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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55345340 No.55345340 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming you have no ETH, when would you buy a stack?

>> No.55345354
File: 36 KB, 1092x306, ETH DONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never. Its an unregistered security - and the american liquidity is dried up. On top the shit cant scale is full of bot shit, mev scams and needs over 9000 layers to not die

>> No.55345363

Given that the proposed to raise the minimum for running a validator from 32 to 2048... well, I won't say never, but the value proposition changes from "this asset has a use-case in an of itself, and I can sell it to someone who wants to run a validator" to "I can sell it to someone who wants to run a validator".

>> No.55345369

Idk, like 50$?

>> No.55345371

It's too high to buy and too low to sell. Buy if we get more SEC fud because that's temporary and nobody should care about the US government that much. Sell if we see 3k

>> No.55345372

I can't believe they thought that'd be a good idea. I can understand that they want to keep the validator-set small, but dear God.

>> No.55345390

Its a discussion you retards this wont come anyway

>> No.55345391

if you're not touching ETH, what are you in then?

>> No.55345415

I have 50 eth sitting collecting staking rewards

>> No.55345427

The discussion is valuable, but you know how our minds jump to the worst possible conclusion straight away.
I didn't say that I wasn't touching it, but its value-proposition has taken a hit in my eyes. This, too, is perhaps irrational, since, if they're trying to FUD people out of BTC, it stands to reason that they'd also try the same with ETH. Having said that, now's as a good a time to buy as any, except if the scenario of "systemic events" comes to fruition, in which case there is a possibility that ETH will drop (just giving a number here) to <$1K.

>> No.55345437

Its a good idea for their seed investors that currently have to compete with random chinks larping as indians to scam fools still (((onchain))) while the sec is likely just closing the faucet killing eth for the americans

>> No.55345757

No reason to. Ethereum is irrelevant and outlived its usefulness which is why it hasn't done anything since 2021

>> No.55345807

thanks for articulating this anon. I will not be touching this Piece of Shit.
Nor will I touch BTC for a few serious flaws that could destroy any bullish momentum in a heartbeat

A) Governments attacking it
B) The SERIOUS chance its propped up by fraudulent stables and bad actors (tether)
C) The tech is utterly broken, it wont work at scale

Despite what maxis say, all 3 of these things give it EXTREME risk over gold. However gold also wont 5 or 10x. I'll just be stacking cash and waiting for whatever opportunities come up going forward. Maybe that's an alt season where I make very fast money and run. Or there's a new tech advancement blackswan in the future. I'll just be early on that and not ride old waves with all this bs risk

>> No.55345817

bitcoin and alts that actually have moon potential

>> No.55345822

If someone gave me 10eth I'd buy a stack...
of probably chainlink desu.

>> No.55345836

I agree with alts but bitcoin is too high risk/reward to hold for years. Flipping alts in/out quick is way way lower risk as said here >>55345807

>> No.55345872


>> No.55345894

>gave me 10eth
>buy a stack
what did the chink larping from an Indian vpn meant by this

>> No.55345931

MEV is now enshrined (flashbots) and inseparable part of every ETH transaction.

scaling through L2s means bridging Eth and ERC20s onto something like arbitrum, then hope Arbitrum has the dapp you want to use. Not clear what interoperability between L2s will look like.

total clusterfuck engineering, EVM is a development limitation now by industry standards. Account abstraction and Vitalik's roadmap will make user but especiall dev experience more complex.

>> No.55345952

Seniority and pre-existing market counts for so so much though.

>> No.55345969

No user with a shred of intelligence is going to use evm chains after the fuck ups of the past months and the fail hyping. The only thing mev scammers can hope for is low info users that put their 50 bucks in it, and will after being rugged for the nth time just abandon it, and crypto all together

>> No.55346073


>> No.55346093

$800 seems like a good buy in

>> No.55346115

make-it stack is 200 Eth, kiddo.

