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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55388472 No.55388472 [Reply] [Original]

My ex is my best and only friend. How do I profit off this?

>> No.55388491

You have no friends and everyone hates your guts putrid financier 4chan parasite. You are a disgusting vile cancerous bastard scum and you should be kept as far away as possible from any and all other living beings

>> No.55388495

imagine being friends with someone who fucks dudes that aren't you

>> No.55388557

How does it feel that you are a friend of her while she's getting railed by other dudes?

>> No.55388564

why your ex then

>> No.55388599


What a massive faggot and parasite you are.

>> No.55388631

A financier calling anyone else a parasite. Ironic.

>> No.55388638

Don't search for "parasite financier" in the archives.

>> No.55388643

Nobody here is a "financier".

>> No.55388658


>> No.55388667

Ill be your friend buddy

>> No.55388682

Are you a girl

>> No.55388707

Sell their organs

>> No.55388711

Yeah you are worse than a financier. You are aspiring financier. You see parasites and think to yourself "yeeah i wanna be like that i love evilmaxxing maybe if i keep evilmaxxing i will one day be a proper parasite myself". At least the capitalists are predictable and easy to identify and deal with. The true enemy are those who willingly act against their own interests in service to the masters and betray those around them. The ruling classes need a small but considerable minority of willfully ignorant soldiers and bootlickers to maintain the status quo that allows then to enslave all of creation. If this small army didnt exist at all times to enforce the status quo, the current status quo would not exist

>> No.55388723

In what way do I aspire to be a financier? Yes, I understand that you say "evil", that's fine. But what do you imagine concretely, if you had to explain it in terms of actual activities, not just "evil"?

>> No.55388726

nothing wrong with being a financier, they won in life. being a pathetic hard working slave is 1000x more despicable

>> No.55388732

hes a retarded buffoon who has to resort to religious nonsense moral arguments because his points make no sense

>> No.55388744

You are literally in a finance forum. In 4chan...you are among some of the most putrid, disgusting vile and cancerous parasites on the face of the Earth. Whether or not your are actually rich/bourgeosie is irrelevant. There are tons of working class people who are class traitors. Soldiers, cops, managers, 4channers, all rightoids in general. All capitalists are right wing but a lot of rightoids also serve capitalists even if they themselves are not among the property owning class(these are usually the fascists, not that capitalists themselves are not most often fascists too)

>> No.55388750

So is the problem that I post on /biz/, regardless of anything else? So simply by virtue of the fact that this is a place where finance is discussed (given the endless torrent of shitcoin-spam, that's a very loose definition of "finance", but still)?

>> No.55388758

Yes. Also 4chan. It is safe to assume that if you participate in 4chan and especially in biz/pol you must be a vitriolic parasite of an immense degree. I dont know you personally but it is safe to assume that you adopt most if not all of the ideologies and lifestyles of right wing (racism, misogyny, worshipping money/capitalism, worshipping militarism/authority etc)

>> No.55388774

You're one judgemental faggot. I hate Pol but have probably been here longer than you. You just sound bitter at being poor and you're looking for something to blame. Cause news flash - they tried communism / collectivism and it was MORE of a disaster than capitalism - as in, you little winy fuck might feel you're poor but you're most likely better off than many more people under communism. YOU LOST - if you really care that much, stfu and love to China

>> No.55388778


>> No.55388794

Why do you regard that as safe to assume?

>> No.55388875

Offer yourself as her cuck sub.

>> No.55388898

What do you mean why? 4chan is pure cancer filled with some of the most disgusting scum of the Earth. Also we are not in some random board but in biz.

>> No.55388911

We are on /biz/ and you have a certain opinion about who comes here, but you also come here, and you wouldn't say that you're the typical /biz/ poster, I would assume. The average might be a certain way, but is it fair to conclude to every given individual "is like that" because "they're all like that"?

