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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55352192 No.55352192 [Reply] [Original]

What is the fucking point of Ethereum and smart contracts other than to generate a neverending amount of dumb pointless blockchain-based projects?

>> No.55352212

onchain leverage trading you retarded monkey
now fuck off

>> No.55352217

>another retard who cant figure out usecases for Blockchain
where are all these dumb fucks coming from?

>> No.55352218

Funny thing is, this was the best photo they could manage to take of that ghoul.

>> No.55352219
File: 2.38 MB, 1583x1585, eth trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let every monkey bot hunt you

>> No.55352235

I love to pay 30$ of gas fee for each transaction.

Truly the future of finance.

>> No.55352250

make more USD so that you can buy the ultimate SoV (LAND)

>> No.55352251

Glad you agree.

>> No.55352257

He looks so sick. Is he on cocain 24h a day?

>> No.55352273

sounds like your problem, anone, not the industry's problem
legacy markets are botted as well, doesn't stop retards from losing their money on penny stock leverage

>> No.55352274
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>Ethereum hating thread #4382350346

>> No.55352284

In case you haven't noticed nu/biz/ is full of absolute retards. Why do I even visit this cesspit anymore. There is no value.

>> No.55352288

I understand the benefits of blockchain for P2P payments via Monero or Bitcoin. Doesn't seem very useful beyond that.

>> No.55352289

>People want to be suckers for low life scum scamming for pennies
Your choice, I chose to be the predator hunting rats

>> No.55352297

to take bitcoin from idiots.

>> No.55352298
File: 186 KB, 1026x1199, 982C8F1F-DCB4-46FB-91AB-DF73BF7A29A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To enrich the founders, who controlled majority of mining and now control majority of staking directly and indirectly through ownership of the companies/foundations involved with the CCP

>> No.55352312
File: 208 KB, 900x1200, charleshsokinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its purpose is to generate more useless derivatives. Society doesn't need anything beyond ansi C and 1970s microprocessor speeds. Name one useful invention of a programming language from C++ onwards that wasn't or didn't become vaporware. Even google search deprecated into a piece of garbage. ChatGPT could disappear tomorrow and the global economy would be fine.

>> No.55352313

>tokenizing all assets
>triple entry accounting

damn nigger you really know nothing, why not learn before posting here? dumbass nigger tourist.

>> No.55352332

>triple entry
that's so fucking retarded narrative, its old single entry. There is no credit side, and I am not even sure what the third should be

>> No.55352361

There is no point other than this. In order to use smart contracts to do something interesting or useful you'd need some sort of hmm idk, lets call it an "oracle" that enabled them to communicate with data feeds and/or any outside information. The oracle system would itself need to be trustless so that information could be utilized by the smartcontract without compromising the security of the blockchain as well. It's too bad that nothing like this exists and our money is now best spent buying PoopyretardCoin, maybe one day someone will work on technology like this to enable more use cases for smart contracts. until then, I'll be buying Poopyretardcoin.

>> No.55352363
File: 184 KB, 975x1274, 1686507561933384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure you understand what a blockchain does. Have you ever left your mom's basement?

>> No.55352414

>that's so fucking retarded narrative
>real time audits, tokenizing all assets even the illiquid shit on the balance sheets, real time supply chain tracking, real time accounting, predictive accounting, decentralized identity, automatic insurance, automatic reinsurance, real time taxation etc. is "retarded"

ok nigger, thanks for confirming again that you know absolutely nothing.

>> No.55352431

wow cool diss bro
im definitely convinced blockchain is good and im gonna buy ur bags now :^)

>> No.55352440

that has nothing to do with triple entry. A distributed ledger is just a classic old school single entry ledger managed distributed. It can make sense for cash, it makes absolutely no sense for any more complex financial transactions. Smartcon(tracts) are a scam and bloat and retarded on a distributed ledger

>> No.55352443

Make a few people at the top rich.

Hint. Not you.

>> No.55352487

Not him, but Why are you even here if you don’t see the value in smart contracts? Decentralized set-in-stone agreements have innate value. This is obviously the next step in currency as it is more accurate and real-time than any alternative. The only issue is the way ethereum handles a large amount of traffic and that is the biggest problem that the team has to fix before complete implementation

>> No.55352513
File: 36 KB, 1431x515, random retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants every faggot centralized authority have access to his financial data
>without even having to go through the hassle of getting judicial permission

>You have to support this shit
>so my bags can be pumped

>> No.55352581

>he thinks "judicial permission" exists when every mainstream bank account is entirely COMP'd by feds if you do anything even slightly outside of the norm
come on lmao

>> No.55352590

Hey, never said that your band of scammers is smart. enjoy the digital pog bags while the adult take over now

>> No.55352618

even conceding "its just for cash" you have to be seriously retarded to not see the benefits of it being programmable
and even if you can't see that because you're shitwitted, ETH is STILL BETTER AT BEING CASH THAN BITCOIN

>> No.55352631

Nigger cattle I don't care what you think, enjoy hodling enjoy being Tyrons and Achmeds prison bitch, idiots. What goes around comes around

>> No.55352664

>post says nothing
nice esports persona

>> No.55352668

Hey discord faggots you better prepare; you took it way too far, on public ledgers, like idiots

>> No.55353579
File: 74 KB, 735x999, 1683744423454418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP discovers Ethereum is a pointless spaghetti code scam
congratulations, now you can switch to a real DeFi platform.

>> No.55353601

Last last cycles btc forks, to catch idiots
anybody remember btc GOD or btc private

>> No.55355228

The point is making autistic boy rich. Isnt that cool anon? autistic boy is so fookin cool, I mean, he is so smart and memeable. Keep paying your fees anon.

>> No.55355267

The point is to make the author rich with selling premined coins to retail.

>> No.55355274

No he isn't and anybody that wasn't an easily influenced mouth breather saw right through the act. And those that didn't are the scammers of today that ruined their lifes, scamming in the open like the mouth breather thry they always were, on a public ledger

>> No.55355400

OP just now realizing where there is money there is lies

>> No.55355521


>> No.55355770


>> No.55356278

Dios mio… this is what happens to anons who waste their time on /biz/ rather than /fit/

>> No.55356354

how is eth better at being 'cash'?

>> No.55357304
File: 287 KB, 1000x1333, 79EB48E4-EFDE-4E93-AB1D-D509AE2929FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The “point” of ETH is to scam you by sucking your ass off on fees while you have the false illusion that you are earning profits. Literally token not needed.

>> No.55357510
File: 906 KB, 851x1407, Screenshot 2023-06-12 at 23-27-09 NSA Awards Secret $10 Billion Contract to Amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ETH is a scam foundation built to for scammers.

It was created so that scammers without much programming knowledge could "create" their own "coins" and feed the ETH blockchain by peddling their scams.

The main objective is literally to create the biggest scam and feed the ETH.

Just think about... the original frog meme coin is it's own blockchain, doesn't pump but suddenly an ETH contract with the same theme name just pops up, pumps to several millions and is listed on several major exchanges within a couple weeks.

If you fuck faces haven't figured it out, ETH is the scam chain that literally encourages people to scam.

>> No.55357891

Overrated chain