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55370992 No.55370992 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain to me the point of buying bonds when real inflation way outpaces the interest rate?

The only thing it does is make you lose money and give the government an impression that the population still considers it legitimate.

>> No.55371017

Bonds are for holding your money when you don't have it invested elsewhere. If the bonds fail, the entire USD loses most of its value anyway so you may as well collect a few interest points rather than 0. Has nothing to do with inflation at all actually.

>> No.55371031

What’s the point then if you gain nothing but a couple interest points? It makes sense to just park money and not to worry under normal conditions but buying it today is basically saying screw me harder daddy gov I’ll always be your good little whore coming for more

>> No.55371139

because bonds are considered risk free
i.e risk free rate
>but muh alpha
then go chase alpha what the fuck is the point of this thread

>> No.55371157

Bonds are not risk free, a bank literally collapsed because they bought too many “risk free” investments.
The point of this thread is that the longer midwits buy this trash the longer jews will feel they have legitimacy and double down. It’s not complicated.

>> No.55371165

>Can anyone explain to me the point of buying bonds when real inflation way outpaces the interest rate?

>> No.55371182

Yes ((they)) shill bonds, because they need dollar bagholders to have people they can dump on.
That said in trouble times like 2022 short term dollar holding is ok
But nothing more pathetic to praise the dollar aka beeing a bobo in the crypto space

>> No.55371190

Irrational antisemitism is a poor way to approach the world of finance. Many people hold all kinds of bonds, and most of them are probably more knowledgeable than you.

>> No.55371209

>Bonds are not risk free, a bank literally collapsed because they bought too many “risk free” investments.
bonds are risk free in the sense you're not going to loss money unless you're forced to sell
but you're a retarded pol tourist so whats the point of talking to you

>> No.55371257

No you retard
The usa can decide to not pay
Its NOT risk free
Government defaults happen, and the usa claimed last month to be shortly before one

>> No.55371297

>they know more than you
>no argument
>irrational antisemitism
there’s nothing irrational about it schlomo
>you don’t lose money except the money you lost because of high inflation
back to r*ddit faggot

>> No.55371299

it's the closest thing to it and is the standard when calculating something and you need a risk free rate
fuck off

>> No.55371319

Who are they defaulting to anyway? The feds?

>> No.55371357

then go chase alpha and hope you can outpace inflation with the risk you take
I dont understand what you want retard, bonds are simply the risk free option for a portfolio
nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to lend the government money

>> No.55371366

>they’re safe because ok?
>f- fuck off
looks like an npc from r*ddit got lost on the internets

>> No.55371374

>ughhhh acktually they're not safe
no argument

>> No.55371379

They’re not risk free
They encourage jewish cartel to print more money
Not getting your savings fucked by jewflation is not chasing alpha
The question is why are you shilling for this objectively shitty investment?

>> No.55371395

As far as i know they stole 100s of billions of bonds from russia. Nobody will buy your great satan bags now

>> No.55371399

A bank literally defaulted because it bought too many “safe” investments dumbfuck, no wonder you’re economically illiterate when you’re literally illiterate
No one will buy your 1% bonds when they release 5% bonds, just like no one will buy those when they release 15% bonds next year.

>> No.55371416

like I said midwit tourist the bank became a forced seller retard
it's not like the bonds defaulted
fucking braindead tourist go back to your cave

>> No.55371448

>the investments are so safe if you buy too many of them you’ll go bankrupt
>n- no u
Never made the argument they’re shit because the government defaulted on them, even though it is a possibility 70 IQ r*dditard

>> No.55371461

>the investments are so safe if you buy too many of them you’ll go bankrupt
nice strawman
try again sweaty

>> No.55371469

so many Israeli patriots

>> No.55371482

>it’s safe
>if you buy too many you will go bankrupt if you need to sell them
explain how is it a strawman npc

>> No.55371545

why would you become a forced seller of bonds as an individual
fucking braindead cunt

>> No.55371565

>can’t explain what a strawman is
>absolutely seething
because you might need cash in time of high inflation or for unexpected expenses? I know, 95 ashkenazi IQ can’t handle this complex thought experiment.

>> No.55371588

>oooo if i need me money i need to sell
sounds like a you problem

>> No.55371609

>lol just hold forever bro
what kind of investment is this

>> No.55371638

Your everyday normie tard isn't going to go bust buying bonds; banks are a different story because they had customer deposits tied up in bonds that wouldn't sell except at a loss.

>> No.55371639

Diversification is the only reason. There’s less risk than stocks in theory so buying bonds diversifies a portfolio. That’s it.

>> No.55371655

>lol idk how lending works
80 iq moment

>> No.55371738

1. Taxes
2. Short term bonds are good for cash you want to keep liquid
3. Long term bonds are good for degenerate gambling

>> No.55371799

>it’s not safe
>therefore it’s safe
They are slowly going bust, and my main argument is that buying government bonds feeds the beast instead of starving it.
>be called low IQ
>no u
>just borrow money and pay more interests to jews lmao
>muh taxes
good goy
>degenerate gambling
wow 5% when real inflation is 10%+ such gamble