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55387953 No.55387953 [Reply] [Original]

What do coins like pepe, doge or shib actually DO?

>> No.55387974

it does what BTC does

>> No.55387977

have a higher profit margin.
A coin that is $0.002 vs a coin that is $30,000
If the coin that is $.002 goes up to $0.1 cent, you're a millionaire quicker than if you had put the same amount into BTC.
but, risk.

>> No.55387984

You're simply describing profit speculation or 'the greater fool'...I'm asking what purpose do they have? i.e. If I buy them, what can I do with them?

>> No.55387990

Tbh dogecoin is Bitcoin but faster with lower fees (because it’s just litecoin memed) so as a currency it’s actually not bad

>> No.55387995

>You're simply describing profit speculation or 'the greater fool'...I'm asking what purpose do they have? i.e. If I buy them, what can I do with them?
Hold them for more value.

>> No.55388002

What makes fiat currency shit? The inflation.
Have you looked at dogecoin's inflation?

>> No.55388006

They get the attention of low info retail gamblers through wash trading. I sell you a token for a billionth of a cent, you sell it back to me for a millionth, we both make social media posts saying "whoa this token is going crazy, don't miss out" and then basically it's just a question of how many retards have pocket money to give you.

>> No.55388030

Inflation isn’t inherently bad and dogecoin’s inflation isn’t bad

>> No.55388105

Pepe is programmed to flip shib and doge and reward the loyal crypto autists who refused to leave the casino during the bear market.


>> No.55389252

They do the same as the fiat currency in your wallet.

>> No.55389779

doge is a real currency, while pepe and shib are clones trying to be dogecoin

>> No.55389792

They suck valuable liquidity from the market. They make the crypto space look like a ponzi. They burnout and scare away retail. Literal cancer trash I hope you everyone who is buying meme coins kill themselves.

>> No.55389825

So it's a casino coin?
Also probablistically both Bitcoin and doge have the same chance of 200x

>> No.55389842

Only a few smart people make the most at times from memes, while the majority are there to maintain and pump the price of memes. I don't seem to get why most of those pepe maxis believe 20x is still possible. CT is just full of non-commies.

>> No.55389865

Never. Bitcoin can never do 100x, and for a meme to have more than 100b mcap is unlikely, be it Doge or any. Once it gets to a certain point, many will dump it because it lacks a true sustainable structure to keep the price afloat. I wouldn't risk that much trading memes.

>> No.55389898

>why do humans like gambling?

>> No.55389963

Inflation is always preferable to deflation for a currency though so long as it's not so out of control that is disincentives saving entirely.

>> No.55389968

They don't do anything, but neither does any coin. The healthiest way to look at crypto is to understand it's a ponzi scheme and the goal is to make money before the rug is pulled. The people thinking it's a currency or some sort of legitimate investment in future tech are the ones who will get scammed.

>> No.55390004

Seething cope
Midwits said the same thing right before doge and shib went 50x

>> No.55390036

I kind of agree, but this to some extent disvalues the token over time, which is not ideal for a project. This is one of the few things I like about MNICorp. The approach and model utilized in their RWA support the token value while incentivizing investors.

In as much as most of this meme coin has an unhealthy approach that tags it as a ponzi scheme, don't make every other project one.

>> No.55390070

I'm never gonna say any coin will do xxxx, but the truth is pepe is likely to take off, as Lan Balina, a top analyst on tokenmetrics indicated in his last webinar
and up till now, I've bagged some nice profits on pepe.

>> No.55390091
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>Midwits said the same thing right before doge and shib went 50x

If there is one thing to learn from Shib and Doge, it's that making midwit decisions in life is a costly mistake.

>> No.55390128

When was this webinar, so I can check the chart and tell you the progress so far?

>> No.55390172

Doge is a utxo like btc but has the same block rewards forever, there will be the same amount mined everyday. Shib and Pepe are erc20 vaporware

>> No.55390228

They're memes and do nothing. This is why I don't buy them. Holding utility driven project like NXRA that offers solid utilities.