>> No.55388938

this is what every chinese person and their satellite countries believe unironically is that you're racist for only letting them take 50% of your predominantely white society's university spots rather than 85% chinks pretend any level of liking your nation, disliking china, or opposing eating dogs after killing them by blow torch, harvesting child organs, and having no free speech is now le racist if youre not a full blown commie youre a racist white now enjoy the new narrative white people as you get gaslit by the sheer number of these arab/south americans and their cancerous libshit commie opinions

>> No.55388953

> wymen
> best friend


>> No.55388991

Your first reply to me was "nobody here is a financier". I felt it was absolutely safe to assume you are not one of those ultra rare exceptions (although i feel there is probably no other exception left here other than me) since you felt the need to defend the integrity of this shithole

>> No.55389040

In real terms, nobody is. By "real terms", I mean "somebody who professionally provides capital in large amounts for personal profit", e.g. a banker of fund manager. It's not impossible for Jamie Dimon to post here, but I highly doubt he does.
/biz/ is a financial forum (in the very loosest sense), but it's more roleplay than anything else, since people here aren't squeezing e.g. the LME, but live out their fantasies of being rich one day. You might find that objectionable or even disgusting, but I'm just saying: in real terms. This isn't where *actual* finance, the kind that has deleterious effects on the world, is done.
This is why I'm asking what you mean by "financier". The people here aren't real financiers, so I'm thinking that you mean "financier" in some other sense.

>> No.55389062

so you're a financier but you hate others like you or what's going on here

>> No.55389097

Again this is just copium/apologia. Rightoids ALWAYS hide behind the excuse "it is just a joke/roleplay/not serious!". Guess what. It literally doesnt matter. It doesnt really matter if you are "ironically" a racist/capitalist/fascist/misogynist or whatever. The effect is the same.

Also this is always how it starts. Since rightoid beliefs are so obviously pure vitriol and cancer, those who have vested interest in the continuation of the status quo/have property/are unironically fascists ALWAYS, their first move of agitation/propaganda is to "ironically" post their beliefs. Just dip peoples toes in a little bit. Then they pick it up from there.

You might think it is "innocent" but almost always it is extremely intentional and deliberate.

Also the idea that nobody here is an actual financier is laughable. I have met verifiable actual financiers here. With stocks, property, and shilling pump and dumb operations. Actual rich parasites heavily invested in the game. Like straight up bourgeosie.

>> No.55389103

I have never in my entire life created a new thread in 4chan and i am only here to demoralizing, sabotage and gather as much personal information of as many parasites as possible

>> No.55389116
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So? What's wrong with that? Always nice to end things on a positive note and remain friends. Why are you bragging about this though? And here of all places... You do realize we are all chads here, right?
And how is this /biz/ relevant?

>> No.55389120

Also i want to make a small correction: the "ironic l" nature of propaganda is mostly on reddit with subs like WSB and the likes. In 4chan the cancer is just straight up in the open 0 possibility of defending this shit i have no idea where you come up with your ramblings

>> No.55389142

I'm talking about the main activity, i.e. making money, not the general board culture or the "tone" of the discussion. The culture might be ironic and you can say that real beliefs hide behind the irony, but specifically the activity of pretending to be rich is roleplay. People aren't ironically rich, they just pretend to be rich, like how someone would pretend to have a lot of gold in a DnD game - he's not being "ironic" as such, it's agreed-upon fantasy.
>I have met verifiable actual financiers here. With stocks, property, and shilling pump and dumb operations.
Most people in the US own stocks and bonds in some way if they have a retirement fund. And yes, there are shitcoin scammers here too. But do you mean someone who merely has any stocks in any form, or someone with hundreds of millions in stocks?

>> No.55389156

Sounds like a healthy activity from a well adjusted and fulfilled individual. You have a good day anon.

>> No.55390804

ESL here, why you keep calling people "A financier is a small French almond cake, flavoured with beurre noisette, usually baked in a small mold. Light and moist with a crisp, eggshell-like exterior, the traditional financier also contains egg whites, flour, and powdered sugar."

>> No.55390840

Histrionic brown jeetcel hands