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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 438 KB, 1146x567, Untitled (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55392497 No.55392497 [Reply] [Original]

24, F, how do I stop being a loser?

>> No.55392505

Suck a million dicks at a dollar a dick, then you'll be a millionaire

>> No.55392510

buy kneepads also youre a man

>> No.55392514

suck dick

>> No.55392517
File: 92 KB, 1065x1549, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to post your breasts pics here and buy BTC

>> No.55392534

He's still growing his terrible misshapen hrt tits. Don't worry though, as soon as they come in, he'll never stop posting them on /b/ regardless of how many anons tell him to stop.

>> No.55392538

This sounds dumb when I type it out, but:
What do you envision as "winning"?
What is your end goal? What would stop you from considering yourself a loser? Is it money? Power? Fame? Owning a home? Being better than your peers?
If you give us some information then maybe we can provide guidance. In general, you should at least aim for "above average" in terms of career success and social standing, both of which have their own paths.

>> No.55392548

I've been seeing girls get wealthy from OF and I've been resisting the idea. So if I were to do that, I would have done it already, but I don't want.
I understand zilch about the economy.

>> No.55392556

>I've been seeing girls get wealthy from OF and I've been resisting the idea. So if I were to do that, I would have done it already, but I don't want.
Why? You've probably already sucked a million dicks for free.

>> No.55392587

ah god its true isn't it I want off this ride bonk bonk

>> No.55392608
File: 2.63 MB, 500x500, 1679786490732820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, maybe you're new here. If so welcome,welcome. Anywho I noticed how you asked a question and it's legitimate. Nothing wrong with that it's just you know being a female as you stated you need something from us, we need something from you.

4chan has this er,. Tradition basically titsorgtfo. Questions are fair - the pic you related is in fact not of your tits so you can rectify this and get answers or gtfo.

>> No.55392611

I want to stop being a person who gets paid a 1/3 of a dollar per hour while working 10 hours a day. I want to escape the social class I was born into (working class in a 3rd world country).
So you yourself seem to understand that your assumption wouldn't make sense.

>> No.55392618

If you are an F you are a loser by default. But no worries, because you are M.

>> No.55392638

nobody here knows

>> No.55392650

No. If you scroll a bit towards the top, you'll see I don't want to do OF. So why would I post pics on 4chan?

>> No.55392657
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>> No.55392672

Find a job with a low stress to pay ratio. Live with your parents to save money. Put as much as possible into btc and hold for 10 years. Try to enjoy life while you're at it.

>> No.55392678

I i i is that sergey?

>> No.55392685

OP isnt new, just some beggar tranny from some shithole country.

>> No.55392691

> working class in a 3rd world country
Unironically, immigrate. By whatever means necessary, on whatever timeline you can achieve. If you have to walk, do it. If you have to take a sketchy ship/train/car, do it. You will never "make it" in a third world country without nepotism or family who already have money/power. You already speak english fluently and being bilingual is a valuable skill. If you have other skills, research online what it may take to get a job in another country within that field. If you have no skills, research what education opportunities exist, and how expensive those are.
Even then, it's unlikely that you will ever live a 1% life unless you are very very lucky. The success that you achieve through this work would be realized through your children and grandchildren.

>> No.55392694

I appreciate the honesty kek
And what do I gain from pretending to be a woman? I'm not asking for your socials so I'd scam you, I did not post pics you'd jerk off to only to discover you'd been jerkig it to a trans woman and call you gay ... What am I getting here?

>> No.55392696

Why would you post that you’re a female in the first place?
You want to be coddled and lied to because you’re a retard?
You need to have stable income. And then save and invest.
That’s literally it. You can continue to develop those two sides of the equation as time goes on.

>> No.55392699

only 24? you have 10 years to prepare for the greatest fucking dip of all time.

>> No.55392702


>> No.55392704

We’re not 13 here. Who jerks off to boob pics?
If someone comes here and says they’re a woman, people are always going to reply for boob pics to confirm you’re a woman.
Otherwise just keep it to yourself, retard.

>> No.55392706

Life for females is very simple, dont be fat or a whore. Just find a moderately successful man who wants a stay at home wife. Cook, clean, and give him children and he will take care of you and other women will envy you after they hit the wall and wish they had done the same.

>> No.55392708

no you dumb bitch the top 5% makes money and he bottom 95% get their nudes distributed on the internet FOREVER. Have fun when your family finds out you whored yourself for 120 dollars to everyone forever.

