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File: 3 KB, 271x186, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55392610 No.55392610 [Reply] [Original]

so once ETH gets delisted from all exchanges whats going to happen to all the attached projects that rely on the network? are ERC-20 tokens just obsolete or will the projects easily migrate to a replacement network like DOT or BNB?

i finally divested myself of all ETH and ERC-20 and trying to figure out where to put my money its resting in BTC in the meantime which i think everyone else is doing the same which is why BTC pumped so hard the past week

>> No.55392623

DOT will eat ETH lunch anyway.

>> No.55392628


>> No.55392639
File: 994 KB, 1236x827, the trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows. The liquidity from America will disappear and the run on LSD liquidity pools is going to be fun, while everyone that staked will get fucked worse than those that staked during the lock period and missed selling the top
>Where to put your money
Food commodities, look for a good entry, and observe the political situation. I expect another correction, but could be wrong

>> No.55392642
File: 39 KB, 680x680, 1634232370396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth doesnt need exchanges. Its 2023 we use Dex's and would unironically cause a dex boom.

>> No.55392648

so that is why eth is inflationary, you are all busy paying fees to mev bots

>> No.55392652

oh and whos going to manage the ETH network if the dev team is all facing criminal charges and legal orders to cease and desist?

>> No.55392669

It is, because, it just is okay!

>> No.55392700

So you think eth is going to be "turned off" by the government and that the devs will be imprisoned or executed for...a civil case in which the outcome is fines...and you also think BNB will be fine?

Every day the people on this board get dumber and gayer

>> No.55392705

Ethereum classic gets a quick moonshot then proceeds to die along with everything not btc and I guess monero.

>> No.55392735
File: 145 KB, 600x600, 🔺.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will migrate to Avalanche which is not a security.

>> No.55393394
File: 24 KB, 318x328, ETH HYPER DEFLATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev team is in Singapore (this is a non US country and a non EU)

>> No.55393472
File: 62 KB, 533x400, eth is security.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the timeline :

>D-1 Day
Every hour, whale alert will mention that 500,000 ETH is sent to Coinbase. Yes, this is insider trading

>D Day
SEC will announce that Ethereum is indeed security. Vitalik is summoned to the court, but he refuses to attend. ETH is down 20%.

>D+1 Day
Total chaos. Etherscan reports billions of token are sent into Exchange, people don't want to become exit liquidity. There are many posts asking where to store USDT safely now. Another -10% drop for ETH.

>D+2 Day
Ethereum price is reaching critical support, $1,000. Will it hold ? People are waiting. Bobo is in full euphoria, tons of pink wojack everywhere

>> No.55393479

last i checked their company was registered in switzerland which is part of the EU and therefore a vassal state of the US financial regulation jew

>> No.55393497
File: 11 KB, 429x342, No...You_Move.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they go after ethereum
lmao, you dumb faggots
Some of us remember 2001

They'll go after you

>> No.55393500

It is going to be glorious. Especially when the GenX fags will again try to blame on the one hand boomers and on the other hand millennials for their own scammy fuck up, and nobody is going to save them. Their scams go 0, their funds go bankrupt and many are going to be sued to the shitter. The funny part is their scam is maybe going to be used by other even more scammy genxer in permissioned environments

Truely a Generation of scamming fuck ups, a shame they didn't all kill themselves or died from overdoses

>> No.55394417

oh well

>> No.55394541

I don't the sec will be looking after crypto for that much longer, anything established that actually has a purpose apart from P2P trading will be fine.
t. XRP baggie.

>> No.55394704

why people on this board are getting dumber by day ? If eth fails will stupid alts survive ? Even I stake in projects like AstraDao which are based on ETH

>> No.55394715

Go study ignorant fuck

>> No.55394775

they specifically said they want to destroy DEFI and consider making stablecoins of the USD illegal

>> No.55394783

how about you spoonfeed me you lazy fuck

>> No.55394855

>facing criminal charges
criminal charges for what retard? it's civil, not criminal. do you think the SEC is going to sue the foundation and devs for selling unregistered securities to americans through uniswap? kek

>> No.55394868

>consider making stablecoins of the USD illegal
they will likely make usdt illegal in the usa but not usdc

>> No.55395053

>whos going to manage the ETH network
If a court decides that Ethereum Incorporated™ is not allowed to continue operations they will have to shut down their servers and the network will die. What kind of question is this, are you a newfag?

>> No.55395101

>whats going to happen to all the attached projects that rely on the network?
Like what? Name a single serious project that relies on eth.

>> No.55395124

lmao Switzerland isn't part of the EU, are you born like yesterday? If no one invaded that shit in WW1&2 then pretty sure it's still the cheatcode it always was

>> No.55395128

Anyway ETH is a commodity, my company bought and consumed 10 ETH last year. It is a commodity.

>> No.55395141

Uhhh, that’s a personal opinion you know that right?
>source: SEC

>> No.55395171

The SEC admitted ETH is decentralized enough not to be a security. BTC is a commodity. Next morning the mood has changed and all tokens are securities and ETH too, including every token never even sold to US residents lmao. At some point, the joke is getting old desu

>> No.55395181

then next morning BlackRock says tokenizatiom will be monumental, the FUD then disappears

>> No.55395192

The SEC said the same about XRP you fucking retard. The SEC is literally making up rules, “sufficiently decentralized” isn’t a thing, congress needs to make that up.
That being said ETH is more centralized than both BTC and XRP, you can squeal all you want but it’s true, and the only reason it’s valued at what it is is because of this “personal opinion.”

>> No.55395259

Eth is a software company that made the mistake to sell digital pogs as if they were securities and that for years

>> No.55395914

how is XRP decentralized?

>> No.55395943

It's dead

>> No.55396315
File: 93 KB, 828x470, IMG_8118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D+3 Day
Vitalik dies suddenly from a ‘safe and effective’ medics experiment he shilled. ETH collapses.

>> No.55396485

>he thinks the SEC is going to be allowed to carry on this farce much longer

>> No.55397458

ico = ipo = security
>not that hard

>> No.55397517

It has 4 ripple validators and 210+ non-ripple validators

>> No.55397960


Chainlink? USDT?

>> No.55398242

>people don't want to become exit liquidity
you are exit liquidity the day you buy your tokens my retard

>> No.55398274

How does it rely on eth? People use TRC20 usdt to move money between exchanges anyways.
It's hard to claim they rely on eth until they actually have a working product.

>> No.55399848

ETH is deflationary. The supply is down 0.3% since the merge.


>> No.55401682
