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55348989 No.55348989 [Reply] [Original]

When you make it big will you get chin correction surgery?

>> No.55349072

why do you have a weak chin to begin with?

Hard mode: don't blame "environment"

>> No.55349080

You don't have to make it big, chin implant is like 2000EUR

>> No.55349117

There's literally only one reason anyone has a weak chin, they mouthbreathed while growing.

>> No.55349122

Soft foods too
Chewing stimulates and releases the production of stem-cells along the sutures in the skull leading to more facial development and stronger bones.

>> No.55349127
File: 60 KB, 600x524, EEB0D8B6-3017-4EF8-B1D5-CCF0655D224A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mouth breathers have this problem. I'm no mouth breather

>> No.55349149

I have never seen anyone look like the left. Is this an American thing?

>> No.55349177
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>> No.55349188
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Only faggots hate the way they look.

>> No.55349209
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The truth is, the game was rigged from the start

>> No.55349216
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x996, incelchin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can make a simple brace from stuff inside your house

Just wear it at home behind the computer for like 8 hours a day

After 2 weeks you start to see results

>> No.55349222

>He doesn't mew.

>> No.55349234

I don't know who that is but google says he's Canadian, close enough.

>> No.55349408

add wearing orthodontic braces early to this. if you put that shit on your face at 13/14 it is really thight and reduces the expansion your mouth and chin makes.

>> No.55349417

they both look good to me. obviously left looks a littl ebetter, but its not that much of difference

>> No.55349455

kill yourself retard
there are plenty more reasons
like swallowing wrong
getting your wisdom teeth pulled too early and no braces afterwards
mouth breathing is just a sympthom of something else anyway. like septum deviation. so many fucking clueless retards on this board and this thread shows it
>hurr durr muh mouthbreathing
always some fake amerimutt hillbilly with his inbred retard family knowledge behind these posts

>> No.55349457

Kek, ESL.

>> No.55349464


>> No.55349475
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1686687839959880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women this days reject you for having a last gen iphone, you really think he has a chance?

>> No.55349495

Mouthbreathing atrophies the nasal muscles and the back of the throat due to dissuse. This effects facial development and causes nasal congestion leading to more mouthbreathing.
Mouthbreathing transfers less oxygen due to missing out the nasal passage and introduces oral toxins to the lungs.
Your nostrils dialate and contract parallel to the lunar cycle and introduce more/less to the brain to regulate brain activity.
Humans are one of the only species with a chronic orthodontic epidemics.
>TL;DR Combined, this means that mouthbreathers are likely more ugly due to poor facial development and likely more stupid due to unregulated brain activity and likely more unhealthy due to toxins introduced via the oral passage.

>> No.55349501

Oh, and these findings are not just scientific. Almost every culture villifies mouthbreathing for one reason or another.
'Bad spirits' entering the lungs is one of the most common 'myths'.

>> No.55349548

absolutely retarded take, i've been a mouthbreather for 32 years because of my deviated nose, still have the chin of Crimson chin. This like almost eveything in life is purely genetic based

>> No.55349669

dont need it but i might get my fucking neck fat looked at wtf is this shit

>> No.55349676

Slavic bros not like this

>> No.55350376
File: 176 KB, 500x652, 1681533240189563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally have a chin and jaw like the guy in pic attached, and I still haven't made it at 36.

>> No.55350445

that's because you're closer to the guy on the right and you want to cope
as a left guy i won't pretend i'm a chad or anything but i know how uphill it is for right guys

>> No.55350563

I sleep with my mouth wide open but I still don’t have this problem. It’s genetic

>> No.55350666

Tongue behind top row of teeth, lower jaw forward to have teeth lined up. Its a posture issue most of the time unless you have a legit severe recessed jaw in which case yes you need surgery to smash all your bones apart and realign

>> No.55350709

guy on right needs a mustache and he'd make a good salesman

>> No.55351958

lean how to google. Mouth breathing can cause this

>> No.55352131

i have had girlfriends all my life and have a steady girlfriend right now. you are the one coping.

>> No.55352141

never had this mouthbreather problem and I have a normal manly chin already.
must suck being born disabled lol