>> No.55390238

They allow people to throw away what little money they have, in what is nothing more than unregulated street gambling moved online.

>> No.55390243

Stress over these ones, when I'm balls deep on Eggman token, dyor, enough talks, check on dextool.

>> No.55390256

Then get on GameFi NFTs mainly Bitzing, buckle up for its staking and that's it, more utilities than those rugged shits you all about.

>> No.55390268

Go on to see the ones of the month of May, mad analysis and analytics to leverage on by Ian Balina and Forrest Przybysz on various days.

>> No.55390285

coins be jus cray mfin memes dawg, dey don do sheeit but make mfin paper gangstas rich while real hustlas be broke as a mfin joke dawg, dey jus digital clown shoes fa hypebeast fuccbois

>> No.55390425

This is my exact thought!! What the fuck do I do with them?? Use Sylo, which is one of my long term hodls as an example where I also make use of its smart wallet and it's built around data security and privacy. Most of these meme tokens are just vibes and hypes.

>> No.55390448

This is why I stick with my CYMI since it offers crypto payment option.

>> No.55390451

>what is market cap

>> No.55390462

Sthu and get into what you can with ya damned pajeet language, eyes peeled for Bitzing if you got none in mind.

>> No.55390836

Okay, I will do that to validate your point, but that won't change my mind. Don't get me wrong, I sold way back after making 20x, and I'm not buying back to get more cause I'm skeptical that I might lose everything. I invested everything into NFE on Polygon as a hedge to earn passive income.

>> No.55390843
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>> No.55390873

It always amuses me how these jeetposts never say what “utilities” the random coins they shill have. It’s like “utility” is a magic word for them. Makes me kek.

>> No.55390903
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doge does the same thing USD does.

pepe and shib are just programs deployed on a scam network.

>> No.55390965

There are many places you can use doge to pay for things online instead of using a credit card and giving up your identity, for example paying for a vps. Doge almost accidentally became a legitimate currency, particularly due to the low fees compared to bitcoin.

There’s nothing like that for pepe or shib. They are pure greater fool schemes that only exist so the devs and early buyers can exploit later buyers. If not for the insane amount of crime in the crypto world the government would go after them, but they have more pressing targets for now.

>> No.55391760

meme coins are kind of like pokemon cards. Just supply/demand/hype

>> No.55391782
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more like pogs. pokemon cards can be used for a game build around them, shitcoins are just there with no further use case except trading them with other freaks

>> No.55391795

This is unironically the normie understanding of crypto normies have. People like this is why putting your money on $PoopMoneyShitCoin is not a bad investment, theres always a bigger idiot

>> No.55391812

They are the oil that keeps our engine running. That is, they aid in capturing new sources of liquidity--notably retail. Disagree? Try and refute me.

>> No.55391822

Retail is out, they can hardly afford the costs of living, there is no stimis anywhere and Powell keeps on hiking and credit crunches from last years hikes get factored in by banks and start to show an effect on the real economy

>> No.55391875

Nah bruh its too many desperate people wanting to "get rich quick" putting their money on shitcoins, theres where the money comes from. And its summer so a lot of broke teens get summer jobs and put all of their money on crypto, thats gotta make up for at least hundreds of millions of dollars getting put into shitcoins every year, I know this from experience

>> No.55391903

You can long and short them on leverage because they have high volume and CEX perps. They also have communities who go to big lengths to pump the price, such as when dogefags extorted Elon Musk into promoting it. This is the exact same utility as BTC but because they are newer there is more volatility and thus more opportunity.