>> No.55346130
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Basically this.
ETH is a shitcoin. The game of shitcoin musical chairs is up and everything besides Bitcoin is going to shrivel up and die slowly.

And that's a good thing.
The era of shitcoinery is over.

>> No.55346214

Pretty accurate. Western and Asian goverments have literally stated intent to fuck up everything ethereum down by labeling them securities.

Bitcoin has quite a few serious flaws. It's a total wild card at this point. I could see it do well or just get wholly attacked by government after government to oblivion. It's also really easy for some bad actors jews to prop up fraudulent circumstances like Tether to nuke. And the tech is just pretty shitty. Can't ever scale. High risk lowish reward

>> No.55346234

bitcoin relies as much on western ponzi player liquidity as every other ponzi - Europe is in recession and the USA in stagflation. Crypto is not going to be a way for chang and Rakesh to feed village for the next few years. No matter if btc or any other shitcoin

>> No.55346255

You're a nigger is what I meant by it faggot.
Go shit up another board.

>> No.55346271

angry that I shit up your advertising board?
Not going to move, maybe try to scam sally and peter on reddit and twitter. Oh shit those two have to take two jobs to pay for their flat and netflix subs, no room to gamble on shitcoins

>> No.55346295

Never. PoS is statist garage.

>> No.55346299

yeah I agree. I would only buy crypto once we're in a clear bull and that's to flip smaller caps quick and get out. Last cycle I bought in during the bear market and made 75% of my money just flipping gaming coins and some NFTs during the 2nd half of the Bull run

With that said, are you just accumulating cash right now? Or going long gold/S&P etc

>> No.55346303

PoS = Piece of Shit
Anything else is cope from holders of heavy bags

>> No.55346309

I have 402 ETH left, and I am holding my n to them for dear llife Anon. There won’t be link without eth, at least not at first

>> No.55346353

Cash. playing abit with forex like its the 70s

>> No.55346369

on the other hand, looking at wheat and onions futures, maybe doing some commodity plays. Not sure yet about that

>> No.55346425

Lying scum the news is the opposite they are trying to limit max validator stake not increase the minimum

>> No.55346429

I can't quite hit that yet. 3.5 BTC 50 eth 150k cash 50k in stocks

I'm not going back to work tho

>> No.55346443


>> No.55346448

Ask yourself why.
Why is uniswap suddenly switching from open source ethos to suing people for copyright infringements? Why do eth devs getting pressured by their seed investors to change the decentralized ethos?
I tell you, the profit margins went to shit because open source and decentralization is not profitable, never was. Then what is the point of eth?
To scam idiots

>> No.55346460

>no one can afford to buy it
>price begins to fall
>those who can afford to buy it, do so
You're dense if you think just because you and your class are broke that everyone is

>> No.55346467
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>you have no ETH

>> No.55346476

It (decentralization) will be more profitable than anything we have seen yet. Just takes time, as always

>> No.55346486
File: 208 KB, 1318x1617, wheat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why should they buy it, if nobody is going to buy it from them for a higher price, liquidity having dried up, while crypto investment product have only seen capital outflows and the sector is cannibalizing itself from the inside out while at the same time getting attacked by the outside. Only a fool would remain in such a sector and not do a tactical retreat

If you want tom make money, learn to swing trade different nations shitcoins and look at commodities like food and how hostile nations that compete with each other would go on about trying to fuck each other up by manipulating those commodities. Russia cancelled the wheat deal, winter is coming and the US has started to reduce its farm output.

