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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55369721 No.55369721 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>go to a tech fair. Eveything is about AI, no mention of blockchain.
>look at the program of an AWS summit rn, still lots of AI seminars, zero about blockchain.
Are there breaks on this train ?

>> No.55370712

Worry not fren, I went to an agriculture supply chain seminar, about half the speakers mentioned how blockchain is already making food production transport and storage safer and more efficient

>> No.55371277

what you have to understand is that credit is created at the top -- we have a controlled system, there is no capitalism.

remember the silicon valley of "disruption"?

it was a psyop. here's the schtick:

Step 1) Print money
Step 2) Buy everyone who is remotely interested in working on a topic
Step 3) Run it til the wheels fall off
Step 4) Print money

AI and Biotech (i.e. life extension, making chimeras, clone armies, brains in jars that can aim missiles at targets, etc) is the new wave of free money. If you want some of that free money you have to be able to pitch a good AI driven biowarfare product.

If you wanna make like... information data systems and stuff, that's over dude. No more free money for that.

At least not until this cycle passes. They are in very early hype phase, if they fail to produce any decent dragonpeople with robot limbs and perfect slave obedience the pendulum might swing back to "people who can make 0s and 1s do stuff" before we wind back around to the ultimate goal of slave robot chimera police state.

>> No.55371355
File: 413 KB, 796x641, ethics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the mantra of the Internet free money faucet was "disrupt everything"

the mantra of the biosynthetics boom is "is it ethical?" but asked in like a smug way where you know it's obviously not ethical.

see the money being created from thin air is unethical, and it is yearning for unethical growth opportunities.

if you are a technologist, or really just a tech grifter -- you should be striving to pitch things that are obviously unethical and adding the tag line "but is it ethical?"

if your work is unironically ethical, or even neutral in ethics, it is unlikely to be funded at the moment.

Remember when building your professional network to constantly jokingly ask your colleagues "yeah that'd make us a lot of money, but is it ethical?" and everyone will sort of smile together in their shared evil deeds.

>> No.55371435

blockchain is just useless tech

>> No.55371551

what shitcoin is that? only interested if you can buy/sell/fuck.

>> No.55371563

crypto is a dead fad

>> No.55371592

Just remember this post in a few years and you go to that tech fair and everything is about some new mania and there is no mention of AI. Tech bros will continue to dump their shares in the mean time. Thanks for playing