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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55347499 No.55347499 [Reply] [Original]

We’ll I finally sold. I bought in at .25 and I can't do this anymore the mental anguish is too much I misread out on life changing gains

>> No.55347514

>i misread out

>> No.55347559

I have 15 filters for this garbage. I still see post constantly. This is the hardest shilled crypto on this site. If you bought it then you fell for the dumbest marketing campaign of all time.

>> No.55347572

same i just sold 100k

>> No.55347581

It's crazy right? They've been doing this shit for 6 years and have only gotten worse now that the token is fading rapidly into the dead coin graveyard.

>> No.55347583

>trying to filter out a coin that 98% of this board owns
kek, retard. you filtered out /biz/

>> No.55347604

There's like fucking 10 people on this board, and 7 of us spend all day calling you retarded while you frantically airplane mode.

>> No.55347611

It is a statistical certainty that you are both wearing quarterzips and glasses.

>> No.55347620

The internet really is empty.

>> No.55347627
File: 56 KB, 1032x581, Uganda-Chainlink-Meetup-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you consider the marketing campaign to be dumb?

>> No.55347634

Quick change ids again so it looks like there's more retards proudly holding your -95% asset that's been sucking wind for 3 straight years. Fuck off.

>> No.55347651

lmao deepweb VC sleeper agent spotted
don't look now but there's also skid marks on your boxer briefs retard

>> No.55347668
File: 109 KB, 694x248, Screen Shot 2023-06-17 at 7.36.05 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are very few of us, indeed.
Remove institutional and insider wallets and that probably only leaves 1000-1500 outsider autists, max.
Which really puts into perspective the sheer quantity of psychological warfare leveraged against such an insignificantly small group of people.

>> No.55347679

botton signal

>> No.55347685

>he sold, we can bring it up to $25 EoW

>> No.55347757

You've lost millions in unrealized gains holding through the obvious top, and none of the technology has come to fruition. It's a price checking service with 2020 style binance scam chain ponzi staking.

You're not an small squad of sophisticated financial elites. Your kids that were tricked into never selling while the guy who minted the tokens on a laptop does nothing but sell.

>> No.55347769

Yes, this is the sort of thing we've all read hundreds if not thousands of times each at this point.
Thanks for illustrating my point.

>> No.55347814

Winning an argument ain't fixing the price of your investment. You can make any crazy point you want, convince yourself it's true, and retreat to telegram for high fives.
When you pull up gecko, your still -95%. That's all there is to it. You had your 1 and done ruin in sats, but you bought the brainwashing and got greedy.

>> No.55347826

thanks to this post, i just sold all of my chainlink (ticker:LINK)

>> No.55347836

have a bump 55347499 you colossal blog-fabricating faggot.

>> No.55348051

man, it's been a long time since I've gone into a thread for a coin I don't own and tried to convince them all to sell. In fact, I've never done that. So what is your motivation Mr Niggerman?