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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55343106 No.55343106 [Reply] [Original]

>mom died from cancer a month ago
>got life insurance check today
I'm 23 and have never had more than $2,000 in my bank account. How do I best utilize this? Buy a house? High yield savings account?

>> No.55343115

>another cancer thread
Btw this faggots just posting these because he knows I've got cancer and lurk here.

>> No.55343121

Anon I have no idea what you're talking about. My mom had a blood cancer and passed after fighting it for 3 years.

>> No.55343144

try to buy a house, that's probably not going to be enough, but see if it can help you get a mortgage or something. at least that way you have somewhere to live.

>> No.55343161

I was planning for an apartment back in my hometown
I'd be able to pay rent and still save money to add a little on top while I house hunt
I never even thought about where I want to actually settle down since I thought it'd still be like 10 years before I get my own house

>> No.55343162

are you fucked anon?

>> No.55343182

Damn, qt
Should stop smoking though.
What costs do you have?
Do you live alone?
Do you have a job?
What does the job pay?
Is there anything you want to do with that money? Like starting a bussiness etc.
>You're asking the crypto board for advice.

Anyway hope you'll pull through good luck.

>> No.55343191

how are you buying a house with $60k in 2023? based on the assumption you have a shit income because $2000 is literally nothing
>me me me
have you always been this selfish?

>> No.55343199

No she didn't, she doesn't exist, this is the 7th thread you've made since my post talking to an anon, I know what you do I know your tactics, I might be dying but I'm not retarded.
Who isn't.

>> No.55343216

>Rent, groceries, internet and phone, maybe like 1250/mo
>Only $25k/yr
>Torn between house and investing it all

>she doesn't exist
anon my mom's real stop

>> No.55343218
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$60,000 still isn't settle down money for anywhere in the US right now. You'll be better off slapping the lump sum in a dividend ETF for the next 10 years and using the payments to supplement whatever slave wages you're making right now.

>> No.55343237

>posts trap coomer shit
>makes this about investments
Again 7th thread in 24 hours, three just got pruned.

>> No.55343265

Put 80% in an investment you can’t touch for 3-5 years.

98% chance you’ll blow it on food and stuff. Most everyone who gets “more money than they are used to” squander it

>> No.55343273

keep 10k, 40k for Bitcoin, 10k for ETH, wait till 2025 bull market, sell, enjoy your 300k. Rins and repeat in 2026 bear market, enjoy finance freedom in the 2029er bull market,

>> No.55343297

STFU you stupid simp

>> No.55343309

That's two whole bitcoins. Don't loan money to the bank. Don't loan money to the government. Get comfortable using multisig and just retire. If you're ambitious you can start taking out business and home loans in 2025. That will give you time to think about where you want to live and what you want to do.

>> No.55343312

The fuck is your deal dude? There's several of these retarded larp threads every day. Is your life that boring?

>> No.55343365

He's a fucking sperg who sits here and tries to annoy people by lurking in threads listening to banter then making threads about the banter.
He's been here awhile but most of his devices were ranged because he ddosed the board spamming so much multiple times.

>> No.55343477

Is this the same tard who spammed Nick's coinslot? I know there's a few other psychos who want to destroy the board because their specific coin didn't do numbers.

>> No.55343488

Likely same faggot who spams the cats, and spams the chuds, he begs every so often and gets banned then goes on a sperg out and ddosing the website, most of his devices got ranged but he is so god damn immature he revealed himself gloating about being unnranged three days ago, like clockwork all the bullshit begins again.

>> No.55343494

Best recomedation; pay off debts, invest in education or put 4-5k a month away in a gic/ till its all in and cycle the intrest, until you figure out what to do. That way, you're liquid while not losing any time value.

>> No.55343499

bot threads

>> No.55343502

This faggot he's either a turkroach or a jew, we know he's a beggar and we know he's a massive nigger.

>> No.55343518

Are you the anon I've talked with and prayed with before? It's me IBS anon.

>> No.55343562

I believe so, my memory can be a bit shotty now because of all the prescriptions I'm on but I'm 99% we talked, not that many people are actually here who are consistent and not bad actors.
How you doing bud?
Ever make sure it's not a gut bacteria problem or infection in your gallbladder/spleen?
When my organs flare up it makes symptom in the book come up.

>> No.55343567

If you can find a cheap house and pay in cash and don't need a loan buying a house might not be a terrible idea. personally I'd open an investment account and throw it into stocks or if you don't like managing stock throw it into tech focused mutual funds. Specifically ones focused on microprocessors. You could also throw some into BRK/B or something that mirrors Berkshire Hathaway's investments.

>> No.55343571

Makes every symptom in the book*

>> No.55343581

This looks like that one furfag who kept begging then managed to become a janny and bragged about it

>> No.55343595

Yeah... buy a house or appartment. Best investment. If you can, buy 2. Rent 1 out. If you have money left buy gold. If you have 88 ounces of gold buy 88 ounces silver. If you have more money left buy a world etf; like a vanguard all world etf. You have a nice property. Invest in security. Get some guards. Guns. Bows. (Hand or Excalibur crossbows)
, Knives. Sprays. Dogs. Now you are done. Finished. If you live in the US get a hunting rifle or a shotgun.

