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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 250x228, 1668443769215846trs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55354232 No.55354232 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, did the fucking tranny automatize some shit or he's seriously patrolling a god forsaken fucking board 24/7?

>> No.55354315
File: 611 KB, 1938x2081, jannies the paid glowniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The senior moderator, sometimes referred to as “GrapeApe,” has exercised an enormous influence on 4chan over the past decade. As one former moderator told Motherboard in 2020, “RapeApe has an agenda: He wants /pol/ to have an influence on the rest of the site and [its] politics.”

>Documents turned over to New York investigators reveal that 4chan signed an agreement to pay RapeApe $3,000 a month for their services in 2015. By May 2022, that fee had risen to $4,400 a month. (RapeApe is one of very few 4chan staff who receive a salary.)

>Tasked with compiling these records for the New York attorney general, Nishimura offered them some overtime. “Could you add $1000 with an invoice for next month?” Nishimura wrote to RapeApe in 2022. “New York Attorney General paper works takes so much [of] your time. Thank you so much for you work!”

>After the Buffalo terrorist attack, one user posted a link to the Motherboard story to multiple sections of 4chan and laid the carnage at RapeApe’s feet. “I’ve been saying for years that rapeape’s /pol/tardation would result in severe consequences, and the mass shooting in Buffalo has proven me right,” they wrote. “Therefore, the only possible way to save this website is to have him doxxed, hunted down, and murdered.”

>> No.55354357

So fikod is the one spamming the cat shit and tried to use a picture of my cat to claim it died for money?
Good to know...

>> No.55354524
File: 440 KB, 790x2182, fikod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- This is the cat fikod uses for his avatar.

>> No.55354540

Yeah he spams here nonstop and tried taking a picture of my cat and claiming it died and samefagged the thread with like 40 replies to get people to give him money.
I would 100% strangle that piece of shit for what he did.
There's low, then there's I would put you in the ground if you tried that infront of me low.

>> No.55354637
File: 95 KB, 1024x733, 1686622109200006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the mods ate assholes.

There are like 2 that understand comedy and let funny shit slide, while still preventing the pedo shit. While the other ones just ban you even if your thread is on topic.

Anybody that wants to be a mod should automatically be banned from ever being a mod.

>> No.55354643

Fuck jannies

>> No.55355727

I got banned for racism, fucking lol

>> No.55355735

I've noticed any financial thread involving a GF is pruned ASAP while tranny off topic threads stay up

>> No.55355739

I don't understand a single word in this thread and I come here every day for multiple hours
Same every time I say J*wish