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55334653 No.55334653 [Reply] [Original]

I have to be honest here (and I feel like I'm speaking for many throughout the world on this too)...I want to be rich but I don't feel like putting in the work necessary.

It's one of those catch 22's in life. Either you sign your life away to slave away for the money necessary to have "fun" (but you can't have fun if you don't have time due to working constantly) or you don't do the work, give yourself time but now you don't have the means to go and do what you want out of life.

Me particularly, I want to tour around the USA in my car and travel around the world whenever I please. When at home, I want to game, watch yt vids, and go on walks all the time.

Why is our world setup in such a way that if you don't inherit big money or if you don't get lucky in some stupid lottery, you're fucking screwed? :(

I know I'll receive an army of responses saying , "tough shit kid, either go work or kys" but my default response to those potential replies is, "whatever, fuck you."



>> No.55334675 [DELETED] 

First off yes its the modern slave society
The world was never fair, where the fuck do you zoomers get the expectation that it should be
I guess thats what they tell at school

>> No.55334680

First off yes its the modern slave society
The world was never fair, where the fuck do you zoomers get the expectation that it should be?
I guess thats what they tell at school

>> No.55334757


>> No.55334764

Learn cybersecurity and AI and rob the fuck out of NPC corps. They deserve it.

>Feed CEOs voice to ML model
>Now I am the CEO

>> No.55335042

You work hard to get rich so that your children will have an inheritance.

>> No.55335078

What about me!?
F the kids

>> No.55335117

life is against you, nature struggles to survive, you arent special you must struggle too.

>> No.55335148

it's been consistent throughout human history that vast majority of us are working to keep ourselves alive while a small few benefit from our labor, I guess they stopped teaching this in history class

>> No.55335273

When I’m travelling I just do it so I can appreciate home and my country more when I return, overrated meme hobby imo, it’s just fomo and something to do with your money for “experiences”. Right now I’m on day 4 of my 2 week travel, didn’t enjoy the food, hotel is subpar for a 5 star, nobody speaks english and the tourist attractions were underwhelming. Once the novelty wears off it becomes boring. You should do it a few times to get rid of the fomo and realize it’s actually crap and pleb activity.

>> No.55335288

I have cousins in this. They make a lot of money but they work nonstop. I have experience programming, but no cyber security. Don’t want to work with family though.

>> No.55335359

>Why is our world setup in such a way
Imagine if it wasn't? Need to keep infrastructure and critical services operating still. And people receiving their gibs and just fucking off all day. Not just your neet ass but all the other trash that you would rather avoid. Place would be anarchy. Need to keep people on the hook to actually work with things like mortgages and debt so that infrastructure runs and they don't fuck off all day and start creating more made up mental illness tranny issues than we already have.