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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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553807 No.553807 [Reply] [Original]

Start a money system, 1$ US is is = 1000 ebux. Lets just say the 1 $ goes into a large pot and stored in a high interest swiss account. People keep trading there money for more ebux growing the pot bigger and bigger. The more money the more interest is created. the interest gets deposited back into the pot making the ebux value slowly go up over time.
people would be able to exchange there ebux back into money at anytime but if everyone were to return all the ebux it should add up to exactly 0.
The ebux is just a fraction currency backed up by actual money. that can be traded electronically and anonymously.

everything would be controlled from a database that keeps track of who has what and in case of an imbalance in the system it would make it easy to track.

my question is: those such system already exist or have a name. I need to know if this is an original thing.

>> No.553815

why wouldn't they just put their money in the swiss account in the first place
why are you using images from fucking cyanide and happiness
god damn

>> No.553823

it's called sound currency, an endebted nation's worst nightmare.

>> No.553825

Its more for converting your money into this currency and using it to send to another party undetectable, and risk free from the currency of losing value while in transfer.

>> No.553831

When you say:
`>>553807 (OP)
it's called sound currency, an endebted nation's worst nightmare.`

Are you saying that this system can fuck up the entire financial system...
I actually love the idea hell i would do this just for the satisfaction of taking down the banking giants, David vs Goliath style.

>> No.553837

>using quotation marks
Newfaggotry intensifies, lurk more, etc.

Anyway, if you came to /biz/ expecting actually knowledgeable answers, you came to the wrong place.

>> No.553857
File: 2.89 MB, 598x278, Meanwhile, in Switzerland.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high interest Swiss account

>> No.553888

Congratulations. You've invented a bank account.

>> No.553901

whats a banknote op?

>> No.553916

It's called a fixed-exchange rate system (aka currency pegging) and is used by emerging economies.

>> No.553927

I feel like if the value of the $US dropped then the value of the ebux would be exposed… if you began with a basket of currencies it might work (I think this is kind of the same idea behind the SDR)… you would need rules about the rate at which people could buy in/out you would risk dramatic inflation/deflation

>> No.553933

>database holding all owned amounts
>transferable between owners
>converted back and forth from USD
>value increases based on how much is in use
Congrats OP, you invented bitcoin.

>> No.553936

Bitcoin is not backed by USD (it's a floating 'currency').
Countries have traditionally used USD to back their currency for various reasons, but you could do a currency basket if you want.

>> No.553940

No, it's literally a USD bank account, but your statements multiply the numbers by 1000 and say ebux instead of $.

>> No.554670


>> No.554674


This is just a full-reserve bank. Or technically, it's a full-reserve shell around a fractional-reserve banks (the Swiss account needs to earn interest somehow). Remember, if you're being paid in exchange for your money, it has to be being lent out.

In other words, you've basically invented a bank.

>> No.554675
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1372127350548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother coming here anymore

>> No.555760

What various reasons ?

>> No.555764

why do you do it anon?

also noticed that google is injecting cookie alongside the captcha...fucking google