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55349106 No.55349106 [Reply] [Original]

There's only one crypto project that's being run as a real tech startup with a focus on mass enterprise adoption. It has the biggest computer scientists onboard. It's growing exponentially on all levels. The biggest financial enterprises on earth are now confirming integration with it. The main products haven't even launched yet but they are willing to get busy on it.

But the price keeps dropping...

99% of retail gets a burnout from such disconnect.

It happened with the (to be biggest) internet stocks from 2001 onwards for years.

Amazon dropped from $113 to $8 and Bezos got clubbed by shareholders because he wasn't paying dividends but he reinvested every penny into his basement-run company. TV interviewers and stock analysts critiqued him harshly and called his business a failure.

There's nothing new under the sun...

>> No.55349120

Yep it’ll be huge in 15 years

>> No.55349131

>7 years and still a start up

>> No.55349143

Chainlink quickly became an absolute juggernaut in the world of crypto, but everyone seems to make it their personal business to forget about that.

>> No.55349144

We’ve been through this all before:

>> No.55349153

>an absolute juggernaut
funded by handouts from people they tricked into believing that they could make a profit by buying their token. would you call Cloud Imperium Games a juggernaut of gaming as well?

>> No.55349159
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Funded or not, the system itself is actually superior.
And by that logic, BTC is equally "funded by handouts", since 90+% of miner rewards are inflationary.

>> No.55349160

>Amazon dropped from $113 to $8 and Bezos got clubbed by shareholders because he wasn't paying dividends but he reinvested every penny into his basement-run company.


>> No.55349166

Bitcoin dumped 90+% a bunch of times while its annual inflation rate was mid-double digits.

>> No.55349169

Ah yes, the infamous Satoshi dumps to fund his team of overpaid former FAGMAN-devs

>> No.55349174

You just moved the goalposts from "muh equity dilution dumps" to "muh funding dumps".

>> No.55349186

No, you compare Chainlink, a company paying salaries and run by a CEO, to a decentralized protocol that has neither salaried devs nor a CEO.

You are the retard who compares apples to oranges.

>> No.55349191

>you compare Chainlink, a company paying salaries and run by a CEO, to a decentralized protocol that has neither salaried devs nor a CEO.
This is part of your "muh funding dumps" argument.

I was responding to your original argument, which was "muh equity dilution dumps".

>> No.55349193

Yep. Compare kyc centralized nodes racket to pure decentralized anyone can compute inflation. Its sickening the brainwarps the shills use.

>> No.55349196

let's not bring other projects into this, you were specifically calling a 7 year old startup that's still relying on handouts a "juggernaut", which is clearly ridiculous. whataboutism doesn't look very convincing in an argument nowadys, you're 10 years too late

>> No.55349197
File: 50 KB, 581x400, 1676117848555533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kyc centralized nodes
hey, that's no way to talk about Bitcoin

>let's not bring other projects into this

>you were specifically calling a 7 year old startup that's still relying on handouts a "juggernaut"
Bitcoin is 14 years old and still relying on handouts. Would you not call Bitcoin a juggernaut?

>> No.55349202

Fuck u , funding sergey and friends without disclosure comparing with pow inflation. Insulting analogy thought up by scammers in the Chainlink ambassador discord. Horribly disingenuous and incorrect.

>> No.55349205

I was addressing a point about "inflation bad".

>> No.55349207

The fact that you compare decentralized mining rewards with CEO-mandated salary funding dumps is embarassing but expected from a LINK shill.

>> No.55349211

Wrong oracle nodes are centralized. The big guy prob gets a cut from many of them too. Bitcoin pools are anyone can join yield stabilizers. again, die in a grease fire shill

>> No.55349213

Bezos sold many billions worth of Amazon stock to fund his personal space project.

>> No.55349218

>Wrong oracle nodes are centralized
So are Bitcoin miners, see pic >>55349197

Mining rewards, node rewards, stock sales, ... all create "equity dilution".

>> No.55349221

Stop comparing scammers that do some fun schoolwork with friends while they overpay everyone that works on it and the friends that copy paste coingecko data on the chain. Talk in crazy in superlatives to gullible retards like you with fucking amazon. Muh quadrillions bro, gtfo. Theres no easier way to confirm your grift. Get better talking points, disgusting shill

>> No.55349236

you keep falling back on whataboutism as an "argument", don't you notice it yourself? try to stay on topic this time: a company dependent on tricking retail into giving them millions in funding by making vague allusions about future returns to skirt securities regulations, that's not a juggernaut, is it?

>> No.55349243

this really riled up

>> No.55349246

Selling for a personal pet project is infinitely worse than selling to fund the actual business.

