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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 1782x755, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55362427 No.55362427 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine unironically not selling right now. Imagine unironically buying before 1.5$. This is my gift to you, marines. Do with this info what you will.

>> No.55362467

>down 90% against USDT
dear sirs you better sell now
do the needful before is too late sirs

>> No.55362480

ty ta anon. shorting it with 100k

>> No.55362493

Whose bot is this?

Shorting is too risky, mate. Just sell if you're holding, or don't buy if you aren't holding any.

>> No.55362689

thanks, will make sure to hold and buy more

>> No.55362786

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.55362877

Are you guys morons? See the chart I posted, it's going lower why would you buy and hold?

>> No.55362902

Having examined your technical analysis, I have now adopted a bearish sentiment towards the Chainlink project (ticker: LINK) and will be market selling all 10,000 of my LINK tokens (ticker: suicide stack) shortly. While I am not a financial advisor and cannot offer financial advice, I encourage fellow members of the 4chan /biz/ image board (ticker: anons) to reconsider whether continuing to hold this token is a wise financial move.

>> No.55362967

Finally, someone with common sense. Best of luck to you, mate. You will make it. If you still believe in the future of oracles have a look at BAND and API3. They have more upside potential than LINK.

>> No.55363112

Checked. Blessed digits. I'm going to buy more and hold, thanks anon. Best of luck.

>> No.55363478
File: 19 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, some guy on twitter who says he is worth 8 figures from shorting altcoins told me link is going to $1.50. let's short it with 20x leverage!!!
this is the part of the con where you lose all your money

>> No.55363630
File: 172 KB, 462x818, Link-BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right, the token isn't needed and is going back to ICO levels

>> No.55363682

Thanks for this thread. I've changed my mind about link and now am super excited about API3 and BAND. Furthermore, I have sold all of my chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens. This is all thanks to seeing your chart. Thank you again and have a great day!

>> No.55363711

chart looks like a bsc shitcoin p&d, kek

>> No.55363740

actually it doesn't, but ok

>> No.55364248

Fuck you I am already overleveraged.

>> No.55364281

OP is trying to help you, you'd be wise to consider it plausible that Link dumps further.
Muh bitcoin pumped therefore much Link will pump. Anon they're about to make link holders experience pain beyond anything they've ever been through before.

>> No.55365355

Apparently you cannot read at all. I advise against shorting, see here >>55362493

This really helps, thanks.

Why would you leverage this manipulated market?

>> No.55365460

I care more about btc vs the market (dominance) than link individually right now. BTC has to go back to 60% before anything else can run including link. Memes like doge and shib need to die before the next run can begin. So I'm bullish on the market overall.

As for link, if it stays above 10-15k sats during the purge I'll be impressed. That means it can still hit its previous ath in sats next cycle with only a 10x vs btc.

Oh almost forgot, eth/btc still needs to crater before the market can recover. That's the last big domino to fall. Hoping to see that play out over the summer. Pretty confident it will, eth holders still in complacency vs btc, talking about how its fundamentals are going to save it (ignoring that eth is a shitcoin that doesn't do anything as of right now).

>> No.55365603

indeed $1.5 is coming sers! 2 more weeks!

>> No.55365614

Why do these things sneed to happen?

>> No.55365629
File: 250 KB, 1300x728, LinkETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a textbook PnD

>> No.55365632

Chances of us going to $4? I could sell and re-buy.

>> No.55365636

>do what you want with this info
>people say they're going to buy

>> No.55365682

Because you drew a meme support line dating from 2019? Lmao