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5537583 No.5537583 [Reply] [Original]

Friend, Romans, /biz/nessmen, lend me your ears!

I have been giving unbelievably solid tips over the past few days. Some who followed my advice are up over 300%, some are up 50%. Who here listened to the advice of cryptobro and made stacks and stacks of money?

Who here decided to troll like a dumbass and miss out on literally the millions of dollars of information that I gave out for FREE!

Also, for those of you asking me about the discord, it's coming along very nicely. I just need to get acclimated with using discord's bots that way I can a have a smooth running server. As always, I'll title all my threads "In CryptoBro We Trust!" that way they're easy to find in the archive.

With that being said, I only have until 8pm EST today to answer questions. Start your post with "In CryptoBro We Trust" and ask your question(s) and I'll try to get to as many as possible.


>> No.5537636

you shilled the dogshit that is dragonchain and cost me a 20% loss

>> No.5537654

what will happen to LTC over the next few days after the btc fork? is it a good sign that it remained stable through all this fork nonsense

>> No.5537669
File: 378 KB, 1239x795, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know if you're a tripfag because i force anonymity but if you're a tripfag then kill yourself

if you're any other sort of attention whore then also kill yuourself

>> No.5537680

in cryptobro we trust,
whats going to happen to tron, req, link

>> No.5537682
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As I've said before, hold it until the end of September 2018 and then sell afterwards. Be patient, pic related.

>> No.5537726
File: 103 KB, 1122x1114, 3D84285E-20AB-4E9D-944D-75B286A1684B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reeee this does not help me i need a spring moon mission

>> No.5537727
File: 778 KB, 1242x2208, 2449D39D-A1D0-4EEB-BB01-453A9F460D10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear crypto bro
Will I be able to pay off my $150k mortgage next December?

Crypto anon

>> No.5537737

In CryptoBro we trust.

I've got 1 BTC, and I'm fucking it up something terrible. What could I do with it right now to be way up in a week or a month?

>> No.5537772

In cryptobro we trust

I've turned $25 into $300 over the past few weeks mainly thanks to a lot of your great calls, but i feel like most the coins being shilled now are all over 1 dollar, making it tough to buy a lot of. Is there a low price coin currently (<.25 or .10) that you think will have short term growth in?

>> No.5537813

Its a game of percentages retard it doesnt matter about cost per coin. You sound like one of the normie tards that would buy ltc over btc because they can own a whole coin

Thanks for making me rich

>> No.5537830

Say I got 25k and patience. What should I drop it in and forget til this til Dec 18?

>> No.5537907

>Who here decided to troll
I did and I'm not backing down now

>> No.5537926

march is the when the erc20 tokens get credited to the live ground up main net.
If anyone is on the fence about DRGN all I can say is that this coin is without a doubt a top 10 coin, this is the sleeper coin that gets brought up in the sea of pajeet shit only a few times, this is the coin which you can retire on. Its a medium term hold, some people can't handle that, but jesus christ, this is your opportunity.

>> No.5537935

What do I buy for 2018? Any ICOs

>> No.5537967

Work as much as possible, buy as much XRP and XLM as possible and you'll more than 3x your gains by the end of the spring.

REQ has good use cases and should increase in value, they save tons of money for people looking to buy and sell. If they succeed, your investment will pay off handsomly

TRON is worth a shot and I would put about 3-5% of my portfolio into it.

LINK has great potential but is risky. Their dev team has a really bad communication problem. 5% of my portfolio tops.

>> No.5537994

Cryptocuck is the worst tripfag.

>> No.5538003

>what will happen to LTC over the next few days after the btc fork? is it a good sign that it remained stable through all this fork nonsense

>> No.5538010

You're shit and make below average gains. I'll give out 1 invite to a discord with people who actually know what they are doing. No PnD bullshit and no referral bullshit.

>> No.5538034

Oh look another business illiterate faggot let's break it down into little bites your retarded pajeet brain can break down
>buys 1k coins valued at 0.03
>value hits 0.09 week later
>60 dollars doing absolutely nothing
>buys 30 coins valued at 1.10
>value hits 1.35 week later
>makes 7 dollars
Hmmm i wonder which is more appealing you autistic virgin

>> No.5538069


>> No.5538071


>> No.5538082


>> No.5538114
File: 74 KB, 900x900, 1514408234501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're being scammed by pajeet, idiots. those discords have admins that pre pump and then dump upon the people they invite

>> No.5538129

I just went all in on SALT, did I JUST myself?

>> No.5538208


You must not know oldfagbiztard then

>> No.5538213

Way to literally prove my point about how retarded you are

>> No.5538251

Imagine raising a kid to grow up this retarded

>> No.5538252


I have 60% of my portfolio by value (not purchase price) in Bulwark I accumulated early on at low prices. I'm operating two Masternodes and their rewards are set to increase by 25% in about 5 days.


