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55396365 No.55396365 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you quit your jobs without any real plan after just being burnt out and sick of the bullshit micro managing and cost saving measures that effectively just make your job more difficult so that investors get more money? What was the result?

>> No.55396375

I’m on the verge. I think the result will be me living my best life for a year and either figuring out how to be my own boss or going back to wagieville for eternity and ending it

>> No.55396394

i've done this once in the past and did it about 1 month ago.
I'm learning interesting things, being more fit and active, eating better, more social activities.
I know that at some point i'll need to get another job but i'm not in a rush

>> No.55396395

Other factors too, but quit with no plan. Being burnt out is fucked up and am still reeling. Now neet. It’s not great. Would rather be doing something positive. Just watching things go to shit

>> No.55396401
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This is where I am at as well. I don’t even have a bad paying job either.

>> No.55396527
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I’m at this point right now. Still have enough to NEET for the rest of the year but am considering finding something non commital just to pay bills so I don’t deplete my savings. The last few months have been eye opening and given me a taste of what retirement can be like. If anything it truly lets you know just what a giant fucking scam waging truly is. Gave me a new direction and overall thought process: give any employer your absolute minimum required to not be fired. Use those checks as a seed fund for your investments outside of the wage cage, your side hustle, whatever. If you can get away with doing that within office hours, even better. Bottom line is to value them as much as they do you, which in this timeline is not one fucking bit.

>use company vehicle to scout items for eBay/Shopify sales within reason in estate/garage sales during work hours
>use company computer to balance your PnL, look for potential real estate sales, etc.
>using company provided phone (if they offer it) to conduct business calls if you own a small business or about to start one up such a lawn care company, construction labor provider, etc.

Don’t let them waste your time on earth: you waste theirs.

>> No.55396558

I used to be a teacher and the pain Nick expresses in this skit encapsulates the pain of being a teacher exactly

>> No.55396563

Yes and I haven't gone back in 4 years. No gf, no wife, no house, no kids, I don't see the point to grind again until any of that comes to fruition.

>> No.55396570

Yes. I have $200k in savings and my cost of living is like $2500/month. I just don't care about working anymore.

>> No.55396624
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Seems like I came to the right place

>> No.55396659

I've done it a couple times. Most jobs I've had only lasted a couple years, maybe 3 years tops, before I got bored/tired and just quit. I've slaved at my current job for 10 years now, mostly being that it's given me the most money so far, but saying that I'm burnt out is an understatement. This might be the year I quit, and I'm not even sure I'll stick with my current trade or not when I decide to wage again. I could take the next 1-2 years off and be fine, so if muh next bullshit run is speculated to be 2024-2025, I might be OK. If there never is another crypto run, at least I'll have gotten the much needed rest so that I can wage once again.

>> No.55396695

>Bottom line is to value them as much as they do you
I've been at this phase for at least the last 4-5 years, out of the 10 I've been here. I guess better late than never. Funny thing is that I've monopolized my position in a way to where I can reasonably get away with doing shit that other guys in my position can't because of the accounts I take care of and I think they know this which is why they stopped micromanaging me. They also know that I'm only going to care as much as they do. Having said that, it's still stressful to deal with the day to day bullshit (traffic, work itself, time management between work/personal life, etc.).

>> No.55396761

Best things you found at garage sales to flip? I never know what's good to spend money on.

>> No.55396915
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I feel you. I am contemplating this right now. Thinks just continue to get more frustrating and stressful. I'm about to have a fucking meltdown over my goddamn job and I don't even have the energy to effectively job hunt right now. Really thinking about quitting at the end of summer, but I'm worried I'll get complacent and end up not being able to find a job. Feels like I'm stuck in a cycle of
>struggle to find job
>settle for less than ideal job
>it gets too stressful
>back to struggle to find job
New jobs aren't the cure for job burnout. It's so frustrating. The worst thing is people tell me I should be thankful for this lifestyle and that at least I'm not doing hellish minimum wage jobs. For fucks sake, how do people tolerate being corporate slaves?

>> No.55397033

You just answer your own question. They use that “it could be worse” line of reasoning on themselves rather than “it could be better”.
So far it seems like everyone who’s done it and replied to this thread has not regretted the decision so at least that’s comforting

>> No.55397064

Definitely stick to things you know, usually you can find furniture on Craigslist (good stuff I might add) and can often times haggle them down to a fraction of the asking price, or just take it from them just for showing up with a truck and trailer. Sometimes they just want it gone and don’t care. A lot of it depends on how long you’re willing to sit on something. If you wait long enough someone will pay whatever you ask.

