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55350636 No.55350636 [Reply] [Original]

This bear market is going on forever. What is happening?

>> No.55350643

Market is getting ready for the chainlink pump

>> No.55350669

>what is happening?

Nothing is happening. Daily reminder that finance is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, and the status quo completely abolished, the biosphere and all life will extinguished

>> No.55350674

Jews, you'll own nothing and be happy goy.

>> No.55350696

why aren't my internet collectibles going up in value?

>> No.55350703

Listen to this idiot try and explain shit that only god knows.

>> No.55350713
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We crabbed for three years from early 2018 to late 2020

And even longer from 2014-2017 the first time

>> No.55350741


>> No.55350753

you're literally brown

>> No.55350963

And you are literally a parasite

>> No.55351023

all life is parasitic if you want to pilpul

>> No.55351068

2018 was the dump year like 2022.

>> No.55351078

So we are about to start a bullrun?

>> No.55351095

we are all going to be extinguished anon

>> No.55351126
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It's my fault dude. The market won't let any of my positions hit their sell targets (my target is strictly 25% so all of them are at 22 or 23 right now) and every position that went into the red will stay there until I sell.

Also Western civilization is in a slow motion collapse because young men here don't have any motivation to work besides not starving to death. You will never own a home, never have a family, and never retire. The internet has also made "fame" a worthless status, one you actually would rather avoid, so even your longshot childhood dream of being a celebrity has been ruined for you too.

>> No.55351139
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Nothing new under the sun

>> No.55351174

No it's accumulation year

>> No.55351197

Yes all living beings die and we will all die my point is that all future beings are also gonna die and no life will exist for centuries even millenia

>> No.55351334

Gayest chart of all time. Gayer than two guys fucking a third guy.

>> No.55351361

that's far from the only reason its collapsing, but yes everything points towards the fact that it's all going to shit. It was inevitable, just wished it would have happened a lit later... like you know not in my lifetime or when I was really old

>> No.55351391

It is pretty gay I suppose

>> No.55351657
File: 659 KB, 1599x1074, calhounj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can slice it any way you want but it's a simple calculus: young men make society. You take away the things that motivate them, young men stop making society.
>No more big adventures. Everywhere on earth has been explored. Youngest man to walk on the moon was born in the 1930s.
>Availability of women is poor.
>Quality of women is also poor, so you don't even like the ones you get.
>Marriage and relationships are legally very risky and generally not worth pursuing.
>Likelihood of reproduction is poor. Most men will never have more than 1 child. Meanwhile your grandad probably had between 6 and 9 kids.
>All outlets for male aggression are highly restricted or illegal.
>Any expression of normal male behavior is seen as "toxic" behavior and is either medicated or legislated away. Young boys are basically treated as defective girls.
>All entertainment for males is being "femwashed" to become more female friendly. All male characters are either villains or idiots or both.
>Heterosexual males are viewed as a pollution whereas homosexual men are celebrated.
>because of the widespread acceptance of homosexual behavior, Heterosexual men can't form intimate platonic bonds with their male friends because they might be perceived as gay ("no homo" phenomenon). Your closest male relationship is essentially just an acquaintance.

What you ultimately arrive at is a world where there is no role for a man to fill. He isn't needed, so why would he do anything? Why would he join the army and fight to defend a society that doesn't value him? Why would he get a degree or a job when those things don't get him the things he wants? Why build a road or fly an airplane or cook a meal when none of this shit matters in the grand scheme of your life? Just stay home, watch porn, and play video games all day.

Look up the Mouse Utopia projects. It's precisely what's happening to us. Now it's all just musical chairs until the bullets start flying.

>> No.55351673

Bear markets last 3 years. We're only halfway...wtf are you saying

>> No.55351744

I know about mouse utopia, I also think that's exactly what is happening. I just think there's a bit more to it than just "young men aren't motivated". Even if they were, and society wasn't as completely sick as it is, could we fix what we're doing to the world? Could we make our lifestyles sustainable? Very unlikely, one way or another something's got to give. Add to that the absolute state of men and women in Western societies, and oh shit its not going to be pretty.

>> No.55352164

The point I'm making is that you could give basically any reason for our decline but it will ultimately lead to "...and this is causing young men to not be motivated." Either that or it's "...and this is happening because young men are not motivated."