>> No.5538253

Why would it be more likely for a 0.03 coin to go 0.06 instead of a 1.1coint to go to 3.3 ?

>> No.5538264

In crypto bro we trust

What do you think about ZCL and getting a bitcoin private for every ZCL you own?

What price will zcl go to?

>> No.5538285

this thread is literally full of aids

>> No.5538293

How much farther does buttcoin fall off? Im thinking it hits 10k by the end of next week

>> No.5538292

Anything is possible. I give you an A+ for making the right move and diversifying your portfolio rather than risking it on one coin. I would add some DRGN, SALT, XRP, and XLM to your portfolio and youl'l be really solid.

It's extremely difficult to make crazy sums of money when you have only a tiny amount to work with. Work as much as you can in real life, save as much as you can and buy XRP and XLM.

Split your portfolio up into SALT, NEO, OMG, XRP, XLM, DRGN and STRAT.

The world is going to need walmart greeters in the future, so please, continue.

I'm not huge into ICO's at the moment to be honest. I'm going to look more into them in the future though.

Whoops, sorry for passing over you. It's very hard to tell exactly where a coin will be over the course of the very short term because of how insanely volatile this market is. I'm more of a specialist when it comes to finding undervalued gold mine coins waiting to explode in value.

However, I personally think that a lot of people's confidence is shaken in LTC after Charlie Lee sold all of his LTC off. I personally wouldn't put much of my portfolio in it as there are other juicy coins with much higher potential gains in the near future.

>> No.5538304

thanks man. Forgot to ask about quantstamp

>> No.5538323

are you fucking mental? calculate the percentages for the examples you listed you fucking gook. just because a coin is .03 doesnt mean it inherently has more of a chance to triple in price than a 1.10 coin. it's about volume and market cap u fukkin turd

>> No.5538328

In CryptoBro We Trust

Opinion on ADA? Also give a discord link

>> No.5538329

404 error- In CryptoBro We Trust not found.

>> No.5538347

>Becuz it only go up $0.03 insted of $2.20 u fuken fag.

Honestly, how can people that stupid exist

>> No.5538351

Opinion on IOTA?

Got in at 0,30-0,75$ so i kinda 10-15x my money already.

Just wondering what other people think, refugee memes aside

>> No.5538375

Can you like.. not tripfag this board?

>> No.5538378

In CryptoBro we Trust!

Thoughts on ICX? It seems like a solid long term hold.

>> No.5538469


>> No.5538474

CryptoBro, opinion on 0x and QSP? Got any ICOs to recommend?

>> No.5538483
File: 30 KB, 1147x619, CryptoBro Final Post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look into it more and get back to you in a different thread.

ADA has a really great team and is very interesting. If they succeed in what they're trying to do with their platform, it will be absolutely massive.

Fair warning, the discord is not complete yet and I'm going to still be working on it.

ICX is a good hold and had nice value. Remember to always diversify your portfolio.

Anyway folks, that's my 30 minutes for today! Be on the lookout for more of my threads. Adios!

>> No.5538526

In CryptoBro we trust

A 1k$ portfolio for mid term ?

>> No.5538535

In Cryptobro We Trust!

How much farther does buttcoin fall off? Im thinking it hits 10k by the end of next week

>> No.5538606

When is twentya coming back
He's chill, you are gay

>> No.5538629


>> No.5538679

80% of my portfolio is sitting in STRAT, XRP and XLM so I've got mostly healthy coins that I've been holding for about 6 months.

My question is what is your recommendation for high risk high reward coin(s) for the remaining 20%?

I've also put £1k in ADA, what are your thoughts on that for a long term hold?

>> No.5538749
File: 74 KB, 640x640, XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In CryptoBro we trust

Is there any hope for XVG, for example wraith, or will it be better to just get rid of it and get something actually useful?
Any thoughts on KCS?

>> No.5538784

Why is start safe?

>> No.5539172

Wow what an advice
>Interesting, IF succeed = Massive
>Nice value, diversify

u fucking serious u little tripfagging cunt?

>> No.5539612

Go back to r.eddit you fag

>> No.5539998


here is your 1 use link


the admins here don't PnD anything as far as I can tell.

>> No.5540169

Cryptobro, what's your opinion on the Seg2X fork in 9 hours?

>> No.5540182


In CryptoBro We Trust.

I have 60% of my portfolio by value (not purchase price) in Bulwark I accumulated early on at low prices. I'm operating two Masternodes and their rewards are set to increase by 25% in about 5 days.


>> No.5540278

thank you for that, good sir

>> No.5540289

any opinion on daxx? i just started seeing it shilled and it started getting volume out of nowhere a few days ago. Stirrings or just a pnd?

>> No.5540479

your opinion please cryptobro

>> No.5541201

Should we flag pajeets? And how that affects you?

>> No.5541245

dear cryptocuck,

how many sets of knee pads have you gone through?