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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 134 KB, 1600x808, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55381919 No.55381919 [Reply] [Original]

When is this shit going to pump ?

>> No.55381922


>> No.55381923

$40 eoy. Screencap this.

>> No.55381945

BAT is a security shitcoin.

>> No.55381953
File: 106 KB, 1406x763, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hello to a new ATL

>> No.55382000

it was not mentioned in the SEC security list

>> No.55383343

when they implement a burn mechanism on tipping. eich doesnt get it tho. even the network BAT runs on has a burn

>> No.55383487

Basically never. I doubt we'll ever get back to ATH even in a bullrun. If we do get back there I doubt it does much more than a 1.5x of its old ATH.

>> No.55383503

Watch more advertisements bloody bhenchods

>> No.55383509

ATOR is becoming what I thought this piece of shit would be by now. Glad I collected this garbage for 3 years with ads rather than buying it.

>> No.55385008

hehe fookin ba$ed

>> No.55385020 [DELETED] 

possibly 2024 end of january

>> No.55385030

how much is your browser holding fren? did ya KYC?

>> No.55385044

my basterds open the bloody new tabs to be pleased sir

>> No.55385071

does anyone still go to that weekly call thing?
yikes one can only imagine the kind of spin they're using these days to cope with the mess they made

>> No.55385079

When I sell.
Not making that mistake again this time.
I'm never selling-

>> No.55385228

Maybe they don't need to do it every week.

>> No.55385337

Where the thots at??????????????????????????????????? ded thread fucking sucks

>> No.55385364

Only way way it reaches a new ATH is if Bitcoin hits 350k next bull run

>> No.55385382

>When is this shit going to pump ?
Unironically: when we have regulatory clarity and confidence. It's not that Eich or his team are above hyping the product, far from it. But Brave and BAT are his swan song, and after getting absolutely fucked over in his previous gig, he's not taking the slightest risk until he knows the coast is clear.

>> No.55385394

Those numbers don't make any sense historically, or by any other extrapolation. You are dumb.

>> No.55385447

i hope you are posting this from a brave browser...

>> No.55385448


>> No.55385698

agreed we need TP to pump the thread with boobies and bums of girls with ill repute

>> No.55385718

if you cant read markets and coins, you might not make it holding on to a specific coin.

>> No.55385725


>> No.55385743

agree up to a point but lobesey boy don't give a fuck about making us rich with the token but yea... he wants the browser to succeed for reals

>> No.55385764

>lobesey boy don't give a fuck about making us rich with the token
OK, but do Eich or Bondy or the team give a fuck about making themselves rich?

>> No.55385775

well I imagine they are already rich

>> No.55385790

imho the wonga from BAT keeps the company running
it'll never amount to much other than hitching a ride with the general crypto market (up or down)

>> No.55385814

I'm unfamiliar, is this some kind of bogan slang?

>> No.55385855

wonga = money
idk if bogans use the term but us bongs do
hopefully this war on crypto might light a fire under lobesey's bum

>> No.55385900

Let’s face it. BAT is very bad investment. Eich has no business in crypto. This shit is not for boomers. It’s a young man’s game

>> No.55386001

just wanna be able to use BAT without the KYC shite 2bqhwy

>> No.55386020

Seriously never

>> No.55386028
File: 214 KB, 799x544, omae wo ma shindeiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's going straight to 10¢ americano and there is nothing anyone can do about it

>> No.55386035

Never now. AI changed everything.

>> No.55386039
File: 1.98 MB, 1464x720, tele bot in action.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, also look into a bot called Blackswan. Could make you rich.

>> No.55386124

I'm sure it has some significant implications down the line, but how is AI expected to influence digital advertising (in the capacity Brave is trying to meet the consumer in the middle)?

>> No.55386231

Looking into this, but multiple results and I'm sure some are full of shit. Got a link?

>> No.55386262

Just more intelligent ad blocking and traffic filtering.

>> No.55386279
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>> No.55386800
File: 3.25 MB, 206x320, basic attention.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT price will go up, we just have to believe!

>> No.55387163

Was there no Brave community call this month?