You want to stop being a loser? Pursue a career or try to meet a man that isn't a loser. Hint: You won't find them in bars, you won't find them on the street, you will probably find them at a place of work. I would say give up however. Men want young ass. Hot ass, and ass that can cook and take after the homestead without bitching about having to do light chores while they slave.

I'd say go to college but that shit is a dumpster fire. Everyone is fucked, get used to it.

>> No.55392716
File: 4 KB, 140x170, 1684605094507397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By killing yourself you subhuman 3rd world delusional tranny retard, tits or gtfo I'm glad to see at least some anons here aren't complete drooling retards
>tits or gtfo
In all fields, KYS troon

>> No.55392726

Coddled? On 4chan? What drugs are you on? Lol. I have no problem sharing that I'm female. I came here ready to share even more than just being male or female. Also, it's just the effect of using reddit (yes, boo plebbit, blah blah blah).
>the greatest fucking dip
Sorry, dip in what?
Do you also live in a developing country?

>> No.55392739

>What am I getting here?
attention obviously. prove you're an actual woman or fuck off

>> No.55392745

He clearly wont do either. Sage this garbage.

>> No.55392748

>Have fun when your family finds out you whored yourself for 120 dollars to everyone forever.
Where the fuck are you pulling that from? Your asshole?
I did go to college btw. But going to college means nothing here, because everyone does it, and the universities are shit, so the degree is valueless.

>> No.55392754

I can get attention by making fake posts on reddit. I don't need to subject myself to this.

>> No.55392804

If you're white and somewhat attractive, then it's easy.
>Come to America
>Marry me
>For however long it takes to get your citizenship (without committing immigration fraud):
>You're going to be fucking me every night
>You're going to do my laundry
>You're going to cook and clean
>You're going to go get some shitty $15/hr Mcjob
>I'm going to take all the money you make and use it to pay the bills
>You get your citizenship
>Some time passes
>We will probably get a divorce
>You will not be taking any of my money, as I know how to protect it from the US family courts

By that point in time, you will probably be around 30 years old. You might not have another host to leech off of lined up by that point, but you'll be out of your 3rd world shithole and you'll be in an environment that has higher quality hosts than wherever you're from. Worst case scenario, you can just leech off of the welfare state, as they just hand out money to women for free. There are plenty of desperate simps here though; you should be able to do better than welfare.

>> No.55392813
File: 297 KB, 765x433, Twitter Blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy 25k Blackswan, and profit.

>> No.55392823

If I were a guy, what would you have said to me?

>> No.55392830

Just admit you are and that's why you asked.

>> No.55392845

I would think it would go without saying:
>You must have exactly two X chromosomes

>> No.55392854

I asked because I don't want to be a fuckdoll and because I don't want my existence to center around what I can do with my vagina, you dumbfuck.

>> No.55392869

Oh right. The mythical "vagina" you have failed to post in 10 posts.

>> No.55392882

>24, F,
You already won unless you're fat or obnoxious.
Work out if you're fat (it doesn't even have to be too hard just don't be a potato)
Shut the fuck up if you're obnoxious

>> No.55392898
File: 535 KB, 579x380, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

>> No.55392903

I did not fail to do anything. I won't post nudes. End of discussion. And if you don't like it, ban or something. That is if you have the ability. If you don't, you can fuck off.

>> No.55392915

fuck off, were full

>> No.55392923

Say the nigger word please

>> No.55392930

That’s the whole point, the only reason one would share that they’re female is as a fallback coping mechanism when I give you an answer that you don’t like.

Also, I already gave you the answer fucktard. Get a job. Train skills after work. You can learn literally anything online now. Save and invest. Use forums like this one to discuss different investments. There’s no magic pill you dumb bitch.

>> No.55392931

Stop being a tranny.

>> No.55392932
File: 115 KB, 400x560, PEPEISNUBLK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55392935

Then I don't understand your question. I listed several things that I want. Your vagina is one of the things that I want. This item is important to me, so access to it at SOME frequency is going to be non-negotiable. There are a lot of details missing. If there are particular things you don't want to do, or you don't want to do all of them all the time, that would have to be negotiated. It depends on what you have to bring to the table. I don't know anything about you. I don't know what you can or can't do, or what you are or are not willing to do.

