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55398263 No.55398263 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else think the bitcoin ETF news is incredibly bearish? I'm terrified that Blackrock is trying to destroy bitcoin from the inside. I have 98% of my saving in bitcoin and if something happens then I will undoubtedly end it all.

>> No.55398290
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You have been warned

>> No.55398316
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Yes. It's bearish. SEC rejected every ETF except from blackrock. That should make you wary. I hope I'm wrong though. It's very odd too because this takes months to approve, yet they got it approved within the month. They might try to suppress it until 2024. Very jewish. It's why BTC is a memecoin. Can't be a currency of freedom when the jews can control the price.

>> No.55398334
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>supress the price
If they are supressing the price, why announce the etf?

>> No.55398357

Short term bullish but long term bearish. BTC will pump until (((BlackRock))) corners the spot market, then they can manipulate it with futures like they do with gold. Most likely they will neuter its gain potential against USD to tame it. See >>55397961

>> No.55398510

Yeah, i ll definitely trust ftx mt gox 2.0s! This is the time unironically to save as many coins as you can and self custudy, oh its illegal, oh migrate the hell out from your satanist shithole!

>> No.55398552

Diversify into link you retard

>> No.55398653

Well that's idiotic because that's just finally gonna give crypto legal status and people will rush to buy alts instead of BTC. Kek

>> No.55398673

Yes, they are basically doing to Bitcoin what they did with Gold and Silver. They can't have china and CZ cornering the entire crypto market.

>> No.55398755

>Anyone else think the bitcoin ETF news is incredibly bearish? I'm terrified that Blackrock is trying to destroy bitcoin from the inside.

low iq take
educate yourself


>> No.55398771

Alts that they are highly invested in themselves. Idiot.

>> No.55398809

That's not how it works, retard

>> No.55398812

To get some normies to buy in(pump to 31k) so they can dump their stack(to 19k)

>> No.55398824

Explain how neutering BTC and diverting liquidity to alts like ETH and others which they have major stakes in isn't exactly what they want long term.

>> No.55398917

BTC is the safest crypto. It's that simple. Why don't they go all in doge coin? Because it's nowhere near as safe. Also neutering btc = neutering alts. Alts need btc to explode, not stagnate.

>> No.55398964

>98% of savings into fucking BTC
have you ever taken a financial management class or even have a tiny bit of financial literacy? learn to diversify your investments and read about stuff such as risk

>> No.55398980

> then they can manipulate it with futures like they do with gold

But Gold is 10 trillion mcap, they will pump Btc up to 10 trillion mcap before the eternal crab market manipulation like they do with Gold

>> No.55398984

Normie brain
Tb'h I can see this

>> No.55398986

>BTC is the safest crypto.
It's "safe" because for the moment it because the network is sufficiently decentralized and its spot market is not cornered by government or pseudogovernment actors hostile to its ethos. But then what happens if a bad actor accumulates enough supply to corner the spot market and manipulate its price? Notice I'm not talking about network security here, because it's irrelevant.
>It's that simple. Why don't they go all in doge coin? Because it's nowhere near as safe. Also neutering btc = neutering alts. Alts need btc to explode, not stagnate.
There is no universal law that says BTC is required for the broader market to grow, just as there is no one stock that drives the stock market. They want to neuter BTC because it is too decentralized for them to hijack the network, but via enormous sums of investor capital + the Fed money printer, they could corner the spot market and then manipulate its price such that it does not grow as much and threaten the USD hegemony. Meanwhile they are heavily invested in ETH and other globohomo cryptos which are not antithetical to the financial system, but rather aim to enhance it. They don't care if (You) make it on ETH because they like ETH. They don't want BTC and BTCmaxis to make it because that would represent an alternative to the system. Understand?

>> No.55398997


To control it they just need sufficient supply, it will pump short term but does not mean they will pump it to 10t, will be less.

>> No.55399000

>But Gold is 10 trillion mcap, they will pump Btc up to 10 trillion mcap before the eternal crab market manipulation like they do with Gold
Exactly what I said. They will pump it (buy) until they own enough to manipulate it.

>> No.55399025

This guy gets it.