>> No.55387325

These stupid niggers have locked me out of my account for nearly a year now I JUST WANT TO SELL YOU STUPID FUCKS

>> No.55387565

there's just no way this token is only worth 20 cents a pop. No fucking way in hell. It's astounding

just send it to me brother, or find some trusty lebbitor to send it to. Then they send it to your Pajeet wallet. Done deal

>> No.55388872

i sold my stack in january just checking up on the project for the first time since, how come they've not reported any BAT purchases since april?

>> No.55388890

browsers wont exist in 5 years anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0ckztSlFzA

>> No.55388907

have they finally answered the BAT/vBAT backing question? was it 1:1 or were they scamming?

>> No.55388912

are the community calls still happening or did BasedBraveUser just stop uploading them?

>> No.55388959
File: 8 KB, 263x191, shrugs at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are the community calls still happening or did BasedBraveUser just stop uploading them?

they're still happening, but I think numbers of attendees has dwindled and I don't think/don't know if they're being uploaded anymore

>was it 1:1 or were they scamming

was it ever claimed to be 1:1 backed? I honestly have no clue. When they sunsetted vbat, it got rid of that problem anyways didn't it

>> No.55388973

They said that they could cover all redemptions, not that it was fully backed, meaning that they have pools on each exchange that get topped up only as needed. Not fully backed.

>> No.55389010

>was it ever claimed to be 1:1 backed?
yes it was and then it wasnt. the whole time they were very vague. the problem is if it was backed 1:1 that means with the sunsetting of vBAT, brave now has a fuckton of BAT in their ownership previously assigned to individual users for rewards - what happens to that money? brave just takes it for themselves? even if they somehow spin it into the UGP thats still literally theft kek. and of course if it wasnt fully backed, that means they were running a fractional reserve scam the whole time and their outstanding rewards payments far exceeded their own reserves there may literally have existed more vBAT then actual BAT which would mean they scammed everyone

>> No.55389505

How much control over the price of BAT does Brave actually have? I don’t think Brendan will ever allow it to pump if he’s controlling it

>> No.55389731

>Lex Cuckman

>> No.55389880

>People like to talk about BAT not doing anything for 3 years. Lmfao no fucking shit. In the past three years they have dumped an entire 1/3rd of the entire supply on the market and they literally had almost zero revenue and went from 2m users to 33m users. The past is behind us, im looking ahead. In two years from now they could be sitting at 100m users and revenue could 100x. Im buying all the BAT I can. All of their growth metric charts look like they are forming parabolas and they are about to reach profitability. Other crypto tokens are going to start going lean while Brave has been storing grain for the famine. Not even sure how anyone can still FUD at this point.
this was posted in july 2021 btw

>> No.55390458

it really does feel like BAT is just not catching on and Brave has missed its chance to become the Chrome-killer

>> No.55390775

kek ba$ed scammers
shouldn't the sec know about this? hehe

>> No.55390780

if they've stopped posting their bat purchases because ad sales have plummeted then thats really, really bad

>> No.55390792

>bro here's your reward for viewing my ad
>oh? you can't KYC? haha I'll just take it back then bro
ba$ed af HIGHest known kek

>> No.55390813

Tbh, this shit looks like only one level up from BEE. Remember that scam? Still not sure what the point was. Probably spyware.

>> No.55390839

if we wanted to post an ad d'ya think they would give us all the data needed for us to make an informed decision?
ie. actual number of users who will see said ad (etc.).
kinda wanna know how many users are participating these days (after sunsetting vbat the way they did)

>> No.55390850

the token is a scam, the browser is legit

>> No.55391047

Ha? They just posted a 1.6M buy.
And just speaking anecdotally, I haven't seen my own ads slow down.

>> No.55391115

is that a typical buy then?
I get more brave company ads than I used to but less campaigns
levels out to about the same though
still way less than at its peak

>> No.55391126

The trans page is fake as fuck in every way you can imagine. The MAU, The DAU, the search queries and the Brave initiated BAT buys. Don’t think anyone disputes that anymore

>> No.55391139

Your four other posts so far have been pants on head retarded so I'll dismiss this one too

>> No.55391162

Yea but I'm right about that one and deep down you and i both know it.