>> No.55392945

This, women seem to fail to understand that aside from owning a vagina and maybe other minor traits men don't care about, there is 0 reason to interact with them when your bros are right around the corner. Someone please tell me I'm wrong, is there any other purpose for women that men can't do better?

>> No.55392989

I think you meant to tag this comment of mine >>55392823

You made a claim: that I'm using my sex to fallback on, but then you discredit yourself by saying that you already the answer (I suppose you mean you posted another comment, possibly this one>>55392708 though I could be wrong. Did I tell you oh you're saying that because I'm a female? Show me where did I tell you I didn't like your answer or that I didn't like it because I'm female

>> No.55393023

Literally just don't be fat and you win as a woman. Also have decent taste in men I guess
>>>/fit/ then /fast/ and /FAT/

>> No.55393028

I'm flattered. But I'm asking if I were a guy, you would not tell me marry me, right? So what would you tell me? How would you tell me to improve my life, especially financially?

>> No.55393051

Don't care about thread. Just wanna say that movie The Suffering is pretty great

>> No.55393068

It's not possible for me to get fat. Where would the excess of food come from on the money I'm making rn? ^^'
It's not difficult not to be fat in other places of the world, anon.

>> No.55393090

why would you state that you're female and then ask how to stop being a loser on /biz/ and how to make money when your gender is irrelevant to making money unless the income you had in mind was gender specific you fucking brainlet
note there is no question mark because it's fucking rhetorical like you thought insterting a fucking 'F' into your post was
here's some female specific incomes
>whoredom derivatives (panties, bathwater, socks, shoes, etc.)
>sell breastmilk
>human resources
There you fucking dumb man.

>> No.55393123

Because I've seen posts on reddit of people talk about an issue they have or sth, and they preface it with their age and gender. So I emulated the format. It's not a big deal to me, and as I said, I was ready to open up to more details than just my gender. It's a big deal to you because you think too much of sex gender what men can do what women can do blah blah blah ... It's not to me. My sex is like the color of my eyes - no big deal and just another detail, but it doesn't define me.

>> No.55393124

You're not a man though (assuming that you're telling the truth). A broke man from the third world marrying someone (man or woman) from the first world is not a card that said man has in his hand. Everyone has to play the hand they've been dealt. Your vagina is a very powerful card that you have in your hand. It's the ace up your sleeve. If you're a broke yuropoor female, your biological clock is ticking away, and you have no prospects of your life turning into an actual story, you might have to play that card. Of course, because it's your most powerful card, you don't want to play it unless you really have to. You want to save it for when you REALLY need it. Regardless of what you choose to do, you should bear in mind that your vagina card has an expiration date. Its power starts going down around age 20 -- but after you hit age 30, its power goes down dramatically.

>> No.55393131

Post your phone number/ discord and I can provide some coaching

>> No.55393153

Femanon, the issue with today is that you are probably ugly, and that's fine because most people are ugly too. There are chad faces here and there but the average person is, to put it bluntly, ugly. It's hard out here to be average but what can you do, in your position you could lure a desperate anon here to take care of you. But a life that is falsely lived day in and day out becomes a drag on your existence so really consider that before thinking a man will save you from loserville

>> No.55393156
File: 23 KB, 681x248, Love from kazakhstan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the spam system

>> No.55393161

A woman's value is tied directly to their ability to get married and pregnant before the age of 25. 25 is the wall. Post wall women will always be losers.

>> No.55393165

>uber godly

>> No.55393216

I'm not european anon. Sorry to disappoint I guess. And marriage isn't just a transaction imo. I can't just marry anyone, just because they might offer better living condition. This is just scratching the surface of why this is a bad idea. Traveling to some other country to see and be alone with man (definitely not a way to end up murdered or sex trafficked lol), have this man hold power over me (the green card, him being my provider in a foreign country...).. You've seen the laughable marriages on 90 day fiancé, would you try that for yourself?
Btw, I'm just discussing the idea for you sake / because you proposed it. But the chances of me actually marrying a foreigner I know nothing about just for his nationality is almost nought.

>> No.55393231

OF is oversaturated. the only way you can get an OF is if you appeal to a fetish on YT and as horned up guys come, you resist doing an OF at first, then you do slow reveals, then finally an OF. It's prob gonna take a few years.