If I were king of America I suppose I'd do something like this:
>Open carrying firearms for any fully employed individual legal in all 50 states in all areas with rare exceptions.
>Decriminalization of simple hand-to-hand fights where two people come to blows as a result of an argument and no one is permanently injured or killed.
>Expanded capital punishment for crimes such as child abuse, knowingly spreading HIV, and other sex or drug related crimes.
>A full expense paid, one-way emigration package for anyone whose grandparents were not born here or who descend from slaves.
>Caning or whipping people who engage in petty crimes like vandalism, littering, or public defecation.
>Abolishment of alimony and child support payments
>Abolishment of EBT, rent control, and public housing
>Abolishment of gay marriage, prohibit gays from adopting, prohibition on gays in the military, prohibition of public displays of indecency, end priDEMONth.
>Bring back asylums and hospitals for the criminally insane
>Prohibition on large corporations buying single family homes and a limit on how many homes a single individual may own, with some exceptions
Start doing stuff like this and I promise you this country would start to look a little cheerier every day.

>> No.55352169

Crypto is never coming back, dummy.

Especially alts (non-BTC).

>> No.55352183
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That was last year

>> No.55352653
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Most likely, I was looking for stuff that could also work on a bear market kek, only stuff that comes to mind is Nilo rn

>> No.55352711

Did you even read what I wrote? How are motivated young men going to fix the inherent unsustainability of current Western lifestyle, and the fact we're completely destroying the planet? In fact, motivated young men are responsible for the breakthroughs which are now destroying them and making them unmotivated as you call it. Also most of the suggestions you're making are fucking stupid and wouldn't fix shit. Yeah lets give everyone more guns, that's gonna fix the problem fucking kek

>> No.55352744

/biz/ is almost kind of maybe becoming comfy

Everyone already went through their le blackpill anger zero hope doomer stage and are bored from that.
Don't get me wrong there's still no hope, but people are tired from being depressed at this point kek. And this boredom point is exactly where normalfags start to leave to do anything else while autists turn to OC memes and shitposting. Then we cope with memes for a year while nothing happens and then things start actually happening with this board becoming unusable again.
Cheers /biz/, let's lose money together yet again

>> No.55352948

Checked. His point is to be retarded as possible to distract from, and discredit, legitimate concerns.

>> No.55353329

The "unsustainability of Western lifestyle" is inextricably linked with the demoralization of young men and your environmental bugaboo is just another pretense to curb reproduction, which as I stated before is contributing to our overall decline.

There's sufficient conclusive evidence that permitting gainfully employed people the right to bear arms would effectively solve violent crime and police brutality in one shot. You are welcome to research this topic on your own.

>> No.55353740
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It ends tonight. Brace yourselves.

>> No.55353757

Sell your chainlink

>> No.55353862


>> No.55353913

The accumulation will continue until morale improves

>> No.55354165

Based WGMI, the market is going toward ATH of this season, Now is the time to invest money in index funds, I might do it on AstraDao

>> No.55354377

Jews are rugpulling the West.

>> No.55354475

>>because of the widespread acceptance of homosexual behavior, Heterosexual men can't form intimate platonic bonds with their male friends because they might be perceived as gay
If the behavior is accepted, why is being perceived as gay a barrier to platonic bonds?

>> No.55354520

Not if you farm this pipeline
Cosmosunited (bits)
Than javmos ($jav)
Then ethos
And then index. Dozen consumer chains lainching.

>> No.55354770

I thought crypto winter would be over by spring, and it's practically summer already

>> No.55354776
File: 665 KB, 1350x1929, LordoftheRing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't say accepted but widely accepted. It only needs to be tolerated superficially by a small subset for male friendships to be ruined.

Let's say Bill and Steve are friends and have been since childhood. In a previous era, they could have an intimate relationship which might include things like going on long trips alone together, occasionally sleeping in the same bed, showering or swimming nude in each other's presence, or even saying "I love you" in a completely platonic sense. They could do this openly because the notion of this being a sexual relationship would be absurd. Today, anyone witnessesing two men behaving this way would immediately conclude they are homosexual. In the same way that male/female platonic friendships are often perceived as romantic, the same thing is happening to male/male friendships. Every male friend you have has become a potential sexual partner. Even if you're married, now your wife has to wonder is she's "cover" for a gay relationship if you're too close to another male.

So, if you want to avoid appearing gay, you need to keep male friends at an arm's distance. You can never be alone with them for any extended period of time. You definitely don't want to cry in front of them or appear emotionally vulnerable in any way, or hug and provide consolation if they're the one who's crying. "His friend's brother died and he's hugging him? What are they, gay?"


>> No.55354808
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Then it's a good time get some low caps, self custody based token are trending.

>> No.55354831

Sold my LINK for HBAR and ORE.

>> No.55355019
File: 91 KB, 1024x683, 4739691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about faggot? we are making it

>> No.55355034

define this word without looking it up.

>> No.55355105
File: 11 KB, 204x247, IMG_20230619_171810_684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bear market is nearly over. If you educate yourself and start accumulating now, your future self will certainly thank you in the bull run when you get rich. Buy AVAX faggots

>> No.55356222

No it wasn't. Everything including btc dropped like 90% last year. If you dca last year you got destroyed.

