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File: 1.28 MB, 1199x1522, young-men-prefer-video-games-to-sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55373782 No.55373782 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late to invest in video game companies that cater to incels?

>> No.55373793

You are 25 years too late for gaming industry. I reached its S curve top in 2014

>> No.55373795
File: 11 KB, 284x177, holochan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't give up what you don't have
- Holo the wise Wolf

>> No.55373822

Yes it's too late, the only games that make money are online only battle pass grind games that keep getting copy/pasted every year to keep shareholders in profits. There's no taking risk or starting over and developing from scratch because every day you're not scamming 13 year olds for vbucks you're losing money.

>> No.55373861

yeah. even my hope for VR-gaming got destroyed. Just the usual copy pasta shit. Though, a few at least tried and put a lot of heart blood in it; Into The Radius and Blade And Sorcery are pretty solid

>> No.55374458

Second that. Haven't tried blade and sorcery but into the radius is a masterpiece.

>> No.55374466


>> No.55374469
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Once you have some sex with a few girls you've done it all. At least different games give you a different experience.

>> No.55374478

I was thinking about buying my brother a PlayStation or a Nintendo.

>> No.55374499

BaS is the eye for detail in a very basic game loop, and the devs keep on going harder into details and shinning the unity sdk with every update. Add the great modding community and the added value by a pretty rough around the edges fan made multiplayer and its what Bonelabs and Boneworks wished to be; though the games are also okay but more B+ - Thinking about it I still have some hope for VR gaming, but it needs a mid 90s correction like in old 3D gaming to reach its full potential. I would say it has finished its first wave and is currently in correction

>> No.55374730

I only play Skyrim with Sexlabs mods.

Why would I even want a women when I fucked a dragon in VR. I want to marry Durnehviir. Am I gay?

>> No.55374777

(((study))) says don't breed and spend money on our games goyim

>> No.55374797

To add to this, women require an unfathomable amount of resources to please and tolerate

Video games need me to get a new PC or Xbox or whatever every few years lmao

>> No.55374814

>want video game
>go to store
>buy it

>want gf

>> No.55374823

VR sex games with automated flashlight that jerks you off to the the motion in the game and full-body vibration suit with localized vibrations.

>> No.55374831

Go to the pound and pick up a bitch.

>> No.55374955

>can't get gf
>"OK I'll just play vidya after work I guess"
>media opens up concern troll articles gaslighing you
>"give up" sex
Women and sexless thirsty simps hate incels no matter which avenues they explore. An incel could build a cabin in the woods, then a "concerned" soiboi would write "why are mentally deranged men going to the forest?" Articles.

My hypothesis is that thirsty simps hate incels, because they've accepted the fact that some men in life simply won't have access to sex (without paying). They need to believe that being nice enough or rich enough can spark the neurochemicals of love. Incels hold a mirror to such men, and are hated for it. Women of course just don't want to be seen as shallow, as they're portrayed as the moral and compassionate gender.
>t. 28 body count 6'3 chad-lite

>> No.55374999

You are really losing it
Twitter, try it, easier to automate spam, more victims

>> No.55375046

>nooo you can't stop me from bashing men
You need to to back.

>> No.55375051

i started dating a girl who is sweet but now i just wanna break up with her move back in with my mom and play video games

>> No.55375054

I rather watch how you go deeper into paranoia and schizophrenia skiddy

>> No.55375086
File: 114 KB, 1024x661, 1682809567738630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent an entire week 100+ hours fucking up hexagrav snipes for streamers in Fall Guys. It was better than sex and far more hilarious and I can not wait until they have that event again.

>> No.55375093

You will be doxed and raped

>> No.55375102

good luck. we both are proxy fags, while I know my infosec and opsec having done this shit professionally

>> No.55375135
File: 246 KB, 726x726, 1686466246584435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the paranoid schizos in the room with us right now?

>> No.55375142

You are in the thread skiddy

>> No.55375756

I agree with this. I think a other aspect is that most men are basically incels in denial and are desperate to deny it. Deadbed rooks and men who have sex 2 a year in their marriages are basically incels. I'm willing to bet more than 40% of men on Earth are incel adjacent.

>> No.55375769

Try 90%

>> No.55375771

so you found another working proxy?

>> No.55375811

that picture is really cute.

>> No.55375828

Asking if they'd give up masturbation for video games would provide a better data sample.

>> No.55375833

Yeah it's not like you have equal acess. Most of them the men who said yes did so because they didn't have acess to sex anyway.

>> No.55376004

you're pathetic

>> No.55376164

>study shows
>experts say
>data suggests

>> No.55376255

>Horo the wise worf.

>> No.55376279
File: 2.83 MB, 1080x1078, 1685768692646284.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you really give up sex for this?

>> No.55376293

>Men who dont know what good sex is like would rather disassociate into fantasy land
Yeah, no shit dumbass. Anyone whos had sweaty, animistic, mind shattering, soul satisfying, primal, paralysis inducing sex would drop video games for sex in an instant.

>> No.55376298

Young men aren't having sex and young women are committing suicide cause of social media.