the following algorithm to simulate a simple version of the new system.

1. Choose a random integer between 1 and 5 to determine the minutes at which a customer arrives.
2. When a customer arrives, choose a random integer between 1 and 5 to determine the number of minutes that the customer must remain in the checkout line.
3. Repeat the two steps for a 12 hour (720 minute) simulation.
4. Run the simulation again with a random integer of 1 and 3 to compare the number of customers in the checkout line against the original 12 hour simulation.

WTF is this asking me to do? What do these random integers have to do with a queue of customers. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION!

>> No.55398838

nigga that's too much to read baka

>> No.55398848

My fellow redguard, throw that shit in Bing chat or Chat GPT if you're a pleb.

>> No.55398903

They're asking you how efficient their queue is.
How much time would it save if they can shave off 1 or 2 minutes in the checkout line.
And how much that would then translate in being able to process and checkout more customers. Come man.

>> No.55398966

I understand that you can process more people if you have a shorter arrival time/wait time. What I don't understand is what fucking logic I'm supposed to use to add people/pop people from the queue. If Person 1 has an arrival time of 4 and a stay time of 3, am I supposed to take 4 minutes off the timer then add them to the queue? Then take 3 minutes off the timer then pop them from the queue? I don't understand these random variable and how they should affect the queue.

>> No.55399042


1. Define a class named Queue that contains the following methods:
a. insert(element) - to add an element to the queue
b. remove() - to remove an element from the queue
c. peek_first() - to look at the first element of the queue without removing it
d. peek_last() - to look at the last element of the queue without removing it
e. search(element) - to search for an element in the queue

2. Create a test program that simulates the customer service system as follows:
a. Create an instance of the Queue class.
b. Set a variable named time to 0.
c. Use a loop to simulate the 12-hour (720 minute) simulation:
i. Choose a random integer between 1 and 5 to determine the minutes at which a customer arrives.
ii. When a customer arrives, choose a random integer between 1 and 5 to determine the number of minutes that the customer must remain in the checkout line.
iii. Add the customer to the queue using the insert method.
iv. Increment the time by the number of minutes it took for the customer to arrive.
v. Use a loop to remove customers from the queue and decrement the time by the number of minutes it took for the customer to be served until the time is less than or equal to 0.
d. Print the number of customers remaining in the queue after the simulation.

3. Repeat step 2 using a random integer of 1 and 3 to determine the number of minutes a customer must remain in the checkout line.

This outline provides a general idea of the steps you can take to create the customer service program. You will need to fill in the details of the implementation of each method and the simulation loop to complete the program.

>> No.55399171

I'm sure OP can larp as a poo.

>> No.55399198
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i dont know, steal it off of github or pay someone on fiverr

>> No.55399404

I've been in IT for over a decade (made >100k for past 5 years). I lost my job at start of year and am struggling to find a new job that pays 50k.

Good luck finding an "entry level" job that ChatGPT or some sub-minimum wage pajeet from India can't do.

"Learn coding" is a meme from 10 years ago.

This is real: https://youtu.be/6KefznccsY0

>> No.55399519

i'll give you a (You) for effort.

>> No.55399546

Feels good to be a hardware chad doing nothing all day and job security chat gpt can't take away

>> No.55399593

Who the fuck is paying 70k for a data scientist?
What dumb fuck data scientist is accepting only 70k???

>> No.55399636

what were your past titles? got any creds?

>> No.55399764

this you niggers. AI is just a multiplication tool, view it as a team of ten pajeets working for you 24/7. you gotta just tie it into whatever you are doing.
and this. you gotta have a skill AND be able to code.
tldr: skill (any industry) + coding + AI = $500k/year

>> No.55399795

what a shit career field... Im an IT Project Manager and kinda hate it, but enjoy working in Excel. Plus I love public speaking and have high comms ability so it fits for me. But Id rather be back to cleaning boats and working on motorcycles as my side gig way back in the day. Enjoyed life more.

>> No.55399974

Google, Facebook, Nvidia

>> No.55399992


If he builds something in his own time, he can show that to employers and its nearly more effective than degrees. I'd build something Web 3 related and use it for your resume and talk about it in the interview.

>> No.55400003
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It was chat gpt. I’m not writing all that shit. Didn’t even read the full question or response

>> No.55400012

based as fuck

>> No.55400029


Learn Solidity or some Web 3 language. During the bull run especially people were getting hired for ridiculous salaries. Many of these projects got grants from the blockchain that their Dapp operated on too.

It might be a bit harder now but not as much as you'd think. In 2018 there was only around 100,000 blockchain devs out of nearly 18-20 million devs world wide.

Coding isn't dead but you need to start learning Web 3 languages and how to prompt AI to help you write code that you can then audit.

>> No.55400044

>fell for le NEET meme
>fell for le learn to code meme
You are too late, retard lmao
Google "tech hiring freeze"

>> No.55400068

I figured it out niggers and ChatGPT was NO help. BEARISH FOR AI. Of course my first instinct was to use chatGPT, but it didn't understand the prompt either. After I meditated on it I realized what the question was truly asking.
God: 1 Soulless AI: 0

>> No.55400109

>Have skill and coding
>Too lazy and never finish a fucking project
>It's been this way for 12 or 15 years
I'm a wagie. That said, my current personal project this year was to make a thing that would automatically determine the best inputs for TA across several time slices.
Eg, if I have the OHLCV data for SPX, and I select "MA" and "MACD" it would iterate all the possible inputs (up to a reasonable amount) for the last two years, find the best entries, and then slide the window back a year and try that 2-year period, and eventually report on which set has the best ROI and least drawdown. Then I would repeat it for another set of indicators.
The idea is that I could automate it for each symbol/commodity whatever I'm trading and sample around 20 years of data and find a generally robust solution for each asset class

>> No.55400308

Tried it. It always looks good on backtest and then wipes you out on forward test. You need to experiment with it on your own though to find out why

>> No.55400316

which course did you use and did it actually teach anything useful? how much did it cost did you like it?

>> No.55400438

>wipes you out on forward test
Which is why you want to forward test. What sort of things didn't work for you? What were your failure points? I do have an interest in the quant side of things.

>> No.55400455

Any of the FAANG companies OP, take your pick

>> No.55400488

I’d rather receive anal sex with like a 7% chance of catching HIV than ever do any coding.

>> No.55400489

As soon as you find out what works, the market changes. Ofc you can forward test forever, but you're still not making any money

>> No.55400499

But are you talking about the macro conditions? You have interest rates, employment rates, daily liquidity, DXY, VIX, etc etc. Surely you can assign some weights to things