>> No.55346496

How should decentralization be profitable?
Explain it in your terms

>> No.55346504

No. It’s not about trading, never has been. It’s about realizing opportunities that you see and few others do on the planet. Long term. This is what beats every faggot ‚trader‘ on here, and also in other markets

>> No.55346509

I only own a fat stack of eth but I want to move to btc since interest rates started going up. Problem is taxes are gonna be yuge. And funding Biden wants to raise capital gains to 40% so I have been waiting till he gets out

>> No.55346522
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>he is in for the long term
Okay, catch the falling knife for the next few years, while forgoing any profits and pray it comes back, somehow back to your entry prices average, maybe in 2035

>> No.55346534

Simply by providing absolute jewless meddling security and slowly but surely over the course of the next 5-10 years swallowing it all

>> No.55346567

Anon, look at the industry, just look at what happened from 2011 (read the posts on bitcointalk), while we were all full of hope and ideals to change the world for the better to today (just open coin twitter), where everybody is trying to scam and fuck over everybody else for a few penny, and ask yourself, aren't we all becoming the jew?

>> No.55346589

Yes. That’s the idea, We‘ll be the right Jews though

>> No.55346635

Look how that worked out. Trying to scam fools for a few pennies, cooperating with all kind of other jews while those jews just looked for a chance to put the knife in your backs during a moment of weakness, like now. And what is the result, having only enemies, and former allies that got so disgusted that they turned their backs on you leaving you to the wolfs

>> No.55346677

Time will tell Anon.
I can‘t disagree with you really, but I think this will work. And I am still here because what I think matters often times… and /biz/ is my inspiration

>> No.55346730

that's the maximum amount, retard. can't believe /biz/ fags post about ETH and know nothing about it

>> No.55346754

I think you already know how it will turn out, if you survive this onslaught

>> No.55346901

>maximum amount
What do you mean?

>> No.55346940

never, it's an unregistered security and proof of concept for smart contracts. it is no longer needed and has been technologically surpassed by 10s if not 100s of other platforms

there no longer exists a comparative or competitive advantage

>> No.55347101
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rewrite to better use 4chan lingo *Right now, Ethereum is irrelevant and outlived its usefulness which is why it hasn't done anything since 2021. it is logical to adopt peaqnetwork or even IoTEX as a viable option due to their EVM compatibility, decentralized IoT infrastructure, and DePIN technology

>> No.55347120

The focus of web3 has been decentralization. With the introduction of DePIN, this vision is more visible as it allows for physical infrastructures to be integrated. What else do you wish to know anon?

>> No.55347184

That's a weak sales pitch, not a argument on how decentralization can be profitable

>> No.55348460

all good.

>> No.55348472

The timing moshe, the timing

>> No.55349511

>maximum amount

I run a validator node and have no fucking idea why there should be a limit or why someone would stake more than 32 eth in one node. You get apy on only 32 eth, you can keep extra in case of penalties and slashing but having 2048 eth in a node is fucking ridiculous, idk why someone would need that. And I havent heard it being announced anywhere but here, seems like fake. But if it passes, then eth is done for and I am saying it as eth maxi.

>> No.55349762

>You get apy on only 32 eth
This is how it currently works, after the change you could earn apy with any amount between 32 and 2048 ETH on a single validator e.g. 32.5 ETH or 100 ETH. Also whales wouldn't have to run tens or hundreds of validators with effective balance of 32 ETH, but could run just one validator with effective balance of all their ETH (up to 2048, anything over that would need more validators).
>seems like fake
>But if it passes, then eth is done for and I am saying it as eth maxi.
Go read the proposal instead of letting dishonest /biz/ fud dictate your opinion. Minimum effective balance of 32 ETH will absolutely not be changed. I think it would be very nice to earn apy on the leftover ETH that's doing nothing on the validator, so I support the proposal.

>> No.55349872

But having ETH without DiD and AI token isn't a good idea.

>> No.55349877

Eth is done one or another way after they went proof of jew. Staking is always going to be exploited while fucking over the stakers or giving the staker so much power that they can fuck over the users. Eth is doomed to fail. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it won't survive except as a zombie that slowly detoriates. Who ever expected a lasting product from a left winger like vitalik and the rest of the communist is an idiot

>> No.55349908

>Staking is always going to be exploited while fucking over the stakers or giving the staker so much power that they can fuck over the users.
Care to elaborate?

