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55370232 No.55370232 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on the internet, you want to connect to people
Why do prefer to do this online and not in real life?
I bet most of you are shut ins and have chronic internet addiction.
No, this isn't projection, just a guess.

>> No.55370242

Mostly because, as an introvert, it’s not exhausting

>> No.55370252

I don't want to connect to people, that's why I'm on an anonymous board where no connections are formed. I just want to chat, I don't even care if it's with a human or an AI, just like to chat sometimes

>> No.55370256

This. Whenever I play games people always want to add me and be friends it pisses me off

>> No.55370268

Whats your steam ID.

>> No.55370410

never happens to me

>> No.55370421

>If you're on the internet, you want to preach to people
>Why do prefer to do this online and not in real life?
>I bet most of you are sociopaths and have alienated all your friends.
>No, this isn't projection, just a guess.

>> No.55370429
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1687089704947746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek people don't want to make contact irl. I don't know what happened but if you say hello to someone on the street they already look scared and in best case scenario the muble something. I go to a lot of networking events (it's mandatory for my job). And I always see the same shit, people only talk to people they know already. When they don't know someone they browse their phone. Sometimes I sort of force myself in groups but it's awkward for them but idgaf.

>> No.55370447
File: 136 KB, 730x801, bad times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our days of shitposting will soon come to an end anons

We vill not spread ze dangerous disinformation anymore.
We vill integrate into ze New Society.
We vill cooperate with ze Authority Sentries.
And we VILL cease all our neeting activities indefinitely.

>> No.55370506

You're right about connection. But the reason I do it on line anonymously because I'm too shy and socially awkward and ugly to ever get a good outcome irl. Every social interaction seems like a zero sum game, I would lose and be the subject of ridicule and humiliation. Maybe I'll have better luck when link is 1k

>> No.55370596

I went to a DJ gig last weekend and I wasn't able to have a decent conversation with anyone but I wanted to.
I'm old,out of touch and a manlet. The Internet is my eternal shelter.

>> No.55370792

What do young normies talk about?
"It really do be like that"?
Do they randomly start Fortnite dancing?

>> No.55371175
File: 257 KB, 960x1267, 1685711176512239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're on the internet and want to connect to people, why do prefer to do this online and not in real life?
Because it's better than socializing with people in real life. You don't have to put up with meaningless conversation and gravitate towards those who have the same invested interests as you. Sure, you can do that in the real world (I did before the internet days), but it's much harder and more expensive than doing it through the internet. If anything, the internet has just optimized how we build social groups that comes at the cost of IRL contact.

>I bet most of you are shut ins and have chronic internet addiction.
That's a lazy catch all to what is effectively a window into everything. That only applies to those that are only addicted to social interactions, but you will find on image boards that the hobby is king over attention.

>> No.55371220

Because nobody wants anything to do with me afk

>> No.55371333

>If you're on the internet, you want to connect to people
what kind of normalfag retardation is this
i'm on the internet for work, information, and the like
telling retards their shit stinks is maybe ~5% of my internet activity in between. "why do prefer to do this online", asks the mongoloid? because the internet is an extremely efficient filter to find the faggots who deserve to get their shit pushed in (you) at the exact moment i want to push someone's shit (now)
maybe your time isn't valuable as a 90iq normgroid, but mine is the most important currency. even when it comes to insulting retards

>> No.55371353

trips of truth

>> No.55371414

Sorry for your manlet genes, anon.

>> No.55372997

>"haha, NIGGER!"
>laugh with the bros at funny word
>be wh*te w*man
i hate w*men

>> No.55373053

there's a very few opportunities to connect with someone irl. if you are not in the same social group(university, workplace, etc) you can't really just randomly talk with people, it will always be considered as a strange and autistic move. there's a lot more options to make connections online, sadly.
you can thank social media for that btw

>> No.55373067

That's because you play like shit.

>> No.55373169

depends on the game. I can’t play tf2 without getting banned because some nerds think I’m cheating

>> No.55373228

Everyone I talk to in real life is boring as fuck. I like to meet people online then go from there, I have a lot of cool friends even locally thanks to the Internet.

>> No.55374127

Because if the conversation turns boring is not rude to leave and if you say "hard truths" you are not at risk of being stabbed.

>> No.55374331

this video confuses me so badly
i would've thought that the woman on the left would be the last person on earth to make a nigger joke

>> No.55374342

the mum or the daughter lads?
u can pick only one

>> No.55374513

Can leave the conversation (posts) of a thread whenever I want without making a polite excuse. its also convenient

>> No.55374561

daughter probably, mom is a bit too old

>> No.55374660


im missing a part of me that makes me care about the things other people care about. my life is really easy, it always has been, even when people were insulting me or i was going through really hard times (money, health, relationships) I look back at it and i was just suffering. Suffering is not difficult, it is just a state of being, it washes over me. So in a world where i'm supposed to be competitive in all aspects, despite being intelligent enough to know hey - that guy that looks like Dolph Lundgren, has parents that love him more than mine, and has a 9 inch will always out compete me under any circumstances, only a delusional faggot thinks that things like success or effort can make you better in the eyes of the world than raw genetic potential, raw genetic potential is *key* - in this world, it just seems meaningless, and the golden years have past me, the ones that matter most.

I can and certainly do try to add value to the world, job, family, relationships, but ultimately i like to digest information. I am most comfortable in environments where I can poke around and view the world through this second set of eyes, as another anon said it's far too expensive in both time and money to digest the amount of information you can through the internet and its multimedia presentation. So internet is better for me, unless I am trying to get pussy, which given how far down the hole I am, is really just an exercise in maintaining a healthy self image through gratification, i have not met a woman who i connect with in over a decade, my wife is a formality to contribute to society. love my kids and respect her for what she does for me, but no that warm feeling is not there and has not been there in a long, long time. I admire women's beauty from afar but it's just a veneer anyways, nothing to get too caught up in.

So yeah i like the internet