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55327080 No.55327080 [Reply] [Original]

I have 400k. Where do I gamble it for a 3x? Im going to kill myself but I may not do it if I get to 1 million before age 40. Im 33 and I have 0 earnings since youtube demonetized my channel after 5+ years of working on it. Extremely demanding niche with no chance to make money outside of ad revenue. inb4 move your traffic to other platform, nobody gives a fuck to click on links. Unless you are some cult persona everything stays within the youtube algorithm. So I'll kill myself soon, only having 1+million so I don't need to think about money would change my mind. Once you've experienced makig money online you'd rather die than wagecuck. I also have 0 job experience and only have HS degree. I was making 15k a month only a few days ago and now im back to 0. Death would save me from this missery but there's one last bullet, to triple what I have, so I would put it all on the MSCI World and liquidate 3.5% yearly which would net me a decent wage passively assuming annualized 8% performance continues.

Im considering gambling it all on BTC for muh ETF pump, however, putting 400k in an exchange is a problem by itself, banks hate crypto.

>> No.55327087

you write like a schizo mate

>> No.55327105

Post channel, if not then you are a LARP

>> No.55327122

Why would I want to do that? jfl Im already paranoid someone that hates me and has access to youtube flagged me or something, tf I would post my site on this shithole.

>> No.55327135

You’re a moron OP. Throw your money in ETH and wait

>> No.55327151

Ethereum is a retarded fucked up centralized blockchain with no use cases other than releasing illegal securities. Going all in on BTC is already retard risky enough.

>> No.55327179

do a patreon like other youtubers who get demonetized. Also reach out to companies that make products related to what you do and see if they'd be interested in sponsoring. If you have a large enough fan base, it should be relatively simple

>> No.55327186

Lmao good LARP. If you weren't a paranoid schizo you would make an appeal. Make a video on your channel explaining what happened. Keep making videos on a different site, but make a short trailer for each and throw that on YouTube redirecting to the new site. Or make a Pateron .

However you are most likely a liar. Enjoy the bullet.

>> No.55327199

Did you read my post? in my niche Nobody gives a fuck about giving you a patreon and it's pretty generic stuff with no original characters. Also you can get in trouble for trying to promote advertised stuff when most people on youtube are 13-16. Ad revenue is truly the holy grail for this niche, its a faceless voiceless channel. They fucked up my life, this was going to be the best summer ever and it has been taken away just like that. Suicide is looking fantastic. To achieve what I did is almost impossible, I ranked some videos so fucking high worldwide it's unbeliable, and now im kicked out of the platform for violating some faggot guideliness while people on my niche do the same videos without problems. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.55327208

Clowntown.bet anon
Stealth launch today

>> No.55327211

"Please post your channel so I can copy what you did". It shows you are new when you think muh move to another side and muh patreon works on faceless voiceless channels. Keep coping tard, at least I have 400k in compound interest on the MSCI World which should 2x in 10 years if I live like monk frugal schizo.

>> No.55327266

Lmao your channel is one of a million like The Company Man or any other channel that just regurgitates Wikipedia facts. Your paranoia is making you project that people are trying to steal your stuff. Seek help schizo.

>> No.55327271

It may be whatever you want to think but it was giving me 15k a month and a purpose since I actually enjoyed working on the content and no, it's all original content, never had a copyright strike.

>> No.55327278

god damn this is some pathetic humblebrag thread

>> No.55327295
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I have no clue what the heck you OP wants, but I just scooped up some KREST on AllianceBlock's Fundrs and the public sale is still open. I'm crossing my fingers for it to skyrocket at least x3 when it hits exchanges, but who knows, man? DYOR anon.

>> No.55327377

Buy COTI, CYMI and ZPAY. Certain about 3x

>> No.55327402

How am I braging? I have 400k, yes, but imagine you have NO JOB EXPERIENCEand you are a fucking NEET at 33yo with no other income. Now how does that sound.

>> No.55327510

Fuck you rich fag get a job and wage

>> No.55327524

sounds like the usual cant see the glass half full situation
you're already in this circumstance and there's no changing that unless you appeal and youtube accepts
at least you've got 400k that can net you 20k a year risk free

>> No.55327569

write options, if you were smart you'd already know this, but since you're retarded I won't spoonfeed you, just go buy weekly options on robinhood
and livestream it if you do end up killing yourself, but you won't kys, you're just posting this for the small amount of dopamine you get from (You)s

>> No.55327576

How the fuck is 400k rich? You are only rich if your money can generate a decent income

Now let's say I put 400k on the MSCI World. That's an annualized 8%, which is 32k, however that's fucking retarded since volatility will make it so that you liquidate on lower figures.

Now let's take into account to be sure you don't eat your principal you have to liquidate 3% a year max, some say 4% but to be safer 3%

3% is 12000 fucking €

After taxes, that's like 800€ a month

Rent prices here go for like 600€+

jfl my life is fucked, I will never move from my mom's

I don't know where you get the 20k from, see numbers above.