>> No.55350115

Staking is always based on optimistic game theoretical assumption of cooperation, which is naive. If there is a certain way to press profit out of a sucker fucking over the sucker somebody is going to do it. Eth with proof of jew is just going to spiral more and more into a shitshow with the pool of suckers getting depleted faster and faster ending in self cannibalization of the protocol, like every system based on left wing ideology.

>> No.55350132

Time in the market always beats timing the market anon, and the asset also happens to be at a decent price level for accumulating. I'd keep doing that with my DCA on Eth alongside low caps like Flux, Mni and Hiyield for future gains when the bulls return.

>> No.55350419

>Staking is always based on optimistic game theoretical assumption of cooperation
Consensus mechanisms literally remove the need for cooperation and assume that bad actors always exist. How does Ethereum's PoS have an assumption of cooperation?

>> No.55350491

Watch or read Animal Farm by Orwell for a lesson on how this will go

>> No.55350510
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>> No.55350544

to all the ETH fudders ITT does any of that shit matter if the Fed starts printing and normies see ETH as a safe option to ape? Especially since Blackrock alone can just pump that shit to high heaven?

>> No.55350580

A pivot flew over my house filled with normies
You meth heads deserve sucking dick under bridges and starving

>> No.55350587

Midwit. Are you retardef or just see meth as a chain to transact meth? Are you too stupid to see the bigger picture, apparently

>> No.55350596

so you don't think ETH hits new ATHs if Fed starts printing again? Not even a measly 6k? What replaces it then?

>> No.55350638

No, we are talking about Ethereum's consensus mechanism and I'm trying to ask him why he thinks it's bad. Why would you think I don't see the bigger picture of Ethereum beyond just sending ETH? Why are you so negative?

>> No.55351112

Thanks for spoonfeeding. Will these validators have the vote power proportional to their stake now? i.e 64eth validator counts as 2 validators voting. Overall this seems okay, but I just set up my withdrawal address and converted my rewards to stETH

>> No.55351248

>Will these validators have the vote power proportional to their stake now?
Yes the voting power would stay the same, obviously. 64 ETH would be the same as 2 validators now, 48 ETH would be 1.5 validators etc. There's still a lot of research to be made and the proposal is in its very first stages. It just gained a lot of attention because of FUD while in reality it's not a big thing. If it ever happens it's maybe like a year+ away and could take a different form.

>> No.55353359


>> No.55353503

Don't let the autists here lose you money. They're the kind of guys who didn't invest in Apple because Samsung had higher jiggawatzzz on their phones aka granular tech shit no one cares about

>> No.55353525

pivot, any day now. Sally and Brian that have to take two jobs now are going to pump your bags, funds that don't find bigger fools are buying your bas now

>> No.55354631

Reason why i push towards MATIC, ORE and BNB

>> No.55355592

I wouldn't wait that long anon. There are promising innovations in the space like DEPIN which is redefining defi and bringing multichain machine IDs to users.

>> No.55355612

>Ids to users
That's where the buck stops and what is never going to catch on. The wet dream of every advertiser which is never going to happen

>> No.55357079

If you’re looking at the bigger picture it’s been obvious for a while the long term play is not ETH, people flock to it because it had first mover advantage but the reality is the tech simply isn’t capable of doing what an entire world running on blockchain needs to do. ETH isn’t going to die because all chains will be interconnected but the explosive gains of the past simply won’t happen anymore, the price will stabilize and crab because better chains exist to do the backend blockchain transactions in a web3 world. The long term l1 plays are HBAR and ROSE for this, they both solve critical problems that ETH has and are backed by the players with the required connections

>> No.55357092

>t. Sanjeet Patel

>> No.55357095

>The world running on unscalable public distributed ledger
The pitches are shit

>> No.55357119

Elaborate…? I can’t understand what you’re trying to say?