>> No.55393245

and i dont think you need to do an OF anyway.

women have an advantage if they can manage to look decent. if you're a fat bitch then you gotta turn up the personality a bit. you gotta own your fatness i'd say. and you'd be at our level, working hard doing shitty jobs or starting a business. most fat bitches work in HR, medical billing, or clerical jobs. doesnt that interest you?

>> No.55393261

I think I'm a decent looking. Not being arrogant or anything. And I know that because I get treated differently than some of girl friends, and I know it has to do with my looks. I'm not fond of the idea that people can get preferential treatment based on their look, but it happens.

The thing is anon, it's not my looks that are holding me back. The reason why I can't get a wealthy guy is because men here marry those who come from their same social class. Or if they end up with a higher paying job, they want a wife that has a high paying job as well. So a doctor is not gonna marry a stay at home mom for eg. That in addition to my family being shitty. You might think "the guy isn't marrying your family" but that's not how men are: if they know you come from an unstable family, they will lose respect for you and treat you in a degrading way

>> No.55393278

>marriage isn't just a transaction
Marriage is literally a legal transaction. It gives you certain legal privileges, it takes away certain legal privileges, it affects your taxes, it effects many things, legally. Anything that is not written in the law, is a negotiated feature that the two people in the marriage agreed on, or implicity agree on. What a marriage is "supposed to be" according to cultural/traditional values, and what it actually is legally, are not the same.

If you can't trust a man to have power over you, how could you ever trust made up digital money? You know those are all made by men too, right? And you know that digital money is created first and foremost for the purpose of enriching/empowering its creators, right? If you can't risk everything on a man, I don't see how you could ever be successful in crypto or equities either.

>> No.55393292

i can tell you're a woman because you're meandering on about who gives a fuck lol

are you here to get rich or blog? im confused. what the hell do you want?

>> No.55393303

I'm interested in any job that would pay me well anon. But the pay here is shit, though there are supposedly laws in place concerning the minimum wage. But those laws aren't respected. That's why I'm asking online: because doing jobs irl is a scam. They use you and pay you almost nothing. Certainly not enough to live on. Tbh with you: how's it fair that I work 10 hours to make less than $100 a month, while some fucking influencer is shoving food in their face or playing games online is buying a quarter million dollar house..

>> No.55393331

>you're meandering on about who gives a fuck
He talked about two things in his comment: looks and marriage as a way out. I replied about my looks, and how marriage isn't a way out. I don't understand how you're saying I'm meandering like you didn't read I was responding to.
Also, since I have already responded to the idea of marrying a foreigner (in another comment to another anon), that's why I responded to the idea of marrying someone as a way out *from where I'm from*

It just seems like you have a short attention span, and that's why you couldn't understand why I said what I said, but that's not my problem.

>> No.55393332

you're behind girl. you need to read about the "value" meme.

real quick, the reason the mukbang videos and the sexy girls make mad money is because they are entertaining to a mass audience. this brings in advertising to the youtube/tiktok/twitch platform. whereas your shitty job is only helping 1 or 2 people (your supervisor/boss).

also that pay you mentioned is pretty low. sorry i didnt read the whole thread, but that sounds like 3rd world country wages. and i really can't help you with that. it's a bad roll of the dice.

>> No.55393371

I understand *how* they're bringing in money. But that doesn't mean they're valuable jobs. Watching someone play a video game can be entertaining, but do I think it should a job that brings in millions? No. As for people who eat food online, well I can't find any value in that, except implicitly encouraging people to gain weight /s

>> No.55393372

what type of brown 3rd worlder are you?

>> No.55393386

it doesn't matter what you think. mathematically they're bringing in numbers. big volume. lots of eyeballs and watch time. that means more ads and audience retention. they get paid accordingly. i don't make the rules. that's just how it goes.

>> No.55393430

Like that person who spent his last savings on buying a pressure cleaner and making his income by door to door cleaning, you too could try spent your remaining saving and buy cosplay dress (also plastic surgery) and make an income from the simps by taking a picture of you cosplaying yourself (no need for nsfw)
In case you're actually a man. YWNBAW

>> No.55393439

>Marriage is literally a legal transaction
That's a bleak view that I do not share. I understand the law grants you certain privileges (like I dk you take half or whatever when you get a divorce).. But that's not what a marriage is about. At least not to me. I'm not getting married to someone because of what the law says what legal privileges the little marriage document gives me! I'm getting married to them because of who they are, because I think we can make each other happy

>If you can't trust a man to have power over you
By that logic you think I should trust any man? lol. Come on. Trust is earned, it's not given away.
As for me not being successful in investing, it's a risk because there's no trust. You don't know whether a particular investment will turn out to be a good move or a bad call.

