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File: 188 KB, 512x512, easterdoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5538209 No.5538209 [Reply] [Original]

You leave school because you don't like your classmates.
You forked the server twice because you don't like the people in it.
You hide in your room all day to avoid your mother.
You hate on me because I try to help you be a better person
All you have in life memer is vote4cake, pepe, Santa whale, and Sandy your dog
Your cryptos are gone
Even the homie is giving up on trying to help you because you reject him.
I am the only one here who genuinely wants you to succeed, and you push me away memer... I am saddened thinking of you

>> No.5538270

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5538312

I'm not going to give you any more shit.

I don't enjoy messing with people.

I'm just saying, you can't be bewildered and upset and throw shit at people when they don't like you. That's not how the real world works. Hate me all you want, make fun of me all you want, that's cool. I don't care... but it's not productive.

Turn your angst into something productive. Hate me for not liking you?

Short Firstblood, make some money, call me a mean name.
That's way more productive than making fun of my Twitter page.

But in general, have a nice night and best of luck w/ whatever you settle on doing in crypto.

>> No.5538383

You are my last hope. I place my destiny and await judgement before thee

>> No.5538482

I'm not going to give you any more shit.

I don't enjoy messing with people.

I'm just saying, you can't be bewildered and upset and throw shit at people when they don't like you. That's not how the real world works. Hate me all you want, make fun of me all you want, that's cool. I don't care... but it's not productive.

Turn your angst into something productive. Hate me for not liking you?

Short Firstblood, make some money, call me a mean name.
That's way more productive than making fun of my Twitter page.

But in general, have a nice night and best of luck w/ whatever you settle on doing in crypto.

>> No.5538730

Get in here https://discord.gg/v4fc9F

>> No.5539015

top 3 coins for 2018?

>> No.5539121

Involintary XDN shill coming up...

>> No.5539299


>> No.5539364

Erm I’m pretty sure this is some Mossad or Isis code shit... g-guys?

>> No.5539672

frick you godhead go j*ff off elsewhere

>> No.5540361

What do you think "vote4cake" means? THE CAKE IS A LIE.

>> No.5540578

I'm not going to give you any more shit.

I don't enjoy messing with people.

I'm just saying, you can't be bewildered and upset and throw shit at people when they don't like you. That's not how the real world works. Hate me all you want, make fun of me all you want, that's cool. I don't care... but it's not productive.

Turn your angst into something productive. Hate me for not liking you?

Short Firstblood, make some money, call me a mean name.
That's way more productive than making fun of my Twitter page.

But in general, have a nice night and best of luck w/ whatever you settle on doing in crypto.

>> No.5540661

Stop being a nigger all your life

>> No.5540910

felix did nothing wrong

>> No.5541006

I'm not going to give you any more shit.

I don't enjoy messing with people.

I'm just saying, you can't be bewildered and upset and throw shit at people when they don't like you. That's not how the real world works. Hate me all you want, make fun of me all you want, that's cool. I don't care... but it's not productive.

Turn your angst into something productive. Hate me for not liking you?

Short Firstblood, make some money, call me a mean name.
That's way more productive than making fun of my Twitter page.

But in general, have a nice night and best of luck w/ whatever you settle on doing in crypto.

>> No.5541049


Thanks, bought 100k.

>> No.5541110

I assume it is Reddit post or seomthing devoid of context. .

>> No.5541111

Frig the heck off u autist.

>> No.5541153
File: 49 KB, 864x576, 1381452292385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5541424
File: 173 KB, 640x640, circlesDEV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felix is innocent