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55378339 No.55378339 [Reply] [Original]

What opportunities for investment and business there will be when population collapse starts happening? Im thinking closest thing historically was financial equity collapse in Detroit.

>> No.55378352

Taking care of wealthy people's autistic children will probably be the new paradigm from 2030 on.

>> No.55378360

Drooling tard daycare centre. Noted

>> No.55378363

I genuinely want to know how this would be 'a problem' when they make it hard as possible to get a job in the first place.

Either you need workers or you don't, but in reality you're a retarded jew trying to fuck society up anyway.

>> No.55378377


>> No.55378384
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It will be easy to get a job. Problem is that you most likely not want that job (you will have some excuses, pay is too low etc.), therefore immigrants from low income countries will have to take it. I was thinking about migrant worker accomodation services, basically a goy sheds for low income wagies. I think it will be really profitable soon.

>> No.55378419

>spics that can barely count money will replace boomer Bob that spent 70 years fixing powerlines and snubbing any journeymen
You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.55378432

Also chink workforce going old gonna shake up global production chain really hard. Currently Mexico has a cheaper labour force per hour than china, china is holding up as a global manufacturing centre only because of current infrastructure and because how hard is to transfer for already established companies from it. I think mexico gonna be a new china for a cheap manufacturing in next few decades

>> No.55378436

Bruh im not even American

>> No.55378441
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Pic rel

>> No.55378450

>be mexican on construction site
>be above ground floor
>literally any level. Even 2nd floor
>must pee in 50 water bottles
At least chinks kill themselves after working. There's a reason manufacturing isn't already in mexico

>> No.55378466

It doesn't matter. Quality or reliability doesn't matter only lowest bid price and best geographic position wins. If Qatar managed to launch a world cup with pajeets shitting in buckets the america will be very capable of doing the same for their manufacturing with pee bottling beaners.

>> No.55378721

>Quality or reliability doesn't matter
Billionaires just blew up in a sub because they fired all the whites and outsourced engineering to save a buck. It's all coming full circle now. Even the rich are tasting the fruits of diversity

>> No.55378788

Your judgment is clouded by your political views. In reality quality of workers is just a small setback in grand scheme of things, all Europeans, Chinese and Americans can be replaced. No ine will care about quality, only whites will be the ones shitting their pants in a elderly home, industrialists will scramble for anyone capable of working

>> No.55378809

I'm unironically like a perfect golden example of a good goy worker cattle in my mid 20s and I can't even get a job as a tellar at a bank

I had to pivot to sell insurance because insurance takes every retard, that and real estate

I unironically don't think jobs exist anymore
I go to a lot of networking events and everyone is some sort of entrepreneur trying to do it themselves

Only people making money in this economy are roasties

>> No.55378816

We need to import more (African) immigrants and print more money to combat this issue

>> No.55378829
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You need some sense of quality to maintain a first world standard

You can't expect 70iq spics to maintain a nuclear reactor

>> No.55378845

>Quality or reliability doesn't matter only lowest bid price and best geographic position wins
Good luck with that retard, enjoy failure

>> No.55379381

how the fuck are we going to function in the future like this? we are doomed if the "adults" of today don't want to work, maybe using crypto is easy, and I can have an extra income with OBAYC, but just because of that I am not going to stop working, we are all screwed

>> No.55379441

The hoarding of money at the top resulted in wages not keeping up with inflation. Look at any tourist city in a America. Rent in a non shit neighborhood is $1500/mo at the very least and yet the majority of the economy is food service workers making $12-15/hr? How do people even tolerate that? If they had just given the working class a couple extra scheckles over the years they could’ve kept this gravy train going. Eventually something has got to give. I foresee more people making money online being a thing. If the real world jobs don’t pay and everyone is making money off youtube channels and tik toks, competition will force these cunts to raise wages.

>> No.55379468

>financial equity collapse in Detroit.
You fucking nigger

>> No.55379477

AI and robotics

>> No.55379479

That pod looks comfy

>> No.55379553
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It's the ultimate meme and the ultimate proof that the rich are just as low I.Q, perhaps even more so, than the poor. Paying average workers a liveable wage wouldn't have even impacted their profit margins that highly, they'd simply go from having unfathomable sums of wealth to merely obscene sums of wealth, both of those categories being amounts of money they cannot conceivably spend in one lifetime.

