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55388740 No.55388740 [Reply] [Original]

Will yesterday’s sluggish downturns continue next week, or will business be back on? I’m deciding whether or not I put my life savings in the gravy train that TQQQ has been this year.

>> No.55388751

Suckers rally anon. Nobodies safe until the fed unequivocally pivots, possibly sometime next year. Or just buy small amounts in increments so you don’t lose your shirt

>> No.55388801

Why would you put your life savings in a 3x tech ETF after it's already had an insane rally? The time for that bet was last year when it was a lot lower

>> No.55388812

I’m exaggerating, I just want to put a few grand in in the hopes that the bull market isn’t all dried up

>> No.55388835
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I have been debating when to sell some. TQQQ is so risky in the short term I wouldn't fomo right now. I put months of paychecks into when back when everyone was screaming about a recession in 2 more weeks

>> No.55389108

What bullrun? The short covering hunt?

>> No.55389133

I thought long term holding on leveraged ETFs was a bad idea

>> No.55389384

yeah you lose a significant % from fees but if the market keeps going up it doesn't matter

>> No.55389706

So it's negligible?

>> No.55390137

If the market is going up, yeah. But if you time it wrong you're screwed. Look at how far away TQQQ is from it's 2021 peak

>> No.55390213
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>put my life savings
All the cool kids diversify their investments and DCA. Don't be a total idiot and risk it all on one investment - you will lose everything and be back her whining in no time.

>> No.55390247

I think the civil war in russia pumped the market. But it ended too soon and i think it was a net negative. I think it will crab

>> No.55390696

>Civil war
You mean the bribe to Pigor for driving to Moscow, giving up and exposing his bribers? The Ukrainian operation planned for 10 years has been fucked up by an unprecedented amount of incompetency to the degree that hasbara psyopers lost basically all their assets

>> No.55392509

just buy in call options the amount of stock you would have bought, if it moons you can sell the option or exercise it. The strike and experiation date are entirely up to how bullish you think the stock market will be.

>> No.55393508 [DELETED] 

BOIL and natural gas were bad plays during the winter. Right now BOIL is at 65 RSI on the 3 month chart. It will probably retrace back down to 50 bucks by the 4th of july, then have a wild run up to 90 bucks in mid-august due to power consumption (natural gas is 25% of american power generation) to fuel Air Conditioners during summer. Then late august-late september it will dump back to around 50 bucks during the end of summer selloff. From here it will rebound back to 100~ dollars in early november. Don't hold BOIL longer than that because KOLD will kill it during the winter. Keep in mind Russia is always dumping NG so it will never return to the bull market it had last year when it was 9 bucks a gallon but it will pretty predictably move between 1.9 and 3.5 over the the next year.

Tech stocks are good when they're low.