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55354510 No.55354510 [Reply] [Original]

Follow up to the ccip/ens one
>there may be more clever solutions
Call me crazy, but it kinda seems like he’s doing damage control before ccip blows people’s skulls off

>> No.55354518
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>> No.55354529

Reminder that Chainlink CCIP is not what Vitalik is talking about. CCIP is a standard that allows for querying of off chain data. Chainlink CCIP "cross chain interoperability protocol" is a bridge. Not what Vitalik is referring to.


>> No.55354536

Reminder that you should kill yourself

>> No.55354559
File: 260 KB, 750x602, 74D31F54-A35D-4E20-AE3A-203EBB7C4390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the same person that authored that proposal- pic related
They’re pieces of the exact same thing

>> No.55354572

Why are you mad? I only stated a fact here. Don't take it personal.

It just happens that they have the same acronym. They're independent. See the link above.

>> No.55354579

Notice the phrasing
>any chain
Hmm, maybe a chain isn’t necessary

>> No.55354607

You're wrong. Vitalik and Dominic have already been talking since 2015 about the "world computer"

ICP and ETH will be integrated to solve ETH's scaling issues and to finally remove the need for big tech server hosting.

>> No.55354610

ICP solves this, and soon.

>> No.55354616
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We’re arguing semantics. It’s part of the same shift. The ens ccip read aspect is being handled first. The name being literally the same is not an accident.

>> No.55354632

Also, Chainlink ccip is not a bridge. Although they say they’re releasing one for reference purposes.

>> No.55354661

If they were the same, then why isn't Chainlink mentioned in the standard or both Vitalik posts? Not even once? I rest my case.

>> No.55354691


you're retarded, and completely missing the point

>> No.55354700
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He has a long history of purposefully not mentioning them. The narrative here is that cll’s domination is not his preference but he sees the writing on the wall.

>> No.55354710
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I’ll let you put this one together

>> No.55354712

Sounds like the perfect job for uniswap, qnt, xrp and api3.
I can't think any other project more qualified to handle this.

>> No.55354763

What is vatilik talking about then?

>> No.55354799
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>> No.55354805

>CCIP is a standard that allows for querying of off chain data
you mean an oracle????????????????????
that thing link has been about for the past 6 years????????????

>> No.55354814

I'm an idiot...so is Chainlink legit or not?

>> No.55354823

Interesting how you have an answer to everything, huh? Everyone is conspiring against your favorite shitcoin. Open your eyes. Wake up.

He's talking about the standard here >>55354529

This has nothing to do with Chainlink and you know it. And heads up, it's not the only oracle in the space.

>> No.55354840

chainlink is a scam made by a two man team out of a nail salon in the cayman islands. obviously Uniswap will handle all price feeds and cross-chain interoperability.



>> No.55354877

I’m the one with an answer to everything? You’ve provided no substantive arguments.

>> No.55354881

>vitalik didnt mention your favorite coin marines
>but go read between the lines to pump the view count!
>fight with vcs on twitter for views!
>its real important marines!
lol no thanks bro

>> No.55354908

it has nothing to do with what you're insinuating as well lmao

icp/dfinity + Eth has been in the works for years now. read up on wanxiang

>> No.55354916

Never told anyone to argue on Twitter and trying to determine when Vitalik is purposefully not talking about link is a time honored biz tradition

>> No.55354926

>This has nothing to do with Chainlink and you know it
probably not because vitalik is desperately trying to stop chainlink from destroying his mafia
>And heads up, it's not the only oracle in the space.
it literally is. it's the only real oracle. the only one to never be hacked or exploited.

>> No.55354932

>clicking links to fight with a hostile space is a time honored tradition
yeah gonna pass bro good luck with getting your views

>> No.55354941

Vitalik likes chainlink more than you think, see his recent comments about eigenlayer lol

>> No.55354973
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>> No.55354977

I have not linked to Twitter a single time in here and the accounts ive screenshotted are not my own

>> No.55354981

What do you think the better play is all in ICP or CHAINLINK

>> No.55355004

you had 2 years
no more spoonfeeding

tdlr: LINK is fucking obsolete bro, you don't need oracles anymore

>> No.55355196

Vitaliks post even has the icp symbol and people still don’t get it

>> No.55355248

don't tell them about this

>> No.55355271

it is so tiresome... i have finally lost my sanity

>> No.55355277

>ctrl+f "flare"
>zero results
you guys have no idea, do you

>> No.55355313
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>icp symbol

>> No.55355315

wait icp isn't just a meme? u guys are talking about "internet computer", right? that's supposed to help get eth off AWS somehow?