>> No.55397100
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Honestly sometimes it feels like the "don't quit your job until you have something lined up" is pushed too much. They want you to feel stuck and demoralized. That and too many take on too many life responsibilities to ever afford being able to just quit a job. If I do quit, I just have to make the best use of that time. Maybe it can be a wonderful opportunity to try actually living a little.

>> No.55397139

As long as you prioritize having a safety net in savings, you don’t need to have that wage cuck mindset one bit. You’re right that it is a tool to keep the chain at your ankle and from trying for something better. And odds are if it didn’t work out, they’ll take you back. They’ll take the guy back that they know at least was competent enough to not fuck things up as opposed to the revolving door of DEI hires they’ve cycled through in your absence. You have a lot more leverage over your lives than you’re lead to believe lads.

>> No.55397202

I agree it’s a good opportunity to try things you may have been putting off but at the same time don’t put too much pressure on yourself so that you feel forced to do things. I do think it’s a good idea to use it to get out of your comfort zone though.

>> No.55397209

Nope. Always had another job that I had got right before I quit the shitty one.
Never let yourself be without income even if you want to kill yourself, there’s always something out there that’s better.

>> No.55397237

The neat thing is I have income regardless of my employment status but I’ve possibly become too fixated on stacking money and trading time for money now in an effort to have more later.
I’m starting to realize that having a life is important too and having a job that doesn’t drain me is equally important

>> No.55397291

yeah i did. Burnt out from fucking work and sudden breakup from my gf. 2 years of NEET-life . Getting some income from my properties. Staying with my parents who support me. By the way, my ex and I reconciled now. And she wants me go back to work or do some business. I am tired actually.

>> No.55397322

she even wanted me to invest more in cryto and make more money. She doesnt know that I only buy high and sell low lol.
I escaped blockfi , luna ,celcius , gemini. I dont know how much long i could escape. I still have bag left and some lump money in my bank account. Dont want to risk it more on crypto.

>> No.55397452

>Don’t let them waste your time on earth: you waste theirs.
yeah think the key might be to work for some mega corp so i can coast like most people seem to - but then coasting makes it harder to get that salary bump at the next place

>> No.55397506
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Yeah I just up and left my last job, sick of the bullshit and wanted to spend time with my one year old son. Wife makes good wage and I have savings, everyone thinks I'm an idiot but I'm the happiest I've ever been lol
Will eventually find something else but life isn't all about work bros

>> No.55398718


It's better to just relax and slow down to a pace which gives you rest.

If you get criticized or "warned", just smile and nod.

>> No.55398814
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I've been working 10 hour days for 5 days a week with 2 hours+ of commuting daily with my current construction job. Basically have close to no time to do anything besides some chores around the house when I get home. The weekend is the only period of time where I can relax. The money never really satisfies me, either. I feel like I'm constantly working just so I can pay bills to live. I gotta fucking figure something out.

>> No.55398843

I did this a couple months ago. I've since been working on art, getting fit, and learning investing. Not very successful at investing, but I feel a lot happier in general. I'm going to go back to work in a couple months but sometimes you just need to take some time for yourself and forget about society.

My back and posture was really fucked up from my office job, but it's getting better and I'm building muscle too. After 5 years with no vacation and constant daily grind I was beyond burnt out.

>> No.55398955


You did this to yourself, really.

>> No.55398998

What should I have done differently?

>> No.55399143

Depending on how long you’ve been there you can shop around for other jobs until you find one that suits your needs, or at the very least cuts down on the commute. That alone is killing you. Surely you’ve picked up at least one skill from doing construction for so long.

>> No.55399144

yeah best decision i ever made. still NEET 7 years later too and loving it

>> No.55399163

I'm losing my job at the end of the month
I'm hoping to find some job online

>> No.55399176

>Have any of you quit your jobs without any real plan after just being burnt out and sick of the bullshit micro managing and

I quit a $76k a year job to rethink my career. I chilled for half a year, went back to college and went from sales rep to analyst making $75k working only 35 hrs a week instead of 60. And that's an entry level analyst

>> No.55399545

I would never quit my job if I have one I hate this space so fucking much its unreal you literally can't do shit with $200 there's so many poor 3rd world pieces of shit that made substantial wealth that the whole space is a corrupt crooked cancerous shithole filled with the most vile subhuman scum on the planet, crypto was absolutely a mistake especially making it a global asset, what a great fucking idea let's make every jeet nigger in India and every shitskin in Europe rich so they can pump out more shitskins and more rugs, fucking phenomenal idea Satoshi is and always will be a fucking retard for this

>> No.55400007

Ya I kinda did this, just working part time overnight like 4 days a week for an hour or so each day . I'm unironically happier even though I don't have much at all. If waging was worth it then I'd go back immediately

>> No.55400073
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tell us how you really feel

>> No.55400093

I almost did I hated it and was getting addicted to meth and pcp analogs. I held out a little longer and make double my previous salary for about 1/10 the effort. Clean from drugs.