>> No.55391223

Ad buys never matched exchange activity. The Gemini ad buys were mostly fake. Never made an impact on the volume, never was even shown on the exchange at all. This was discovered by several anons in these threads.
More importantly, WHERES THOTPOSTER???

>> No.55391262

kek thats funny timing. wtf happened in may? also ad inventory can be sold for many months in advance so they could still be doing ad campaigns they brokered last year pre FTX collapse. ik they are hurting in regards to new sales and retention with crypto in the doghouse
yeah in response to this brendan claims that they make a lot of OTC buys

>> No.55391298

>The Gemini ad buys were mostly fake. Never made an impact on the volume, never was even shown on the exchange at all.
No, people stopped saying this months ago after Eich directly addressed the question by saying they were OTC purchases.
After three years of this shit I could write a fucking genealogy of all the various BAT fud that has come and gone. In case you're wondering where we're at now, by the way: "Eich doesn't want you getting rich off his hard work!"

>> No.55391335

hopefully TP is scouring the TP archives for horny hapa's or pouty pajeeta's and will commence dumping them asafp

>> No.55391352

>Eich directly addressed the question by saying they were OTC purchases.
then why even post them on trans page if the transaction itself cant be verified by external sources?
>we bought the BAT because we said we did ok now go fuck yourselves

>> No.55391359

the last community call i listened to was the one where the new growth guy who is clueless about crypto and doesnt care about bat explained how one of their big ideas is to decouple crypto from the on-boarding process so as to not scare away normalfags. i do genuinely think a significant % of brave employees do not give a fuck about bat and just see it as a headache

>> No.55391391

its a crypto browser that doesnt want anything to do with crypto other than using it as a slush fund. only luke and carlos are into crypto. jimmy was too but he sold

>> No.55391403

So we're just going off Eich's word? Not trying to fud, im trying to make sense of this bs because it doesnt make much sense to me. tired of taking Eich's word as gospel when we have gone nowhere
based BATcoomer

>> No.55391446
File: 12 KB, 480x480, rope-33170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. kys

>> No.55391448

>Why are they using the transparency page to record things that would otherwise be opaque and not readily auditable to the public and userbase?
Gee anon I don't know. Maybe we can find a hint in the word "transparency".

>> No.55391456

WOW that's actually pretty fucking cool.

>> No.55391500
File: 88 KB, 366x137, le tip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much control over the price of BAT does Brave actually have?

I don't know, but Chainlink somehow pumped LINK to $50. Is it too farfetched to think Brave couldn't do something similar with BAT? Is BAT that much less centralized?

>> No.55391540

Almost no one cares what is or isn't centralized in crypto.

>> No.55391666

my point should've been clear but the point is that the more centralized a cryptocurrency is, the easier it is for one entity to control/pump the price

I guess we've been led to believe BAT is more or less decentralized compared to most other tokens out there, but still. Brave probably holds enough to manipulate the price, if chainlink can do it

>> No.55391744
File: 435 KB, 245x240, check em.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55391863

Nice thanks

>> No.55392245

bamping for the BAT boyo's and hoping to get some fine thots in the process

>> No.55393006

I'm so excited for you guys

>> No.55393061

anyone else get the gonift invitation from TAP? That shit is top tier, been getting lots of free shit from them.

>> No.55393092

No I’ve already setup a global ID Covid passport with uphold to recieve BAT TAP is not getting my info

>> No.55393191

tap already has your info if you gave your shit to uphold. Its all connected. it stupid to not make the most of it, theyre sending me $50+ giftcards a couple times a month at this point. Some of them are not too useful, but others are fucking insanely awesome.

>> No.55394699

Then buy real privacy related coins like RAIL, ZEC and XMR.

>> No.55395510

>So we're just going off Eich's word?
yeah. i do trust him enough to think hes not lying about that. i dont trust him to run his company well though nor do i to think that he cares about the price of bat. hes good at code not business

>> No.55395520

Wasn't the token cut from the browser?

>> No.55396549

No, you need to sign up for an Uphold Account if you still can. There is another account type but I think you might not qualify. I just know that Uphold just lost USD in its market but I made my account before that. And, converted my BAT to another token.

But, I still get my monthly shill coin BAT for browsing.