>> No.55355340

>The world computer
That’s because his mother is literally on the ICP team to make fat cash dropping bags on you stupid fucks
>He thinks it’s an accident

Lol, roflmao even

>> No.55355346

spoonfeed pls ser. why doesn't he like chainlink? i don't get how he benefits from pretending it doesn't exist

>> No.55355347
File: 24 KB, 1043x219, insider here inside this box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They changed the name after ENS received a grant from the Chainlink team.

October 22, 2021 ENS gets the Chainlink grant:

CCIP-Read used to be called Durin:
Wayback December 1st, 2021 uses the 'Durin' name:

Wayback December 21st, 2021 calls it 'CCIP Read':

>> No.55355513
File: 161 KB, 477x458, vitalik asked about MEV vs FSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55355526

That is called circling the waggon
And you need to go back

>> No.55355710

I simply pointed out the fact that this has nothing to do with Chainlink. And I asked a simple question: why wasn't Chainlink mentioned once? You answered with unfounded accusations against Vitalik's intentions.

Stopped reading right there.

Again, why isn't Chainlink mentiomed once in the standard page or Vitalik's both posts?

>> No.55355881
File: 197 KB, 1016x795, vitalik sergey shards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Chainlink isn't mentioned because Vitalik is talking about a different CCIP. The Chainlink team gave a grant to a competing product which is also using the CCIP name. That other CCIP is the one Vitalik is talking about. Vitalik also won't mention the name of that competing CCIP product which definitely does NOT involve Chainlink.

>> No.55356127


>> No.55356133

No, not quite. They’re complimentary parts of the same thing, not competitors. My guess is that they realized they could split the issue in two but we might not really know until the whole thing is out and working.
Nick keeps calling the ens-linked product CCIP read. The name suggests what it’s not capable of, no?

>> No.55356174

A few other things: ccip read was designed WITH cll but I don’t believe it uses the token. BUT, it obviously is designed to work with ccip proper. Kind of makes sense why they’d want to do two votes. One of which doesn’t enshrine Chainlink to quote the same degree.

>> No.55356192

its just an example of what ccip can do reading offchain data is an oracle use case and yes it uses the chainlink LINK token you can see this in the repos i linked above

>> No.55356218
File: 500 KB, 750x1267, AABD2DF7-8D73-4F21-A39E-3FF0773F9C74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. You might be right, but it seems like some of what it enables is free.

>> No.55356239

>zero gas costs
no wonder the ethereum mafia are mad. it still uses chainlink nodes to fetch you offchain data and you pay those nodes in link tokens like any other chainlink service. ccip read is part of the chainlink products suite

>> No.55356537

you fags fall into op trap everything, he just wants normies to keep seeing link shill threads he thinks by making these silly threads the result will be the price will rise

>> No.55356561
File: 175 KB, 1302x2048, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon blowing that fudtard out of the water
>n-no guys, CCIP is not CCIP! Sell immediately!

>> No.55356563

Reading your post with an Indian accent makes it make more sense.

>> No.55356805

You’re talking about CCIP Read.

Chainlink Labs has been developing CCIP Write

>> No.55356808

So is Vitalik talking about link or what

>> No.55356826

He’s talking about CCIP

>> No.55356864
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>phucking your mom with an Indian accent makes it make more sense.

>> No.55356871

Eths CCIP or links?