>> No.55393441

Read Boethius.

>> No.55393495

Why are you trying to be insulting? which nerve did i hit? lol
I understand my opinion doesn't change things one way or another. didn't need *you* to tell me that.
you can sit here and pretend that watching people play games is a job worthy of racking millions all you want, but i still have my sanity so i think streaming is a bullshit job.

>> No.55393515

99% of people aren't raking millions of dollars playing games. contrary to popular believe. it's perhaps less than 1% who even make minimum wage doing it.

>> No.55393574

Kill yourself street shitting scum. Nuke india.

>> No.55393578

top. signal.

>> No.55393615

Yeah, anon. I get that. I don't think everyone who's streamer is racking millions (The same way I don't think OF girls are all filthy rich). But being an influencer in general (be it on youtube, instagram, twitch).. is a usually a nonsensical job that's made a lot of people rich. When I look at that, I cannot but the think that the system is rigged: they tell you the secret to social mobility is to study, I did study, day and night to always be one at the top of my class, they tell you work hard, I work hard... And now I'm still stuck at the bottom, struggling and I don't see a way out doing the same stuff I've been doing. I've never lived, I'm always worried about something, even as a child: worried about my mother not being able to pay rent on time, worried about some company taking back the few accessories that make life slightly comfortable like the fucking tv and fridge... I'm worried about my mother not being able to pay some debt and going to jail for it.. I did everything I could to get out, and yet, here I 'm, a college graduate, still living in the same gutter I was born in. And I see people doing bullshit and getting rich in the process. How do you want me to feel? That this is fair?

>> No.55393627

tis okay. nuke india. i'm not indian.

>> No.55393641

The whole and sole perk of being a male is that nobody will care about you. Whereas the sole perk of being a vagina is that all the men will talk to you spontaneously.
To be happy you must live in agreement with your nature.
The male nature is to be forever alone. On the female side, it is not all rosy, women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters, and they hate it even more when there is physical contact with those. In other words women hate that too much men care about them. So everybody is unhappy, especially the men. Thanks to a twist, women are actually happy because, doing it for free, the chad orbiters will beat up the ugly orbiters for the sake of the women.

So to be happy as a male you must rejoyce in being a loser. This is the only truth in the universe.

>> No.55393647

Post tits or GTFO

>> No.55393687

i think you should provide a little more info about where you are from. you don't have to give your city. just the country.

>> No.55393740

>women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters
The problem with "ugly orbiters" is that many of them are socially inept too (probably the looks do feed into their insecurity which results in social ineptness, which causes people withdraw and become more socially awkward), so whenever they're around women, they act weird and say weird stuff. Another thing about men is that often they don't reflect on their feelings, which causes them to be less emotionally intelligent. But men scoff at this.

>> No.55393760

Time's ran out. Maybe another time :p
I need to go now.

>> No.55393768

ill just say this. i don't know where you are. but starting some kind of business. cleaning is usually the most important thing. cutting hair is also something that could be seen as valuable. get good at one of these types of service skills. and you can take it anywhere in the world.

>> No.55393774

Came for tits.
Leaving mighty disappointed.
Fuck you OP. Enjoy the advice from broke simp faggots.
Post tits and get real advice.

>> No.55393787
File: 49 KB, 700x641, 16138635212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24, M, how do I stop being a loser?

>> No.55393793

>get good at one of these types of service skills
Anon I've cleaned since I was 5. There's no such thing as child abuse where I come from, because your parents own you lol

Starting a cleaning business can be profitable (and by that I mean hiring janitors who'll clean gvt institutions, hospitals...), and I'm aware of these types of companies existing here. As for cutting hair, well I would have to learn it, but it's not really something I see myself doing. And people who cut hair here aren't really wealthy anyway. They don't make that much.

>> No.55393801

Inspired by >>55393768 think of a business idea and make an app for it (you don't have to make it yourself, ofc)

>> No.55393808

I want to thank everyone who tried to troubleshoot with me. I appreciate you, especially those who were nice among you <3 <3

>> No.55393811

I have a good app idea but I don't want to tell anyone.
I think it's a million dollar idea