You invested as smart as you can. You are prepared for anything life throws at you.

Now if you want to go down a rabbit hole... follow me..

>> No.55343599

all in bitcoin.

>> No.55343602

Yeah man a lot better. I think so much of it is stress related. Right around June 1 I completely stopped shitting blood. Ulcers seem gone, no ab pain or bloat.
I honestly haven't thought about crypto or money or anything since feeling better. Health is truly wealth
I'll pray for you again man. Hang in there

>> No.55343667

Well thanks buddy, yeah money is only a means to an end, means little to me besides being able to pay my bills so I don't have to stress about sitting without power, last year I went without power and lights for months sitting in a 100 degree place going through renal failure, it's unironically 100x better than then just having my stuff on.
Glad to hear you're doing better, stress absolutely makes diseases/illnesses worse why I would pound into people fuck everything else if your health/mental health is gone you're going to tilt into an even unhealthier state and possibly wind up like my ass.

Annoyed today because I'm on steroids excuse me if my attitude isn't as optimistic as normal, but good to talk to the true anons here, and was worried about you shitting blood isn't good but can also just be impacted shit from stress/drugs/food etc the fact it's cleared up is good.
Keep your health up, the longer you stay healthy the better you'll be, supposedly our body reproduces atoms every year so ideally if you can stay healthy year after year you'll reset your body and immune system to normal, spend years doing bad shit, getting stressed etc your body will wear it's new cellular dna and break you down.

>> No.55343869
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Time for redpills.

>> No.55343974
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I've noticed this too, anon. I didn't see your original post talking about your cancer but there's somebody making cancer threads on purpose - and if it truly is a spiteful anon trying to psychologically torment you, that's awful.
I wish you all the best and I hope your condition improves. Here's my favourite picture of Mel Gibson, I hope it helps.

>> No.55343995

Don't forget to save 20k for taxes

>> No.55344008
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Based gibson poster, yeah it's definitely the reason why I can't tell if it's scraper bots or just some faggot I suspect the ladder.

>> No.55344128

Good, die retard.
>omg I hate vidya, anime and sports, I am a moral fag
You have advanced cancer kek

>> No.55344163

Not getting the attention you crave today faggot?

>> No.55344180

buy some pump and dump shitcoin scam on ethereum and lose it all

>> No.55344259
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Since this thread will likely die off or get pruned let's use this faggots negative intentions for some good.
Anons listen to this video every single day, I'm going back to doing it when I did I got better, healthier, wealthier and happier.
It's truly about mind over matter, I maybe sick now but I guarantee even though my cancer is terminal if i remember my purpose and my path it will change.

This is the key to life, my cancer is from my negativity, my cure will be my mind.

Possibly the best alpha ever posted on /biz/ since it's inception from one of our brothers from another time.

>> No.55344269
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Forgot the link.

>> No.55344272

Gamble everything on altcoin and crypto.
Make someone smarter than you 60k richer.
Now fuck off kid.

>> No.55344277

I will remember you anon, don't worry.
Just another cancer newfag poster dying of cancer.

>> No.55344362

I won't even give you another second of my thought or energy, I have a path of success to obtain and you aren't part of it.

>> No.55344524

Darn that's unreal. I can't imagine what you're going through man. The steroids they put me definitely had side effects od coming off em after 3 months. I genuinely only care about taking care of myself the rest of the year so your advice to try and make it to June 1 2024 is r3qlly inspiring. A good goal, easy to achieve and remind myself of when stress creeps back up.

>> No.55344551

why not go 50/50 btc eth? Wondering your logic

>> No.55344702

Good man, watch my video above, you are what you think.
I'm sick from a sick mind combined with bad habits, that can be changed and it's something the medical community doesn't fully embrace they believe people must be fixed instantly, when they typically ignore positive thoughts and actions.
Your brain is your computer.

>> No.55345017

Got any spare weight?
Fast for a month or 2.
You stop feeling hungry because your body stops producing ghrelin. On day 3 you don't even feel hungry anymore.
Eat only red meat, and I mean only red meat. No oils, no potatoes with it, no onion powder, just grass fed red meat.

>> No.55345474

Get yourself a suistack of link. Wait until 2030. This is the best advice you will ever get in your life anon.

>> No.55345549

Grass fed red meat is extremely expensive and usually fasting is only fine for the early cancers not 10 years deep into myeloma.
No matter not a lot of point of posting today whole boards compromised hard.

>> No.55345570

you sound like a fucking schizo... is it brain cancer?

>> No.55346378

buy PEPE you'll become a billionaire before your mom degrades and become unfuckable

nobody gives a fuck about you, meds now.

>> No.55346395

These idiots watch youtube vids of homeopathic retards and think, you just do this and you’re good.

>> No.55346450

Hairbuns make any girl 500% hotter