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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.55370937

The new liberal eco fascists are not very clever. But unfortunately you elected them and gave them power, for feel good moral reasoning like idiots..enjoy the gay jewish version of fascism

>> No.55371005

so communism?

>> No.55371006


>> No.55371016

>mining is evil because ~le energy consumption
>all cars must go electric immediately

>> No.55371019

Based ND county filtering out the useless power leeches.

>> No.55371032
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>Construction of a crypto mining data center in northwest North Dakota will be delayed, after a county commission voted Tuesday to ask a utility company to cut power to the project because of repeated construction delays.

>> No.55371151

cities and counties get super pissed off when big construction projects take too long, you sign contracts that certain things are done at certain dates and if you cant figure it out the city will sue your ass

>> No.55371342

America really is snatching defeat from the hands of victory. If they treated crypto the same way they did the with the internet they would be so far Infront. But from some "unknown" reason they are trying to stop it,

>> No.55371418

>mining digital nothing that produces nothing
>driving vehicles which literally drives the entire economic system
why do desperate poor baggies make such absurd conflations

>> No.55371422

>muh crypto chuck e cheeze tokens are the same as le heckin internet! b-b-becuase I need to get rich thats why
see what I mean?

>> No.55371503

>tfw news became autogenerated smith mundt shit

>> No.55371597

Or that governments, businesses, banks are all using the internet, they will also be using crypto tech in the future. I'm not a burger and I don't give a fuck about burgerland, it's slowly dieing. I'm saying they have given up power to the rest of the world.

>> No.55371610

>drives the entire economic system
EVs wont, they are commercially bollocks

>> No.55371632

Globohomo wants a monopoly on crypto so they are shutting down all competition

>> No.55371784

Collectivism. Has more from fascism than communism. Cant you remember the attempts by (((private sector))) faggots trying to promote eco fascism all over /pol/ 8/pol/ twatter and other places. Its fascism. Private sector fascism trying to fleece profits from the public with fascistic methodology

>> No.55371882

Yeah something is going on. This financial planner from Merrill Lynch went on a random unprompted tangent about how everyone should stay away from crypto at a networking event I was at yesterday. It was weird of him to bring up the topic out of the blue.

>> No.55371909

I think there's a few parties all trying to get the monopoly.

>> No.55371918

nope you are just delusional. crypto and internet are literally nothing alike.

>> No.55372134

You moving around the place produces nothing. You don't need a car

>> No.55372149

This is probably just a general "you didn't respect the permits and/or tax break we gave you so we're shutting down your utilities until you show us you care enough" moment rather than having anything to do with crypto

>> No.55372168
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>You moving around the place produces nothing. You don't need a car
t. link baggie tier retard

>> No.55372215

Kek, alright mate.

>> No.55372247

name a single similarity between radically changing the way people communicate across the globe in every aspect of their lives and work with a fucking chuck e cheeze token

>> No.55372276

Surprisingly you can use a crypto currency to transfer money. So instead of using an old fiat system that takes 3-4 days to settle and costs like 6% you can do it instantly for basically free. So crypto can change payment system from snail mail speed to email speed.

>> No.55372356

>transfer money
woah, how revolutionary....
>So instead of using an old fiat system that takes 3-4 days to settle and costs like 6%
no longer true
>So crypto can change payment system
even if that is the case, that doesn't have the same impact as the revolution of the internet you moron. payment system is far too niche compared to the breadth of change the internet had on society.

>> No.55372379

comparing money transfer, which we already have today, to the internet- a massive revolution in the way humans can interact- is probably the most midwit thing ive ever seen

>> No.55372466

Watch them open it when btc tops out next bullrun top kek

>> No.55372531

>Commission chairman Cory Hanson said construction leaders missed a June 16 deadline to meet several county stipulations for the project and had not offered any explanation for the delays.
their fault

>> No.55372637

nobody here knows how much of a nightmare construction management is so they are gonna come up with shitzo theories.

>> No.55372641

more like my bollocks in your face

>> No.55372666
File: 5 KB, 250x206, KKDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if normies can't get a robust smart wallet with self-custody and self-identity, he'll be in big peril, newfag. A wallet built using NexeraID might be the solution for oldfag like myself.

>> No.55372693

kek, I'm watching with keen interest, anon. In the meantime, I'll participate in nxera/dua liquidity mining campaign as huge rewards awaits me.

>> No.55373408 [DELETED] 

anything other than an xmr mine is a useless triviality, probably pushed by glowies

it is no surprise that glowniggers can't complete a project on time or properly

>> No.55373532

If you think North Dakota is full of liberal anything, you're mistaken.

>> No.55373565

>deigital ID
KEK, normal faggots keep using their debits and crypto old schoolers abandon every jew crypto of the last 10 years and go for xmr or btc mixed for the occasional buying of drugs

crypto is dead, congrats, Genx and Boomer jews bought bags, thought they could get millenials and zoomers to use it to get access to their consuming behaviors and control them, and are left holding worthless bags of pogs

>> No.55373628


>> No.55373798

Ohh you've finally changed your terminology a bit. eco-fascism is actually a thing. Shame you still put 'liberal' in front of it like some boomer retard.

>> No.55373824

I keep at it. The eco fascism of today is the result of the Popperist interpretation of liberalism taken to a level that is on the same footing as the totalitarian ideologies the old jew tried to criticize. The term New Liberal Fascism is just the IR part; while liberal eco fascism is the domestic agenda

>> No.55373829

The nicest part is that I can pick between social onboarding and web3 onboarding to access my smart wallet, which uses NexeraID to activate its smartness features. F**cked the sec and North Dakota for trying to kill anons.

>> No.55374569

You are a babbling pointless degenerate. Stop talking you are out of your depth dumb brown monkey.

>> No.55374836

>offer cheap power so companies come to your state
>terrorize companies who come in and try to use your cheap power

bold plan

>> No.55375017

Internet implies crypto.
You, are a loud idiot.

>> No.55375031

They are terrified of crypto because they know they cannot run the same scams if crypto mass adoption happens. They are simply trying to buy time.

>> No.55375036

>Boomer slave nigger worshipping at the altar of USD-Moloch

Enjoy your poverty

>> No.55375041

Its the jewish way.
And also, if you dont like it and you say something about it, jews will say that you're trying to kill them all.

>> No.55375123

north dakota is the only state with an actual state bank, interesting fact

>> No.55375191

It really helped them unfuck their shit too.

>> No.55375201

If you read the article, it's actually quite based. They aren't coming out against crypto. This company is just being a bunch of fags.

>> No.55375207

I will add that a crypto mining company bought and sold the first company I ever had a job with. They are really piss poor managers of wealth and resources and it's the way these individual companies do business (that is, poorly) that leads to stuff like this.

>> No.55375218

I don't get it, its needs are no different than a data center which all power companies love, they pay for substations up front and make power companies far more money than residential die to more power flowing on less infrastructure/upkeep. It shouldn't be the right of the county to cut their power as they don't own it. If it were the company I work for we'd tell them they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.55375429

money is also a store of value. you can't imagine how an economy based on a fixed supply money can change so many things, because you're just a gigantic retard