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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55369407 No.55369407 [Reply] [Original]

Does you job have to be your passion? My friend (who comes from money and has parents that have financially helped him his entire life) always says that I should do something else other than software development if I want money. I like programming but yes in a perfect world I’d probably just make music all day and do programming for the purposes of making music (which is why I’m learning DSP) but I don’t expect to get a job doing anything music / sound programming related. But I enjoy programming enough to where I don’t want to bash my head in doing it and it doesn’t bore me, and it pays well. What’s wrong with having money being a motivating factor, especially in such a lucrative field?

>> No.55369416

Nobody reads your blogs attention whore. Go play with twitter, but even you are too digusted by those retards
So all you get, is get told to fuck off and a few redditors sucking your dick like it was twitter

>> No.55369429
File: 675 KB, 900x650, 569079506790567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bagholds CORN

>> No.55369450

Got in at 550. Sold at 660 with 10x leverage. That's a good gain. Waiting for a next good entry. Better than speculation on crypto scams

>> No.55369481

what about pogs?

>> No.55369483

>bro do what you love and the money will come
The money will not come because no eon wants to hire an underwater basket weaver.

>> No.55369555

It's just a metaphor. Now imagine genx would have had access to 0% and a bunch of idiots in political decisions making positions. Do you think they would have approved an spot pog etf. Probably. Would it be retarded like a crypto spot etf, absolutely

>> No.55369563
File: 33 KB, 384x384, froggy frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked holy shit just bought 100k pogs

>> No.55369582

digits don't lie
KEK will send pogs to the moon confirmed