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File: 137 KB, 726x682, xchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55355176 No.55355176 [Reply] [Original]

Just leave your crypto with us. You wouldn't want to make any mistakes and lose all your funds, would you?

>> No.55355198 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 885x688, 1682746832892378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ((( """""""""self-custody""""""""" )))

>> No.55355221

self-custody of your digital assets is anti-semitic

>> No.55355353

Wow so its like a CEX which we've had for 10 years now. Very innovate. Hats off to Fidelity and Schwab for this breakthrough. We can finally trade with not just one trusted intermediary but multiple!

>> No.55355363

>self custody is jewish
are you retarded?

>> No.55355364

are you being sarcastic? obviously more options is better.

>> No.55355444

is this some sort of linux joke?
>now with 50 different flavors of systemd!

>> No.55355465
File: 355 KB, 597x394, do_they_not_realize_I_am_perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just show me the one with the higher return.
I'm here to make money. Fuck your rights.

>> No.55355487

it didnt take long for jews to start a new exchange, even three letters ending with X
no wonder gary targeted chinknance a week ago
citadel is king of frontrunning against retail, and retail will fall for it again, cattle never learns

>> No.55355506

buy governance tokens from protocols with a fat treasury

>> No.55355619

Fucking lel
No wonder they came at Binance. I bet this one won't have any 'legal issues'
captcha: jratxp

>> No.55355675

I got a warning before posting about you know what but we all know why

>> No.55355808

okay i'll bait.
good luck being spied on by billg
or getting ripped off by steve jobs

>> No.55355874

> EDX Markets won't directly handle customers' assets or directly serve individual investors

as usual, nobody is reading
this is for institutional not retail investors
being the exchange as well as custodian and broker is what sec is chewing binance's ass for
so there must be a separation of state and church, but for exchange

>> No.55355967

Look, can you just admit that it’s a little suspicious to let the NSA write your security stack?

>> No.55356143

see, shit like this you know, it's the reason I'm glad I hold my own crypto in my own wallet. they make things painful as fuck for the plebs and affluent wagie class to hold crypto, and then they open the doors to institutionals. After the institutionals get in and collect the hard assets, derivative assets are created for the plebs to play with. ETFs, ETNs, futures contracts, they'll wrap crypto in a cloak of traditional finance and control the assets using their old tools. can't have capital fleeing the system.

Good luck moving your capital onto the blockchain now.

>> No.55356173

Is BlueWallet safe?

>> No.55356614

Would you trust them more than FTX and the weasel pinner

>> No.55356731

> ((( """""""""self-custody""""""""" )))

It's a term made up by the jews. If you use it, you give them power.

>> No.55356968

I think you meant to use parentheses. 6 of them to be exact.

>> No.55357001

They don't hold the crypto, you blithering mongoloids. It's purely an exchange. CEXes are broker-dealers not exchanges.

>> No.55357613

This, seems OP is a retard and so is everyone else typing without reading. Coinbase is an exchange that also custodies. Binance too. Robinhood too.

This shouldn't be the case. Imagine Nasdaq or the NYSE custodying your stocks

>> No.55358902

>We NEED a middleman (((we))) can trust.
>Not someone who does BOTH things, because, you SHOULDN'T have a choice in who you trust
I have a 99,5% degree of certainty you're either one bad Jew or a paid glowie/shill

>> No.55359967

>you blithering mongoloids

>> No.55361296

>these goddamn kikes want to custody our crypto!
>oh, they don't take custody?
>these goddamn kikes don't want to custody our crypto!
based retard

>> No.55361399

This is an exchange for institutional investors, not retail plebs.