>> No.55356460

>worsening labor conditions
100 years ago people worked 16 hour days
you whine that you cant get a 100k+ wfh job

>> No.55356562
File: 497 KB, 3178x1975, C208B2B9-51BB-4F4F-B27B-E4461FC1A9A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what: my bags are pumping

>> No.55357813


>> No.55357949
File: 21 KB, 326x326, 1618967927188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op seething
>sad hyperrealistic pepe
>complaining about the bear market
>doesn't even hold XOR

Of course you're not making it if you're not holding XOR and ordering a brand new XOR Card

>> No.55357984

This is oft overlooked but nevertheless true in my experience. The term "bromance" I think was coined as a sort of cover but also an acknowledgement that two bros spending a lot of time together could be indicative homosexuality. It's all bullshit. I really miss the world before all the gay shit.

>> No.55358061
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Not more bear market anon

>> No.55358862

>id is Gey....

Fuck off you commie tranny. We get it Capitalism is far from perfect and built for the clever to exploit the stupid and weak, just like in nature.

Meanwhile every socialist shithole on the face of the planet has failed so hard that midwits such as yourself hide behind theories. Go speak to a Cuban/Eritrean/Venezuelan how communism works and how great it is you limp wristed faggot.

Any system that rewards the most intelligent and the ones with the strongest wills is by far the best system in existence. Fuck all dysgenic humans, low-iqs, midwits, moral retards to hell. Fuck you all and you deserve to have nothing. Kys.

>> No.55359235

my word, how fucking weak minded do you need to be to even think about this cuck mindset.. fuck absolutely everyone. fags.

>> No.55359252

Kek same here. I hold a good bag of QANX did a DCA 5 days back. It was like pumping so hard and all the other alts were falling. I am going to hold strong as the private blockchain launch is around the corner, which can pump the token price even more.

>> No.55359466

Anon you totally forgot about the launch of Librescan, it's going to be a ground breaking open source, decentralized blockchain explorer. Wait and see the adoption is going to be significant.

>> No.55359486
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So 2024 is going to be good for us cryptochads

>> No.55359625
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>Don't get me wrong there's still no hope
I would still correct your last sentence with "let's make some money together yet again"

>> No.55359716

a play, or corruption, of interpretation and definition

>> No.55359731
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1687178826988841s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my bags are pumping
Cheers! Gotta say that I'm loving my bags rn, already bagged over 20% on kda, cream, sylo and kava all doing well too

>> No.55360045

Here have some music that resonates well with what you posted https://youtu.be/r0FoVuUYh4w

>> No.55360479

It's definitely not going to last forever and we just saw BTC go close to 29k now so what are you fucking about? It's actually the perfect time to research and buy low caps to ride the wave. My research has been made easier and possible with tokenmetrics, here I can comfortably get a good buy or sell zone. I need to be better prepared for the return of the bulls no doubt.

>> No.55360493

all those words to say literally nothing at all

>> No.55360503

Forever? We were pumping just two years ago. Those things can go on for a decade

>> No.55360507

DCAed into ocean and kas while anticipating the launch of Altcoinistdao token

>> No.55360545

Just move to the middle east

>> No.55360558

>environmental bugaboo is just another pretense to curb reproduction
>permitting gainfully employed people the right to bear arms would effectively solve violent crime and police brutality in one shot.
You should definitely move to the middle east

>> No.55360629

Real talk, man, this shit's just another cycle, and this phase will pass too. Best move is to buy low now and fucking wait for them bulls to charge. I just scooped up Btc, Eth, Atom, and jumped on the Ride train after that sick token burn. Let's see what the next cycle's got in store for us.

>> No.55360676

>DCAed into ocean and kas
You should be loving the green dildos right now
I was really lucky to jump into the two as soon as I notice them on tokenmetrics bullish signals.

>> No.55360686

Just because you are illiterate doesnt mean i didnt say anything. Take your time go over it again you got this buddy.

Maybe you want a short summary of all my points? Break it down even more for the little braindead 4chan parasite? Do bullet points work for you? Maybe crayons? Should i do a jpeg perhaps you need pictures?

>> No.55361776

Yes anon, most likely the bitcoin halving would wake up the bulls and chads would be swimming in profits. I'd keep accumulating RWA gems like RIO, MNI and HiYield for gains when the time comes.

>> No.55361833
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LINK is preparing to flip BTC check em

>> No.55361857

check what

>> No.55361978


>> No.55361998

>doubles down on nothing
You still lose.

>> No.55363294
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Daily reminder that communism has killed more people in 50 years then capitalism has throughout all of mankind's history.

>> No.55363354

preach brother. gotta clock in and earn this bag though

>> No.55363372
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