Instead they destroyed the populations ability to own homes and have children, therefore destroying the future of the world that they still have to live in regardless of money, so that Jeffy B and his crew can have $200 billion to never be able to spend instead of $100 billion to never be able to spend.

Unironically, $100 million is enough money for any human being in this world to be satisfied, destroying the future of your own country to dragon-hoard meaningless sums of wealth is a low-iq brainlet move for 80 i.q retards.

>> No.55379561

Population collapse is a myth created by boomers mad that the next generation won't keep funding their retirement. Even with falling birth rates there will still be exponentially more people on Earth 30 years from now than there were 30 years ago.

>> No.55379572

What he complains about happened in every single developed country in the world. Trades are guilded even today. In my euro country training doesn’t even exist unless you fulfill a bunch of criteria plus the right beaurocrat chooses you for trade training.

>> No.55380451
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Hiring 50 year old white guys isn’t inspirational

>> No.55380468

Pay will be very high because all of the boomers will be competing for your service

>> No.55380475

it'll be interesting to see how the 401(k) meme plays out when boomers and gen x start drawing on their accounts en masse.

>> No.55380493

Lol, lmao

>> No.55380530

>Taking care of wealthy people's autistic children

>> No.55380542

will also be interesting to see how many of these dumbass boomernigger investing "rules of thumb" are only applicable to an equities market supposed by an infinite population growth society.

>> No.55380553

supported by an infinite population growth society**

>> No.55380612

All the rich people I know are retarded and boring and bored people, without a true passion

>> No.55380701

Migrant accomodation already exists
t. Foreigner looking for work

>> No.55380729

Don't tutor companies, academies and charter schools already exist?
But I guess it's a good opportunity as a self-employed business

>> No.55381566

There are few real jobs and that is the problem. Read more below.

None of you have the root problem in your hand. Immigration of dumb and uncultured people? Not a problem itself. The US has always had a lot of immigration. Wage stagnation? Just giving better wages doesn't solve anything because raising wages alone only causes inflation.
What are we missing? GROWTH. For millennia humans lived like shit, then we had a century of face melting untameable growth and things improved rapidly. The low hanging fruit is now gone. Most real ideas for pushing us forward are used up. At least, the ones which can be accomplished with current or near developed tech.
There is literally nothing to be done economically here. No silver bullet, no magic reform. The best we can do is keep companies from attempting continued growth without a positive impact on society. The trend of massive corporations doing just that is why things feel so off lately. All the value for a decade has been fake.
Kick out the immigrants, seal the border, pay workers 2x salary. None of it fixes the core problem.

>> No.55381682

This is an equally wrong take, and I feel lame for even writing this out, though the problem is:

1: Wage stagflation.
As >>55379441
mentioned it makes no sense, 0 sense, to pay workers today, in the year 2023 the same salary that workers made 30 years ago AND have greater efficency. It's just greed at this point.

2: The levels of wealth horded by the top is unsustainable. It's 100x harder to start a small business today than yesterday simply because these people/companies not only have all the wealth but they're pushing laws and policy affecting everyone else. Small businesses usually fuel the greater economy. Not mega corps. They don't pay taxes, they don't contribute, services and products aren't even the best, and they consume like an economic black hole.

We don't need "more growth" we need common sense.

>> No.55381757

Knives and sawn off shotguns in the UK

>> No.55381859

I agree and I think the ideal living arrangement would be to own a property with a few little pods for your family.

You got the main pod for you and your wife
Then you got a secondary pod (likely an old mobile home) for your children, then perhaps another pod for your workshop / office (where you or your wife can go to work alone).

Mommy government would likely seethe over that though. "How dare you have 3 single-family homes on one property!!!"

>> No.55381912

Actually I agree, but with both of you really.
I think another reason the same twenty corporations own everything is because people don't try new things or support small businesses anymore. People just go with what is popular or cheapest, with no in between. The working man losing well over 30% of their wealth to double taxation also doesn't help anyone. Imagine if everyone was paid a fair wage and wasn't taxed so much. They could inject that money into local businesses supporting each other instead of working overtime for mr sheckelburg while the wife also works full time. Their children are taught useless shit by schools with agendas and raised by influencers on their phones, instead of picking up core values from their parents. So people have less but spend more because they are conditioned to believe that they are successful for doing so, while the elite keep buying up everything else.
I genuinely don't know how this can be fixed, but cutting taxes, increasing wages, and making housing & basic necessities affordable would certainly help.

