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55342396 No.55342396 [Reply] [Original]

What are we buying for Shitcoin Summer? My bags:
Post the bags you have for Shitcoin Summer!

>> No.55342408


>> No.55342411

I'm gonna buy that stupid apu coin (the one with the kawaii website) because it looks like the devs never rugpulled and it's kino

>> No.55342414

do jews really not have a single shred of creativity, just trying to repeat shit over and over again, expecting the same outcome, independent of the bigger picture
kys frog idiot

>> No.55343198

one way to get beyond nigger rich.. M87 looks to be one that will pave a way for the poor.. they got rid of a couple of seriously faggoted faggots which should finally allow success. if not i KMS

>> No.55343210


>> No.55343688

I am trying to make money not lose it.

>> No.55343719