>> No.55349258

>you keep falling back on whataboutism

>let's not bring other projects into this

>Stop comparing

kek this is just like when you bring up black crime and murder rates in response to muh police killing muh poor black honor students.

>> No.55349259

man that article was great. find it crazy that you can have a news article from 2006 archived online now.

>> No.55349266

Other than laughing at the LINK shills for shilling LINK which is just a fraction of the threads compared to other shitcoins, why is there Chainlink being FUDmaxxed? It's being FUDed moreso in the last few weeks than in the last few years.

>> No.55349271
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>9 seething pbtid

>> No.55349291

nice find
another recent example is tesla being flat for four years while everyone now saying how obvious it was

>> No.55349299

Well said! I will give my life to save Sergey's project! No more chains, just links.

>> No.55349305
File: 43 KB, 422x394, 1610217539752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a demon.
Dysgenic freaks who succumb to shilling and hyper-hopium addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Shilling on demand accompanied by fake hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Chainlink is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.
We have to exorcise them all.


>> No.55349351

Exactly what I was thinking

>> No.55349353
File: 2 KB, 125x119, 16871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beat DePIN atm, Ranjeet. Peaq stands out for its dedication to empower EoT, and brings it and DePIN to the ecosystem.

>> No.55349358

Yup. People who bought TSLA at $17 in August 2014 were at a loss in September 2019.
I wonder if TSLA forums then were full of the same histrionic nonsense as we see here now.

>> No.55349370

linkbaggies are incredibly low IQ

>> No.55349379

What's my job?

>> No.55349391

>what about this other scenario where i could defend my argument, isn't that like this one?
if you evade the topic, it looks like you don't have an argument. once again: would a "juggernaut" in a space be reliant on ill gotten handouts?

>> No.55349396

>it's not a juggernaut if there are handouts
Then BTC isn't a juggernaut either, since 90+% of its node rewards are handouts.

>> No.55349406

holy shit you have to be larping as a subhuman link baggie and not actually serious.

>> No.55349420

repeating the embarrassing attempt at moving away from a lost argument doesn't improve it. it's a yes or no question, you're grasping at straws

>> No.55349422

>he doesn't know
Fire his Ass
t. based king Sergey

>> No.55349426

>zero argument
we're done here

>> No.55349439

it's an anonymous forum anon, you can admit to being wrong. fleeing from a lost argument makes you a lesser man

>> No.55349442

>on 4trans
>were done
holy r*ddit

>> No.55349443

>zero argument again

>> No.55349468

ok, i will repeat it once again since you weren't able to close the thread. feeling embarrassed about losing an argument is correct, it's the only way to get better at it. it was argued that chainlink is a "juggernaut" of crypto. in response, it was argued that a "juggernaut" relying on handouts skimmed from retail under false pretenses is no such thing. it is now your turn to say: "i'm not going to embarrassingly dance around anymore, you were right: chainlink is not a juggernaut at all. sorry for behaving like an angry teenager, i'm overly invested in this project". did you get it this time?

>> No.55349477

>handouts skimmed from retail
You mean handouts skimmed from uncirculating supply. Which applies to both Link and BTC.

>> No.55349502

>handouts skimmed from uncirculating supply. applies to BTC.
it might be best for you to flee this thread after all, you've embarrassed yourself enough here. or maybe switch ids? that way you can pretend the juggernaut thing didn't happen

>> No.55349522

Back to zero arguments again.

>> No.55349526
File: 278 KB, 2048x1602, Fy8SFBFWIAAxvqQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your fucking job, avocado

>> No.55349529

boring larp thread we know you own zero link

>> No.55349534

He is too deep in the scamtoken. He can’t admit it as that would be admitting he is wrong and this was just another shitcoin instead of what saves him.

>> No.55349555

I'm not the one who can't come up with a single argument lol

>> No.55349628

>zero arguments
there is one which you have only dodged so far. i know you really don't want to talk about it, but you have to address the juggernaut if you want to save face

>> No.55349747

>there is one which you have only dodged
which is?

>> No.55349787

yes or no: independent of other projects, is tricking retail into giving them handouts something a "juggernaut" of an industry does?

>> No.55349798


>> No.55349926

You mean an ICO? "Tricking retail into giving handouts" is a bit of a stretch here, I think. There's always a risk involved but I'd say most retail was more than happy to invest in ICOs to roll the dice and see if they could turn a profit.

>> No.55350539

Checked and nice post

>> No.55351036

The Amazon to Chainlink comparison is fucking pathetic. First off show me where Amazon did anything but constant up from like 2001 onwards, just 4 years after it launched. Second, this is crypto not boomer stocks. 6 years in the market with half of those being relentless dumping is absolutely morbid and in fact way shittier performance than any successful boomer stock you can find. Nothing that survived the dot com had 3 years of down. NOTHING.