>> No.55381944

Go work rigs

>> No.55381986

>1: Wage stagflation.
I hear zoomers whining about this, but I don't see how can you make an argument that you're entitled to a house if you're a dead-end retail drone.
>2: The levels of wealth horded by the top is unsustainable. It's 100x harder to start a small business today than yesterday simply because these people/companies not only have all the wealth but they're pushing laws and policy affecting everyone else.
how is policy a "wealth" problem? I've only seen the orange man take an actual stab at removing red tape and he was an aberration. I see commies always go directly to "wealth", but it seems like they're skipping a step there.
>Small businesses usually fuel the greater economy. Not mega corps. They don't pay taxes, they don't contribute, services and products aren't even the best, and they consume like an economic black hole.
we absolutely need the robust anti-monopoly laws, but what you say here sounds like another commie trope. Large companies don't pay taxes because they post a loss

>> No.55382023

>I hear zoomers whining about this, but I don't see how can you make an argument that you're entitled to a house if you're a dead-end retail drone.
Your parents or their family members probably did it. My grandparents bought a house for 28,000 working manual labor in sweatshops. That house now goes for about half a million.

>> No.55382029

Third worlders too low iq for high tech manufacturing

>> No.55382045
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japan is ahead of that too, country side towns are pretty much abandoned ghost towns

technology have replaced jobs the job market is still tight. robots take the new jobs mostly.
housing prices collapse outside of the most wanted areas

>> No.55382062
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Very based.

>> No.55382087

>Your parents or their family members probably did it.
Not really, I'm just an immigrant stealing ur jerbs
>My grandparents bought a house for 28,000 working manual labor in sweatshops. That house now goes for about half a million.
could the fact that they were able to buy a house be related to the twice lower population at time? and the fact that that house was likely on the city outskirts at the time with no development nearby?

>> No.55382167

The whole world will just look like India. The elite would rather rule over a giant sewer than ever make any concessions to their wageslaves or let go of even a small percent of their wealth.

>> No.55382227

I highly doubt that Korea working age pop was increasing in the 2010s.
They basically went below Fertility Rate 2 in '85 and it just went downhill from there really fast. Now they are barely above 1 fertility rate.

>> No.55382233

>it'll be interesting
it will literally only be interesting for you if it completely collapses so that you are proven right
if it continues as-is you will of course be entirely uninterested so actually you're kind of sort of full of shit

>> No.55382237

No, it was suburb with lots of businesses half a football field away. It was a five minute walk from the area's largest hospital and a ten minute walk from multiple schools. The area was already developed because a busy road with a hospital, banks, restaurants, churches, malls, library, and government buildings were already there. They built all these suburbs around the road like 60-50 years ago. My grandparents bought in the late sixties, so probably when it was just built. Maybe that was a factor.

>> No.55382281
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Large companies don't pay taxes, because they can use the many available tax loop holes given to them. Hell they can just put the tax guy on payroll. Wtf post a loss lol?

Your grandparents would wage war if they had to go through the same working conditions as today. It's because of them btw that we have things like fire exits in work buildings, because companies did not want to do that in the first place for fear of workers just leaving the building.

Thats not me asking for communism, thats me showing you how companies operate on pure unregulated greed.

The "invisible hand"/capitalism/free market economy, the thing that the west championed on, isn't even real. It's not a free market when you have participants making up the rules & breaking existing ones for their own benefit.
Insider trading galore, fraud is vogue now, fee's/fines are now just a cost of doing business, and the regulators have largely been bought.

I really don't know what could be done to fix this.
In the past, our great grandparents simply protested. Corporations then bought the police and shootings started and then the labor wars began all over the country. Literal battlefields over giving a guy a 1 hour break or putting fire exits in industrial plants. This continued up well up until the First World War.

>> No.55382294

Immigration & the housing supply becomes a real problem when Nevada runs out of land. Until then it's all made up.

>> No.55382362
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>The "invisible hand"/capitalism/free market economy, the thing that the west championed on, isn't even real. It's not a free market when you have participants making up the rules & breaking existing ones for their own benefit.
This has always been true. But it's been so blatantly obvious when almost every product/service distributor has increased their prices over the last 1-2 years while reporting record-breaking sales numbers to investors.

