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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55332291 No.55332291 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, US labor statistics got corrected several times. Like, one month they said: goyuum, we added gazillion jobs, be thankful. The next month they told: oooops, turned out that month 10000 were removed, not added. There were several instances of this shit the last 12 months. But I can't find any specific info. Where the fuck is it??

>> No.55332339

First they redefined vaccine. Then a recession. Now it's job.

>> No.55332352

Be useful and expand your skillset. You'll always have a job and won't have to make up shitty excuses like this.

>> No.55332358

That's not the point. The point is, they erased traces of changing jobs amounts. Or maybe I'm stupid and just can't find it, I don't know.

>> No.55332364

holy cope

>> No.55332393

>Wagie signs up for their third food delivery app, that they do maybe 2 deliveries on per week.
>Just like, Brandon adds another job to the US economy.

>> No.55332450

Sounds like your pulling this out of your ass. What's the point of even posting this if you can't find any sources?

>> No.55332455

>ID: j0O
Checks out

>> No.55332456


>> No.55332510

They literally always revise their estimates for this sort of stuff. Nothing strange about it.

>> No.55332534

Holy shit, you are one stupid motherfucker!

>> No.55332727


>> No.55333926

Bump the fuckshit.

>> No.55333953

You never graduated high school.

>> No.55334048

they add a billion jobs that pay unlivable wages that no one can afford to take
thats not a good thing

>> No.55334116

people that work hard are timeless. they have outlived every country, every political ideology and every disaster the world has thrown their way. I didn't like where I was a few years ago, and decided to change it. sure, on a macroeconomic level, we are definitely not in as good shape as we were a few years ago. however, companies which work hard to create profit and individuals who work hard to create the life they want will persist and thrive. there are companies right now who are outperforming all of their peers through a comparative advantage they've created through technology or creativity or just guts, and I've invested in them. that's why blue chips are down from the previous bullrun but smaller firms are able to show incredible growth. once companies become gargantuan in size (like apple or microsoft), they really are at the mercy of macrotrends. smaller caps can show profitability because they have less exposure to the market as a whole and can carve out a nice spot for themselves which will prove even more profitable in better times. if you're ever feeling down about the "economic times" we're in, remember that there are others out there who are working harder than you and doing better than you'd do in a bullrun because they have remembered the timeless principles which are inherent to nature itself and don't suck on the tit of the federal reserve and the USD.

tl;dr you can be an exception to the rule, but instead you're being a bitch looking for validation from other people instead of solving your own problems

spbp, and of course, its met with faggoty cope. this board is dogshit

>> No.55334145

>1pbtid Israeli

>> No.55334147


I think the most egregious downward revision was for the Q2 2022 report. Here's a starting quote from the report: "In the aggregate, 10,500 net new jobs were
added during the period rather than the
1,121,500 jobs estimated by the sum of the
states; the U.S. CES estimated net growth
of 1,047,000 jobs for the period."

>> No.55334234
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>> No.55334257
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>> No.55334264

You’re referring to a study by the Philadelphia Federal Reserve


>> No.55334816


That's what I was talking about. Thank you, anons.

>> No.55334956
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>> No.55335975
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have a bump

>> No.55336011

8 of the last 12 job data sets were heavily revised.