>> No.55399060

>There is no universal law that says BTC is required for the broader market to grow,
Literally look at history. You're fighting the trend

>> No.55399082

even if ETH is more centralized than BTC, I disagree that it doesn't pose a threat to the traditional financial system
if one smart contract platform sees widespread adoption, it almost guarantees that there will be competitors, and some of those competitors will be outside the control of the big banks, providing an alternative ecosystem for the people who find that valuable

>> No.55399092

>Literally look at history. You're fighting the trend
It's the problem of induction. The trend holds until it doesn't anymore. Buy BTC now and hold until you see news articles talking about how much BTC BlackRock (((owns))), then be wary because it might be close to the endgame. All I'm saying.

>> No.55399101
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this. they can suppress and make majority holders stuck at a loss until they die, effectively killing any momentum. it is finished.

>> No.55399134

>even if ETH is more centralized than BTC, I disagree that it doesn't pose a threat to the traditional financial system
Was just using ETH as an example because it's known that the ETH Foundation has strong ties to WEF and JPM for instance are heavy into ETH.
>if one smart contract platform sees widespread adoption, it almost guarantees that there will be competitors, and some of those competitors will be outside the control of the big banks, providing an alternative ecosystem for the people who find that valuable
Granted, but by then they will have monopolized the big chains which will have most of the liquidity captured within them, and the big money flows will be restricted to their own DeFi markets usable primarily by institutions. Public DeFi will exist because it's too difficult to contain 100% but it won't have the liquidity of the big markets and will be rather a sideshow. IMO

>> No.55399141

>I'm terrified that Blackrock is trying to destroy bitcoin from the inside
The miners will never let anything happen that hurts their interests.

>> No.55399157

You have the same brain as someone that shorts during a bullrun. Fighting the trend is retarded.

>> No.55399186


It's exit liquidity for Blackrock given that they know the government is about nuke the crypto space via targeting binance and tether. They already have a lot of crypto and they're gonna dump it on idiots to let them ride it down to hell.

>> No.55399188

Kek and you're just an idiot who can't do logic I guess. What happens if a fuck ton of USD buys ETH? ETH's price goes up. And you think that liquidity wouldn't then go into ERC-20s whose prices are denominated directly in ETH? See, we can have an alt season without BTC.

>> No.55399192

Shamelessly checking my digits. Newfags get the rope.

>> No.55399261

Again, you're a retard for going against the trend

>> No.55399296

>be you
>it's the middle of summer and the harvest is good
>"Anon, we need to store half our food. Otherwise when winter comes it will be too cold to grow anything and we'll starve!"
>(((You))): "Nah, you're a retard for going against the trend!"
>winter comes
>you starve to death
I also didn't say you shouldn't buy BTC btw, at least right now, but I guess you can't read either kek. Seriously if you don't know the limitations of inductive reasoning, you are low IQ and should probably stick to dog coins if you want to make it. This is financial advice.

>> No.55399308

Nigger, my point is alts need btc to rally. Trend throughout all of alts history has shown this
>I also didn't say you shouldn't buy BTC btw
I never said you did, illiterate nigger

>> No.55399352

>Nigger, my point is alts need btc to rally. Trend throughout all of alts history has shown this
And I'm telling you this is only true inductively but you don't seem to understand what this means because you're too obstinate to look up what this means.
>I never said you did, illiterate nigger
What is this then fag? >>55399157 You said I would short the bullrun. Shorting implies not buying. You keep saying outright
>hurr durr you're going against muh trend!!! ur retard hurr durr *shits pants*
like a brainlet not comprehending simple statements. NGMI

>> No.55399368

>I'm terrified that Blackrock is trying to destroy bitcoin from the inside
are you literally retarded?
like, do you need schizophrenic medication?
how does a spot ETF relates to the source code of the project?
how does it relate to the notwork's Byzantien Fault Tolerance?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
can you faggot nigger explain yourself?
you think Larry Fink is going to open a PR to add a node coordinator (himself) ????
and that forces me to run his code, how???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.55399381

explain how I lose sybil resistance on my local node with a spot ETF being created
explain or your mother drowns in her own vomit and dies tonight

>> No.55399479

There are BTC ETFs already, it's just the first leveraged futures ETF. Which is only marginally different than microstrategy being a publicly traded security.