>> No.55382470

>so probably when it was just built. Maybe that was a factor.
yeah that was probably the case, the hospital and the schools probably didn't exist
>Large companies don't pay taxes, because they can use the many available tax loop holes given to them. Hell they can just put the tax guy on payroll.
everyone should use all available tax loop holes, what is the problem with this?
>Wtf post a loss lol?
ok, seems like you're uneducated on the tax law
>Thats not me asking for communism, thats me showing you how companies operate on pure unregulated greed.
>The "invisible hand"/capitalism/free market economy, the thing that the west championed on, isn't even real.
that's a silly commie lie and overgeneralization.
>participants making up the rules & breaking existing ones for their own benefit.
what does this even mean?
>Insider trading galore, fraud is vogue now, fee's/fines are now just a cost of doing business, and the regulators have largely been bought.
if that is really true, then why haven't you collected the evidence and submitted it to the law enforcement?
if it's so widespread, it should be really easy for you, right?

>> No.55382593

Lol neoliberals really are this retarded. Every single response is either
>I don't understand
>Oh corruption exists? Why don't you just do corruption then?
It's like you're a retard that lives in a bubble

>> No.55382615

>bro just report the authorities to themselves
I take back my last post I was being insensitive to someone who I now know is clearly autistic

>> No.55382684

>It's like you're a retard that lives in a bubble
hmm, it seems like you're unable to communicate your point without using emotions. Seems like another case for repealing the 19th
>Oh corruption exists? Why don't you just do corruption then?
oh of course the strawmanning and putting words in my mouth
>using tax loopholes is breaking the law
it's ok to be a teenager and have a teenage view of the world but if you're not, then it is sad

>> No.55382710

>makes vague statements like "I don't understand" or "you're lying"
>someone calls you retarded
>"Ahem, clearly you are strawmanning me, you simply don't understand my genius intellect ..."
Do you have any point to make at all or are you just aping some lolbert YouTube debate bro

>> No.55382759
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This is the root cause of the problem, but it's also a problem that can't really be solved.
We went from 1 billion people in 1900 to 8 billion. Sure a bunch of them are poor, but there are hundreds of millions that aren't and that will create value and spend money. And now that's starting to level off. Having 10 children to work on your farm is no longer needed and lots of countries are starting to get crowded.
We're left with a system that is expected and designed to rely on constant growth and now we're missing the growth. You can't fix that, you need to adapt the system to not rely on ever-faker numbers to pretend like we're still growing at unprecedented paces.

>> No.55382788

>"I don't understand how did you come to this conclusion"
>"YoU're rEtArDed"
it's alright anon, you had some good points there, you can take them to whatever commie youtube/discord hugbox and have plenty of people call you very smart and me very retarded

>> No.55382913

No the hospital and schools were already there. My dad went to the schools. The hospital and the main road were somewhat old. We live on the east coast where people have lived for centuries so it's not like it was new land in the middle of nowhere. That house was closer to Philly than where I grew up.

>> No.55382953
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He can't defend himself. He can't handle the truth, and the truth is almost all of societies ills can be traced back to the corrupting influence of money in politics. Look at how wealthy the average politician in America is. It's because they're fucking bribed. Oligarchs rule us, and oligarchs will destroy us if we don't correct course. Call me a commie all you want. That's the fucking truth.

>> No.55383015

>Oligarchs rule us, and oligarchs will destroy us if we don't correct course.
of course they will
we need a good fucking tax law that they won't be able to bend, good antimonopoly enforcement and removal of red tape
but the way to go about that is not murder, and people over 16 generally come to understand that. Participating in community and organization around making the best country in the world better through amendment of the laws is how this country was built. The "easy solutions" provided by commies are always violence and destruction and not the evolution
>Call me a commie all you want.
you're a commie, but you already know that
you're unamerican because you don't value freedom of speech, democracy and rule of law

>> No.55383048
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i used to a have a job teaching wealthy people's children (sometimes autistic). Politicians, athletes, entrepreneurs. It was cozy and fun

>> No.55383193

>law enforcement
I actually keked
You cant get law enforcement to do anything about a shooting until an hour after, what the fuck are they supposed to do?

>> No.55383245

what's oecd?

>> No.55384508
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Thanks large government for all the anti free market regulations, very nice.