>> No.55400110

Double at a new job now I mean

>> No.55400123

Yes. I lost a ton of weight and I play amateur rugby now.

>> No.55400134

>5 yrs in an industry
>offered promotion to manager
>or should i quit and start my own biz
i have little to no savings, biz is very low cost to start up, would generate $70 ph.

>> No.55400140

Yes. I had a loose plan of starting an online business and trading. Instead I got drunk and partied for a year and the market crashed and then I was poor so I moved in with family at the age of 36 for a few months until I found a new job and now I'm finally back on my feet but also wage cucking again. So the feds plan worked out and I'm a perfect sheep. Anyway new job is much better than old job and I did have a lot of fun during my break.

>> No.55400144

Yes. I had some money put away for 3 months rent and I'm glad I quit. This was in December. I still don't have a job yet and I just live off credit cards. When that's no longer possible, I'm going to declare bankruptcy to wipe my debt and move in with my dad to take care of him. I can't be a part of this hellish rat race anymore.

>> No.55400148

>be me
>graduated cs
>first year 95k
>6th year 200k TC
>just quit few months ago from bored/burnout/hate large daily corpo bullshit
>comfiest few months of my life

Will figure out what i wanna do next

>> No.55400169
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This thread speaks to me and I relate to a lot of posts, but I'm married and I have to worry about both of our healthcare coverages. I don't really have the luxury to just quit. Plus student loans.

But yeah, I hate my fucking job and the shitty thing is it just becomes more and more stressful over time (rather than less and less stressful, which would be logical) because when you start learning to do things well and faster, management starts giving you more things to do without compensating you. It's poor and shitty management, but it's like this everywhere.

>> No.55400172

I actually left a semi good job to get the best job I have ever had in my life and it is truly eye-opening and putting me on the verge. It doesn't help my life is simultaneously falling apart as well. The job is dangerous and there's zero room for error but I make 30 dollars an hour. But the amount of stress and grey hairs and micro management that has been thrust on me is unbearable. I have a small savings and I've constantly thought about just going back to jumping trains or just killing myself. I dunno anymore man fucking waging.

>> No.55400175

I did this back in april 2021 and burnt through my savings on bills and was with nothing until i found a job in early 2022. Currently quitting in about 3 weeks and got another job so-so lined up, going to be unemployed for some months though. Once you have nothing it really digs you into a hole.

>> No.55400329

What is it you’re trying to start up? Or a better question, just how hands on do you need to be to operate it? Is it something you can effectively farm out the labor, or is it something only you can run (or don’t trust someone to run effectively)? Answer kind of depends on that.

>> No.55400606

>management starts giving you more things to do without compensating you
Yeah anytime they try this I tell them to fuck off.
I had one of the partners tell me I need to do a better job with hiring and it set me off and I went into him via e-mail and included the president of the company.
I still have my job and he apologized after like a month or two.
The guy is a faggot though and acts like a woman.
I was getting paid $750 cash to do ~16 hours of work and he was upset about it so he wanted to re-neg the deal after it was already in place and I told him there was no way I'd take less than what I was already getting. He ended up killing the deal and that just makes me want to do even less now.
Their whole thing now is exactly what you said, just dumping more work on people without giving them more pay and I'm not standing it for it but everyone else is such a spineless coward they take it all.

>> No.55400724

I work for thermo fisher
We heavily over extended in hiring during covid
Most customers saturated their stocks by over ordering due to supply chain fears
Redundancy time
Paid just shy of £50k to fuck off from a job i was ready to leave anyway.
Already have 2 interviews, hopefully i get one of them

>> No.55401334

Yeah, lived on welfare for a few months then got a different job

>> No.55401427

You guys are such melodramatic pussy jesus christ

>> No.55401447

No, we all fantasise about it at times, but it's an incredibly poor idea. A recruitment process typically takes <6 weeks. You should be able to last a month and a half. Especially if you know you're on your way out.

>> No.55401857

Extort your boss if you have sensitive information you can leak, but just do it in a legal way aka severance pay, that way you can have a couple of months of paid neetdom

>> No.55401974

Fuck you work sucks especially under capitalism

>> No.55402154

I was a NEET for a while. In fact, I've NEET'd more than once. I have a life plan and I'm about to fulfill it but I still don't have enough money for that so I'll have to keep working...

>> No.55402197

i quit mine with 3k in savings and ended up fine, but it wasnt easy at all. i had to work about x3 as much just to recoup my old salary before i figured out what i was doing

>> No.55402289

If you work less than 100 hours a week lower your
tone when talking to me.

>> No.55402347

Move in with your dad so HE can take care of YOU.