>> No.55397189

I'm receiving 0,3 bats per ad now, which is pretty cool, but why?

>> No.55397600

we got scammed bros.

>> No.55397605
File: 84 KB, 1033x670, bliggity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55397608

stfu parker

>> No.55397780
File: 3.16 MB, 1600x1600, barrels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC's Privacy Pass already made BAT obsolete, nothing personnel kids

But seriously, fuck those little BATy rewards and look into iExec


>> No.55397829

youre back?

>> No.55398372

bros I can't bring myself to switch off rewards and I am never gonna use uphold or gemini as I absolutely refuse to go that route
I am viewing ads for no rewards and my vbat are sat there doing sweet fuck all in the hope lobesey does something rad with the whole bat ecosystem (no kyc required etc.)
tldr: browser holding vbat just for the keks
thanks for reading my lil blog

>> No.55398527

no kyc is never ever happening

>> No.55398621

seems so
crypto was better before these new rules bro

>> No.55400182

never, ai ad blocking is going to make web ads obsolete
revenue will be done by mining providing an ad-free monetization experience for the service

>> No.55401487

$4 eoy

>> No.55401492

Seems reasonable but nope.

>> No.55401716

>can earn it for free
Literally never, you could probably make chump change off it but you won't "make it".

>> No.55402507

they took way too long to roll out self serve. they ad campaigns are way too expensive for the target market. theres so many possibilites with not only the ads but the utility of BAT to interact with the advertisers if they would just set their sights a little lower and get content creators to run ads. it really makes me sad to think about

>> No.55404678


>> No.55404780

Kek, that's what happens when you don't dyor anon. I'd rather go in on innovative platforms like Brillion which partnered with NexeraID for sovereign identities on its private wallet.

>> No.55405672

having these BATs in the browser could have been so much fucking fun a million times over but alas twas all for naught

>> No.55406680

Yea the possibilities were endless with BAT but they already fucked it all up

>> No.55406908

I just don't get why developing BAT-use wasn't their main focus
would love to see them turn this project around though but doubtful af

>> No.55406956

that is depressing

>> No.55407004
File: 32 KB, 544x408, cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because the team is a bunch of literal retards. if you knew how bad things really were under the hood, you would be shocked (even if you alread have suspicions)

>> No.55407122

you mean like privacy concerns or something?

>> No.55407181


>> No.55407227

obvious they have issues from how close they were to SBF and FTX, taking forever to complete anything, stalled user metrics, hiring amateur porn star as an employee

>> No.55407233

>hiring amateur porn star as an employee
gimme gimme

>> No.55407256

plenty nudes of okami online

>> No.55407295

>Feminist unicorn in purple human form
ruh roh lad$

>> No.55407324

well that's 5 minutes of my time I'll never get back

>> No.55407373

Bros, how the fuck do I get my browser to start sending me BATs again? I've been banned from Brave Rewards because the browser recognized some sort of malware, which I got rid of the next day.

>> No.55407414

>plenty nudes of okami online
Bullshit nigger. But seriously I would cumdump that gay bitch

>> No.55407415

go to the community site and make a post there budski
or - there is a pinned comment for a link to submit a ticket for BAT issues (input your rewards id etc and all that bs)
they'll get back to you with a decision
hope you get it sorted fren

>> No.55407428


>> No.55407460

I don’t think bondy or Brendan are tards but they’re definitely fucking things up. They could be blazing their own trail but instead they just follow whatever’s trendy at the time and never follow through. NFTs, AI, swap, zoom knockoff, etc. nobody who would have a successful ad campaign can even afford to run ads on Brave. That’s why they don’t retain customers. Everything is one and done.

>> No.55407713

>hairy pits
this was when I closed the page
this is fr the head of ops now? ffs

>> No.55407717

Search 'okami stormborn nude' her boobie tumblr is the first result

>> No.55407745

>okami stormborn nude
I bet lobesey, luke, bondy and sampson have all had a crafty tug to these hehe

>> No.55407755

jennie too hehe

>> No.55407881

Well it appears that she’s at least a biological female. They fucked over Guilherme and let this whore make a janny pack. I bet Jan sodomized this bitch