>> No.55327590

>write options
What the fuck am I reading? sounds too convoluted, probably traps im not seeing.

>> No.55327704

interest rate for "risk free" tbills is around 5%

>> No.55327778

Im on the Eu so I have no access to t-bills at these rates, I get fucked by EU to US conversions if I buy in USD. Also the MSCI World has a "guaranteed" anualized 8% long term. So I wish I had a fucking minimum income to not need to liquidate anything and I would have like 880 in 10 years.

>> No.55327786

im not going to spoonfeed you
you can buy anything you want its a global market
use your brains mr youtuber

>> No.55327841

Sorry that you're channel got demonetized, but don't gamble your $400k away on crypto scams. That would be such a stupid move to make, you're just going to donate that sum to India. Invest the money in yourself, start a business, do anything with that money other than REDEEM THE CARD U BLOODY BICH BASTERD

>> No.55327918
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Become a rebate whale like me and wait for the rest of biz to FOMO in. Uniswap basically soft confirmed partnership and dev involvement in the v4 announcement.
It's just a bit of time before it becomes the next chainlink

>> No.55328461

Why would I want to buy euro bonds for crappy %'s when I can buy the MSCI World and get 8% anualized?

yeah im not buying shitcoins,i was considering btc tops

businesses are a meme, its also a gamble

>> No.55328519

Take $200k and buy BTC, take the other $200k and buy ETH, you'll be fine.

>> No.55329062
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Btc and Eth are based investments for long term gains anon. I also see potential in platforms that are moving adoption from web2 Iot to web3 Eot.

>> No.55330386

make a new channel and teach yourself how to invest.

>> No.55330602

He's right OP. Sell options, if they expire out of the money you get to keep all the premium you collected from the sale of the option. If the trade moves against you, cut your losses by buying the option back and selling a more expensive option in its place at a later duration (i.e. rolling for a credit). With some practice you can earn 1%/mo. on your money ezpz. More with practice. Just watch your maintenance margin and excess liquidity to keep your risk in check. Wish I had a 6-figure portfolio like you

>> No.55330809

Farm bits
Launches in few. Peace

>> No.55330914

You need luke $4m but no worries, buy Chainlink. Literally Ethereum has an EPI for CCIP, all fud on this board is either morons or paid shills

>> No.55331918

wanted to give OP some advice but he sounds like a raging spoiled asshole so im gonna excuse myself

>> No.55332515
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>> No.55333161

Don't gamble Idiot. Play the long term game and buy coins with potentials. RAIL, XMR, INJ, and MPL are some good bet.

>> No.55333199

Based investment. But what about buying privacy coins? Leveraging on the current happenings.

>> No.55333241

Damn son- just ignore all the stupid advice from everyone else in this thread telling you to buy shitcoins or fuck around with options. Here’s what you do…

You made it to 15K a month with YouTube once, you can figure out a way to do it again. Don’t give me any fucking excuses. If you had the dedication to achieve that one time then you 100% have the ability to get back there and you will do it in much less time on the 2nd go around. In the mean time, with 400k in the bank you can literally spend 40k a year and be fine for the next decade without working. So just live a minimalist lifestyle and pour every bit of energy you have into replicating your previous success and you be right back to where you were probably in less than 3 years and still have 300k in the bank as a safety net.

>> No.55333270

Go to a casino and bet it all on red
It’s a 50% chance you 3x it
99% chance you lose it in the crypto market

>> No.55333427

>fails to do something
don't forget to become a tranny before you do it, gotta pump those rates lmao

>> No.55333876

Well the thing is, the stuff on my niche is insanely time consuming, and you risk ending up on the same position since it's basically the same content. And I was there on this niche at the right time doing in the right, now it's saturated. I have videos ranked top10 worldwide for this niche. It hurts my fucking soul. Im pretty sure you need legit luck to get there beside doing the right thing. Most people that "made it" wouldn't admit to luck but im telling you luck is key. I only know how to do stuff on this insanely time consuming niche per video, which again, now due guidelines has a risk that you end up in problems again. Im also not sure if Youtube likes you having more than 1 channel on the same Adsense account. I've always had the parnanoia of shadowbans etc.

I was looking at this chart and if I get it right, it means that if you are 100% in stocks, like something reasonable like the SP500 or even safer like MSCI World, you could withdraw 3% a year and never run out of money. I don't understand the top and bottom lists tho. Why does it say "Final Asset Value Target = 0" and "Final Asset Value Target = 1.00*Initial"?

Isn't this the same thing? It basically means no variance, yet the %'s are different.

I just want to put all the money on the MSCI and withdraw every year a safe amount, everything else is just market timming and stressful.

Full article here:

I've considered buying an appartment and renting it but in my country the laws are retarded and if they stop paying you cannot kick them out and you have to pay them the bills.