>> No.55391908

Are you projecting. Do you want to get rich quick cuck? You realize that the left side of the curve is broke and wont buy your bags, while the right side of the curve is looking for shirt entries. Only the mid is still holding strong on their bags

>> No.55391989

Retail doesn't enter DEX markets lmao. You are fucking retarded

>> No.55392026

Son, this entire board is retail. YOU are retail. Posting on /biz/ does not make you any more special than Ryan pounding Monsters to get through his graveyard shift at Chevron while staring at the DOGE chart.

>> No.55392035
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I'm different. I'm Chud that only buys bitcoin/ethereum while overcharging welfare parasites

>> No.55392044

Midwit, go back to twitter, and stay there
you are posting midwittery here on 4chan, so are you retail faggot? where the fuck does cancer like you come from

>> No.55392078

>so are you retail faggot
I'm proud of you for knowing how to use context clues.

>> No.55394230

Nah, LTC, BTC and UTK is the real deal when it comes to pulling off that maneuver since it's all about using it for online payments. Memes are just a quick buck hustle that you can eventually shift into Altcoins for the long haul

>> No.55394272

>What do coins like pepe, doge or shib actually DO?
Separate fools from their money.

>> No.55394344
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It's magical internet cash. Don't have to explain shit.

>> No.55394551

Nothing. More reason to buy actual projects like ORE and VRA.

>> No.55394881

I'm surprised at how fucking moronic this post is and I'm 100% certain you are dead serious on what you posted, too.

>> No.55394910

Nothing when regulations come out.
Inb4 Yeah yeah can't stop crypto bullshit.

>> No.55394920
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>> No.55395264

>It's magical internet cash. Don't have to explain shit
Typical of Jews to think crypto is a get-rich-quick venture, learning the ropes and utilizing AI-powered research tools Altcoinistdao apeoclock distinguishes brainlets from chads

>> No.55397278

They're just memes, anon. They don't do much. That's why I ain't buying into them. Holding utility-driven projects like KREST is where the real rewards are at. DePINs got some solid utilities that actually matter.

>> No.55397468

Fuck regulation it got nothing to do with DePINs. Being decentralized public infrastructure networks, are designed to operate independently of centralized authorities
Only if this could foster adoption then count me in. Decentralization is the game.

>> No.55397615

They make you money

>> No.55397684


nothing being retarded just like all these market clown it's not about being smart it's pure luck and being retarded

>> No.55398353

Went through every fucking reply on this thread and this is the one that cracks me up the most.

>Nothing when regulations come out.
Even without regulations they have nothing to offer other than sell dreams to newfags.

>> No.55398488

Memecoins are all about that short-term hype, so you gotta tread carefully when deciding where to invest. Safety-wise, it's smart to look for investments with real-world value, like Peaq. They're tackling the challenges in the Internet of Things, which is no joke. Keep your eyes open for those opportunities.

>> No.55398623

>Even without regulations they have nothing to offer other than sell dreams to newfags.

Are we not all here cause of the dreams we bought into most crypto assets really have nothing to offer.

>> No.55398845

>Are we not all here cause of the dreams we bought into most crypto assets really have nothing to offer.

Speak for yourself anon, most of us do due diligence in picking the tokens in our portfolio and we focus on utility tokens with working products, a few notable ones include NXRA, TRIAS and JOE.

>> No.55398910

what do casino chips actually DO?

>> No.55399854

"Utility tokens" your tokens don't do shit and always have low price action. People don't care about utility they just want money and to have fun which is why dumb shit like pregnantbutt and pepe get people

>> No.55400064

Nothing. But I made $85k from Shib in 2021

>> No.55400628

Depends how inflationary the coin is or isnt and time frames involved.

>> No.55401043

it's like owning a rare pepe which gets rarer every year, i guess

>> No.55401098

They are scams, like Chainlink.

>> No.55401102

keep LINK out your whore mouth nigger

>> No.55401201

Nothing really. Beats me why people buy shit and get rekt then go back for me. Won't be me. I'll keep earning both staking rewards and index yields on AstraDAO. Gives me peace of mind.