>> No.55399525

>And I'm telling you this is only true inductively but you don't seem to understand what this means because you're too obstinate to look up what this means.
You stupid dumb retarded idiot fuck. You're saying "it will be different this time". I'm saying the trend is your friend until the end. Again. Dumbass. Only an absolute midwit ignores trends. Again. It would be the equivalent to shorting during parabolic bull markets. Your brain sucks
>You said I would short the bullrun. Shorting implies not buying
No, stupid. Shorting in a bull market implies GOING AGAINST THE TREND which was my fucking point
Fuck, this board is trash lol. I swear it wasn't this bad in 2018

>> No.55399626

you people in this thread are literally fucking retarded,

>> No.55399676

haha looks like you are in this thread now lol

>> No.55400081

>manipulate it with futures like they do with gold
futures are fine and necessary in some cases, such as agriculture ;) once chainlink proof of reserves is applied, futures markets will still be around, but much much less manipulative. chainlink, aside from its own value, will allow all kinds of things to rise (or fall) more closely to their true value

>> No.55400532
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Made me kek and screenshot.

>> No.55400586


>> No.55401423

>Anyone else think the bitcoin ETF news is incredibly bearish?

Absolutely not, i believe this would be a pathway for us top see more institutional players within the crypto space and also open the industry up for more innovations.

>> No.55401442
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I feel better now. Thanks.

>> No.55401444

>also open the industry up for more innovations.

We are likely to see more TradFi and DeFi partnerships which would help provide the stellar financial products.

>> No.55401480

This is inevitable we already have DeFi projects positioning themselves to be big players when this happens, SPOOL and CPOOL are some of the ones that stand out for me.

>> No.55401541

Everyone saying they'll manipulate it like they do with gold, they can't do that without paper bitcoins, just like they use paper gold to drive the price down.

And surely they'll try to do that, but it's going to be much harder to do that when any person can easily withdraw bitcoins into their own wallet and have self-custody, unlike with paper gold where it is much harder if even possible at all.

Lots of fractional paper bitcoin operations couldn't take it and have shut down, whether it be dead exchanges, or things like Celsius or FTX. With self-custody, and events like proof-of-keys, and open blockchain data that can easily be analyzed, fake paper bitcoin isn't going to be as easy as it is with traditional finance.

>> No.55402550

TradFi and DeFi team-up sounds cool, but with privacy coming to DeFi, makes it tough. TradFi's all about centralization, while DeFi wants that sweet decentralization. Mixing them is Like oil and water. Privacy in DeFi might kill the TradFi-DeFi dream.

>> No.55402675

Most definitely, it'll attract more adoption

>> No.55402682
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Forget BTC, Jeet. DePINs will undoubtedly be the next big thing, especially now that Peaq has announced Multi-Chain Machine IDs powered by Fetch AI agents.

>> No.55402726

No doubt, DeFi is gaining mad traction. Beef Finance rolling out that privacy integration in their vault? Damn impressive move

>> No.55402732

Fuck off shill

>> No.55402748

This sounds like some shitty decentralized identity madness, tell me I'm wrong

>> No.55402778

No way, privacy in defi is defeated long ago, ask tornado cash

>> No.55402799

Enemy of privacy

>> No.55402834

Marry the trend and become rich, fight the trend at your own peril, the trend is always your friend

>> No.55402899
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Wake the hell up, Jeet. Tech is moving forward, and guess what? With zk-SNARKs, privacy and transparency can finally hold hands & chill together. Railgun just teamed up with Beefy Finance to unleash some serious privacy into the of DeFi.

>> No.55403589

The Kikes will use their technogod Alladin to squeeze the liquidity out of the Markets. Dark times ahead of us

>> No.55403888

Oh yeah, same way normies have now gotten a way to turn underperforming tokens into valuable ETH, thanks to Eggman's egg pot.

>> No.55403913


>> No.55404261

Can devs do something

>> No.55405074
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Only uniswap is going to survive after this isn't it. Holy fuck bros i should move all my assets to rebate lest i be liquidated

>> No.55405928

instead of complaining about the problems with it, instead ask.. how can we profit? THIS IS WHY UR POOR ANON.

>> No.55405972

There's no way privacy in the space would be compromised if you use the right mediums anon. I for one have my assets locked and secured in private wallets like Secret and Brillion which offer top tier protection.