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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55375740 No.55375740 [Reply] [Original]

You are already underwater.

>> No.55375752

Doesn’t matter I still have my job I can make the payment

>> No.55375787
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>> No.55375805

Weird looking fish

>> No.55375819
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This series of events works on so many levels.

>> No.55375825

Wow the front looks like an eye. They should have made the back look like an optic nerve and blood vessel if it was going to implode either way. That would’ve been cool.

>> No.55375852

Daily reminder that finance is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, and the status quo completely abolished, the biosphere and all life will extinguished. The higher the "Line god" (GDP) is, the lower life is.

>> No.55375866
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and nobody can hear you scream

>> No.55375911

For now. My brother was so sure when he got his nice tech job and bought a 200k+ house that he was gonna be fine. He told me today he might have to start looking for another job. But hey, I only go to school for finance so what do I know

>> No.55375945

>I only go to school for finance so what do I know
Literally nothing lol

>> No.55376045

Anyone who bought the last two years are fucked. Literally bought at the top

>> No.55376077

Bought in Florida 2016 so I doubt it

>> No.55376148

Nar dear,
I built my home before the boom and sitting on huge amounts of equity. I can also easily rent it and cover the mortgage that they if i wanted, but i dont.

>> No.55376160
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>> No.55376174

I own 70% of my home and my mortgage is 1/4th what rent would be.

>> No.55376323

>I go to school where they teach me about fundamentals from a 30 year old textbook in a world where dog coins make millionaires
Wasted dubs. Verification ot required

>> No.55376342


Major in Actuarial science and minor in finance and then maybe I'll take you serious OP.

>> No.55376438
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>> No.55376518

You precious government managing the means of production would not change any of that.

>> No.55376652

I have degrees in math and finance. You told us nothing and want to look like you’re hot shit because you have heard of DuPont Analysis?
> t. Hedge fund anon

>> No.55376800


Housing market will never crash. lol

>> No.55376832
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we'll never forget you brave souls.

>> No.55376845

What? a 200k house should be a breeze to pay off if you've got a relevant STEM degree. Starting pay is around 60-75k for engineers straight out of their bachelor's school.
Sounds like a major tard when it comes to budgeting.

>> No.55376904

i wish, in my area prices have barely budged from peak 2022 prices. if it wont go down now how is it gonna go down when rates start going back down?