>> No.55356883

Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.55356885
File: 359 KB, 1170x1045, 0F468E51-3E74-43F8-B4F3-5AEFADB7642D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I do not hate chainlink…
This creepy rat faggot behaves the way looks. I hope he keeps seething when chainlink makes eth absolutely fucking useless

>> No.55357291

>>>55355881 #
its all chainlink backend see for yourself

>> No.55357310

Why doesn’t the money skeleton say Chainlink then? Is the MEV cartel that powerful

>> No.55357440

he doesn't hate chainlink but he will not advertise it apparently. doesn't matter. its all chainlink backend and all chainlink services need to be paid in link tokens. the front end for ccip read is ens. Its cool when devs can use tooling from different projects to build stuff like this but I remember back in 2020 ccip read cost a core ens team member his job. vitalik told hudson jameson former chainlink adviser to do something to stop it being built and that's what happened. he rounded up some leftists from a discord group and they went through the devs internet history found some christian stuff and on that basis they cancelled him.

>> No.55357544

Notice fudders go silent after you mention this. They’ll try to slide this thread now.

>> No.55357567

Bumping again. When fudders make this thread again tomorrow post this exact same thing. They REALLY get riled up when you immediately disprove their fud threads and usually start tweaking.

>> No.55357575

So Vitalik delayed CCIP? Sounds like he hates chain links

>> No.55357584
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>...prysm will either join or become public facing cheerleaders
>posted 3rd of July 2022
>in October 2022, Offchain Labs buys Prysmatic Labs

>> No.55357607

kek yeah no one will write about this event in their ethereum books but I remember and I will continue to remind these fucks what they did

>> No.55357619

delegated my ens to brantly because of this episode

>> No.55357625

he at least delayed ccip read in this instance. i do not have an indepth list of all the times they do pathetic shit like this but yeah they are real devious doing things like not mentioning chainlink using advisers to hatch plots against fellow devs and all vitalik does is write blogs. vitalik is basically a less informed chainlinkgod these days kek and hudson works for polygon and still does mev stuff

>> No.55357636


>> No.55357637

If that's actually what happened with Brantly then that's fucking scandalous. It was weird how that tranny internet mob appeared out of nowhere then disappeared the instant he got fired.
That was a massive own goal for ENS, Brantly was probably the best community manager in all of crypto.

>> No.55357645

wtf i never noticed that part of that larp

>> No.55357650

>"Oracles" (at least, the kind of tech that some defi people call "oracles") are not an acceptable solution here: wallet key management is a very security-critical low-level functionality, and so it should depend on at most a few pieces of very simple, cryptographically trustless low-level infrastructure.
what an evasive little queer

>> No.55357676

brantly is right. governance is an attack vector. thats how the banking elite got the drop on the government when they created the federal reserve

>> No.55357688

yep that's exactly what happened except it blew up it hudson's face when the black woman shut him down and he had to blogpost a thesis length apology about it kek

>> No.55357737

This isn’t a “FUD thread”

>> No.55357771

Fuck that's based. Those are my exact feelings about DAOs. They automatically attract the literal worst jannie tier power grifters who will do it for free as long as they get some taste of control.

>> No.55357823

Didn't sergey appear on a podcast recently with Brantly.eth? I thought it was interesting because Brantley is supposedly Le Bad Phobe. Maybe I'm misremembering though, cuz I can't find it on youtube now when I look for it.


>> No.55357898

>Didn't sergey appear on a podcast recently with Brantly.eth?
would watch. anyone have the link?

kek didn't know there was a record of the space. was it last year? thought it was longer ago than that

>> No.55357915

he did not do a podcast with brantly

you are probably confusing the one he did with chainlinkgod or more recently the real visions crypto podcast which he's done a few times

>> No.55357957

The team and their sub 80iq shills will not correct you

>> No.55357971

I swear I saw a youtube vid where he was on a zoom call with several other people, one of whom was something.eth. It must have been somebody else.

>> No.55357995

No you moron. The team did because kf audits

>> No.55358084

what team? you can literally read the ccip read code in the chainlink github kek
its all there in black and white

>> No.55358133

If you niggers want to speculate on something I would pay attention to things happening in camp mev and why they are happening
>flashbots founder stepping down
>vulnerable to centralization from cross domain mev and exclusion orderflow
and the context of this thread especially
>zero gas costs
but they all still pay fees in link to chainlink nodes

>cross domain
>cross chain

>zero gas costs
>exclusion overflow

thank you for your service *salutes*

>> No.55358141

I saw the Flashbots head stepping down. With a number of not very subtle statements to the effect of "Remember why we're in this, to be the good guys".