>> No.55357131

That your sales pitches suck ass. Not even the most stupid boomer buys such a pitch to give you money. You can swap stable coins back and forth trying to bait liquidity and liquidate gamblers only so far, but new fresh capital? You scammer couldn't even sell water in the Sahara

>> No.55357134

luke dashjr said that bitcoin should have 300kb blocks and look where that went

>> No.55357154

can you even articulate what mev actually does to hurt me when I use uniswap or are you just repeating something you read on the dumbest cryptocurrency messageboard on the whole internet

>> No.55357181

It sandwiches you. It is a bot that is scamming you while you hope that somebody stupider than you comes along, and gets again sandwiched while you dump for fiat stable coins at a higher price. The most retarded ponzi ever, and the only one really winning is a bot. You have to be the lowest iq mouth breather to even consider playing this game with the information about the mev scam

>> No.55357190

have you actually tried uniswap? all my trades are executing within the slippage tolerance and I never get a price that deviates from what is listed on centralized exchanges unless there is extremely low liquidity.

>> No.55357196

Okay…? I was attempting to discuss the very real fact that the world is going to be an unrecognizable Orwellian blockchain powered shithole in 50 years. I personally do not have the connections, influence or billions of dollars required to do anything about that reality. It’s been clear to me for quite some time that it is inevitable, if you can’t see that or don’t care I don’t quite understand why you think I’m supposed to be “pitching” you anything…?

>> No.55357204

You mean that dex that sues people using its code. No would never use such a scam that tries to sell itself as open source

>> No.55357213

Really forget it this industry is just disgusting to a degree where security law is not enough but criminal law targeted at the advertisers is appropriate

>> No.55357224

you literally made that up

>> No.55357266

Right… well this is a board about business and finance so if all you’re going to do is be a faggot maybe you should try sticking to /lgbt/…?

>> No.55357280

No. Check the license for their version 4. You get sued if you copy the code.
Ponzis have nothing to do with business and finance

>> No.55357311

Either bait or you’re some low iq dipshit that fell for a rug with all his money and is now salty… doesn’t matter which, either way you’re still a fag.

>> No.55357324

Never fell for a rug and just decided that it's time to grieve this disgusting uncreative scam market that hasn't innovated for 7 years and only run on bullshit social engineering for the past 4 years to dead. Good luck finding new capital

>> No.55357601


It's max of 2048, not min, retard. Nice fud though


>> No.55357629

And that is going to motivate more fresh capital how? Oh I know "institutions" are going to buy (((our))) bags to stake them.

>> No.55357671
File: 2.96 MB, 402x300, B8396BF1-468E-49B9-8CA9-C053CDC4E7F0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro BLACKROCK is gonna pump us and dump us but we might as well enjoy the pump and exit accordingly. All the technobabble don’t mean shit nigga!

>> No.55357685

You really must have shits for brains and I can tell you the sec doesn't have. You might want to read why van eck was never approved, the sec is just going to use that form again and change van eck for whatever of the other applies now

>> No.55357731
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, B143CE15-D4C2-4A5D-A9C4-9EAE11489241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rules don’t apply for Blackrock man it’s obviously above everyone else. Did you not see the leak today where the recruiter basically says “yeah games over we own everyone you could possibly elect/appoint/hire.”

>> No.55357748

>He falls for pr
You are an idiot congrats.
Have you considered buying a bag of xrp and joining the cult of 2 more weeks

>> No.55357783

I owe both these bags, but I'm not pessimistic with ETH either. ETH is simply too big to fail and will be (is?) the de facto globohomo big finance chain, at least for the next 10 years.

>> No.55359228

Both bags are solid. I have added QANX to the list which ensures security against the quantum threats. Maybe I am too early but it's better to be early and not regret later.

>> No.55359453

I have already made 2x few months back now it's been pumping good. I'm sure the launch of Librescan will have a good effect. Let's see how it goes anon.

>> No.55360464

Altcoinistdao alpha picks kas ocean Ator have been impressive on the charts