>> No.55351038

From 2 man team Jason parser ran in a nail salon to over engineered feature creep from a bloated 500 hr WEF corpo ran from luxurious new York penthouses, and Ico investors are still broke neets, kek

>> No.55351066

They're taking broke Ico racist neet money and redistributing it to billionaires like schmidt and big banks like jp Morgan and the dtcc and funding diversity NFT trannies to hold blm LGBT galleries in NYC penthouses and paying out 500k a year to fagman roasties for code that never even leave audits and beta testnets
Kek scam of the century, reverse Robin hood
Neets unironically locked themselves for illiquid 4% while fat man is dumping 14% into no liquidity and high interest economy, kek

>> No.55351094

Ceo salary pay so we can fund vapourware purchases, devs that do fuck all all day, horrific community ambassadors that kill any grassroot discussion, friendly kyc nodes that copy paste coingecko data and beg for link they can market sell from daddy sergey is not the same as an open network where anybody with computing power can join. One is targetted inflation to scam one group to enrich the other. Other is an open market. Stop making this ridiculous claim, you disgusting grifting scammer

>> No.55351129


Good find. Thanks anon

>> No.55351313

And yet his point about token inflation stands.

>> No.55351320

Even if chainlink 10x from here it still can't reach ath. Fuck

>> No.55351321

Nope, you are retarded

>> No.55351344

This is how it always turns out with centralized assets. Good thing we have crypto which gives users control over their assets and I take things further by using wallets like Wasabi and Brillion for top tier security.

>> No.55351405


Sergey is no Jeff Bezos. He isn't working tirelessly on a lean budget to deliver the product and prove that his company works. He is wasting investor money on stupid bullshit and pretending to be a tech company that has already achieved success.

If he wants Chainlink to be like Amazon then he needs to fire all the useless employees draining their resources and hunker down and write the code. That's the only thing that matters.

>> No.55351436

Sadly thats not the goal. Its a grift where sergey and friends get to do fun research things on your dime for as long as they can keep the scam going. When the token is near zero, chainlink labs will ipo or license out the patents that you cucks paid for. Thanks for playing

>> No.55351439

Kek Fuddies incredibly riled up. I will buy more Chainlink tokens now.

>> No.55351459

Keep being in denial lmfao

>> No.55352242

Where did they go from nerds shipping code to a bloated scamming enterprise. Sigh.

>> No.55352328

Hows that strategy working out for you?

Also a psa - the Amazon analogy ends with the word “reinvested”, which means Amazon actually made money which they then put back into growing the business. Chainlinks only source of revenue is diluting their own loyal investors. Disgusting.

>> No.55352416

>which means Amazon actually made money
Except they didn't make money.
That's literally the point of the Amazon analogy.
Amazon was not profitable, and they were using investor money to grow the business instead of paying dividends to shareholders.

Did you miss the whole point of the Amazon analogy?

>> No.55352475

You niggers WISH you had 1/4th of Ripples integrations. You are forever in my filters. Kys.

>> No.55352486

If you keep buying XRP you will anon. 2017 called they want their shitcoin back.

>> No.55352499

kek. Check the link-btc chart.

>> No.55352509

Amazon didn't have a positive NET INCOME, they did make billions in REVENUE you dumb fucking ape

>> No.55352521

the irony of this statement is thicker than Sergey's Big Macs

>> No.55352537

This kek

>> No.55352625

Pretty damn good strategy actually. Retards are selling so I can accumulate the God protocol for $5 a token. Last year when I started investing in crypto the possibility of hitting 1000 tokens was impossible. Now I’m actually going to make it happen and go over it. I also early staked so I’m going to be one of the OG’s in this system when it goes to $81,000. Feels fucking good not being a high time preference retard. Having both strong will and discipline makes me better cut out than 95% of you, and I did it myself.

>> No.55352629

link makes a lot of revenue tho

>> No.55352924


By 2001 they were already doing $3B in gross rev, gross profit of $800M. Yes there was an overall net loss due to aforementioned costs of expanding the business but it was very clear via year over year revs and gross profit that the company was experiencing explosive financial growth.

Now what are Chainlink's numbers? A few TVL graphs saying "we may capture some of this one day" isn't going to cut it.

So you've been buying this past year? That means you're probably 50% down on your investment thus far. That is horrible. The idea here is to make money, not join cults

What do they make? Where can this be verified? You're not going to send me a twitter post of some guy's spreadsheet are you

>> No.55352935

chainlink labs bot