>> No.55358181

They believe they are the good guys because they created revenue and made ETH what it is today by guaranteeing profit to certain groups otherwise why would anyone keep making useless tokens and thats all ETH is a token printer and finality machine.
Writing's on the wall frens they will continue to confuse the issue by using different terms or pretending its different thing like they have done ITT but its the same debate.
In the near future whenever there is a gas crisis or even something hinting at a gas crisis ccip will save you money by diverting order flows to another blockchain helping the entire crypto ecosystem and defeating the one thing they have going for them

>> No.55358248
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Read the latest blog ccip section. They want to do more audits.

>> No.55358257

Oh shit sorry i read the wrong post. The chainlink team will not correct the record and let everyone say whatever bs to make the look like it has more going on.

>> No.55358285

kek, got his ass

>> No.55358319
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Definitely some interesting phrasing in his exit message.

>> No.55358420

Sergey farting and sharding all over the place again...literally clearing the room

>> No.55358470

So much guilt but no remorse

>> No.55358529

it's a beautiful dance with Moloch you just wouldn't understand

>> No.55358704
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Anon, I...

>> No.55358717

I’m never rubbing my clit again after seeing vitalism’s face

>> No.55358722

Why is vitalik so afraid of chainlink.?

>> No.55358757


>> No.55358851

There's 1 year difference between the two posts. Just because Chainlink is paying to help the development of the standard, doesn't mean it's the same as their bridge. I know it's confusing to everyone since Chainlink decided to call their bridge CCIP the same acronym as the standard that predates it.

>> No.55358890

It's literally the read part of CCIP.
Chainlink's CCIP is what allows ENS to cross onto other chains.

>> No.55358898

>acronym as the standard that predates it
Then it would be called Chainlink Durin

CCIP-Read used to be called Durin:
Wayback December 1st, 2021 uses the 'Durin' name:

Wayback December 21st, 2021 calls it 'CCIP Read':

>> No.55358939

why would chainlink work on and financially support something that doesn’t use or help cll plus takes away a cut of the market they try to corner
stop acting dumb

>> No.55359009

Good, even pedo's will bend the knee

>> No.55359082


>> No.55359084

These are the good threads that make me wade through 6 more months of neck deep shit looking for the next one.

>> No.55359162
File: 912 KB, 579x856, 1687163332344632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vitalik wanted everyone to move on chain
for businesses, corps, institutions to set up their wallets there
it was going to be a wonderful world of transparency and freedom
he is seeing that vision fail and instead after 10 years he just has an ecosystem of mev theft, defi speculation and jpegs
chainlink is going to help bring the world he never wanted

also all those who are fudding that chainlink isn't connected to ccip-read.... come on, it's bottom of bear, we're over this shit

>> No.55359191


>> No.55359278
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>> No.55359567

Reminder, altcoins are dead

>> No.55361752

good screencap
i completely forgot about the chainlink grant
how could anyone possibly argue these things aren't related?

>> No.55361780

i will say though– if you really think the system sergey is building isn't any better than what we have, i think you're mistaken
the blackrock tie-ins are kind of scary though
i think we all have the sense if we don't make it then we're in for a lifetime of brutal servitude
regarding crypto becoming more "legit" in a bad way- i also think that the corporate version and the cypherpunk vision will co-exist pretty much indefinitely

>> No.55361840

why are you guys so obsessed with this ENS shit

>> No.55361899
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Daily reminder that the LINK FUD is coming from a cabal of low-T activist VC norwoods.

>> No.55361906
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TFD Inshallah

>> No.55361923

why are people literally addicted to grifting lmao how can these people not help themselves?

>> No.55361940

LINK fud comes from a LINK/ETH chart. No further words needed.

>> No.55361956

if only that were true, it would save the fudders an awful lot of words

>> No.55362263

Sorry mate, my bet is you're delusional