>> No.55333889
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Forgot to add pic related

>> No.55334025

Can you fucking kill yourself so I don’t have to see you whine as a self defeating little pussy?
“Waaah luck waaah I used to be big”

Literally jump off the bridge or start making videos.
I don’t mean this as encouragement either.
Kill yourself if you’re actually this big a bitch.
Fucking loser

>> No.55335422

If you’re not gonna share you niche that’s fine. At least don’t be a faggot and share some tips with anons on how to make a youtube channel to generate revenue. You managed to do it, that means you’re not completely useless.

>> No.55335604

Can you try to sell your channel? How much have you been offered for it?

>> No.55335730

Well the thing is I have an emotional attachment to it because of how much time i've spent to it. So im torn not only financially but emotionally. Fucking youtube reviewing cucklords ruined my life. My content was harmless but they decided it violates some vague guidelines. They deleted videos and then days later I got fucked by demonetization. Supposedly I can request it again 3 months for now but I don't know what the fuck im supposed to do before requesting it so I don't get rejected. So no I wouldn't sell it.

What do you want me to say? If I knew how to replicate what I did I would just do it. The truth is, you need luck. You need to be at the right moment releasing the right content and getting a couple viral videos in a row to get the snowball going. You need to keep the viewer interested and first you need people to click on it, that's about it. But im sure there are some weird internal metrics like how many videos you release that don't perform. If they don't perform properly the channel becomes stuck and they cap views im sure. That's why im so fucking devastated, what I achieved is so rare.

>> No.55336166

I feel you OP, must be brutal to lose something you've invested so much in. You have good amount saved up, worst case scenario wasn't there something else you wanted to do in life? Maybe its time to look into it in case they don't reserve the demonetization. With regards to making a 3x before 40 if you're 33, isn't Bitcoin a no-brainer if you want no risk? Its never 100%, but there's a VERY good chance there will another bull market and you can easily do a 3x or more. Yes putting 400k on an exchange is a problem depending on where you are and which bank you use, but you can always switch bank

>> No.55336250


>I have 400k

Sure ya do fag, sure ya do. Just like the losers in the 50 identical threads that I see on here everyday. Is pretending to have money on 4chan some kind of coping mechanism for you retards? Never understood the point in these dumb fucking threads you fucking idiots spam on here.

>> No.55336731

You realize you're on a board where people held assets that did like a minimum 10x right?

I have 800k. There's a ton of wealth on biz. Lurk more faggot

>> No.55338507

The fact that you find 400k unbeliable isn't even comforting. Im too depressed because I was making 5 figures a month like 2 weeks ago. Now that is fucking sould crushing. Having 400k with 0 income feels pretty numb at this point. And like I said im a NEET that cannot commute and work. Now if I had 800k, the withdraws would be enough to not have to live an insanely frugal lifestyle.

I already contacted youtube, they don't care, the chat employes that you get after x subscribers are just your average community guidelines reading bots, these people are supposedly real people but they could be chat gpts.

As far as going all in into BTC... if you actaully think about it its fucking insane. Now that they want a BTC ETF, that at least gives me a peace of mind that they will not pull the plug and ban fiat onramps... right?
Anyway, after you buy 400k worth of btc, you have to put 400k worth of btc on a fucking wallet software, its too much anxiety, you can fuck it up in the process and get locked from your hard earned money.

Im in EU so Bitpanda has a bunch of certifications and EU standards but as far as I know it's not that safer, these things are crypto exchanges after all, not serious banks. It's like putting your money into a SVB tier deposit. So if you leave it theres risk, if you withdraw into some wallet thing there's risk. Owning SP500 or MSCI has no risk, but gains suck compared to that I know, but that's the tradeoff.

Plus there may not even be a halvening ATH anymore. What if it fails? the hype wouldn't be there and you'll be bagholding.

>> No.55339294

Buy Ether and stake it you nigger
Then you have income from staked eth plus the speculation factor of it

>> No.55339896

Based! Currently taking a look on Coinbase and taking a look the pros and cons.

>> No.55339902

share the pros and cons here as well. woudl love to debate

>> No.55339907

Also coinbase is gay. look into rocketpool, stader, etc

>> No.55339922

Decentralized opportunities are always better imo, coinbase pros are probably ease of access, great UI while the cons are you give up custody, unstaking period last longer than stipulated.

In all I prefer Rocketpool and LIDO and with the upcoming Spool V2 innovation towards creating yield farming strategy then i would likely stick to decentralized opportunities.

>> No.55339942

You like spool? I have been hearing a lot about it. but mostly its the shills in the avax and linky threads so I didnt pay much attn to it

Another name i have been hearing with spool is pendle or something. ever heard of that?

>> No.55339950

>Im considering gambling it all on BTC for muh ETF pump,
Diversify anon. BTC is long term, so are good alts like AstraDAO. You also get index advantage on their non custodial platform. Several birds, one stone.

>> No.55339979

Been hearing about astradao a lot too. what market cap or fdv you expect this to hit in bull?

>> No.55339989

Is it https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/astra-dao ?

Liquidity looks like shit or are we too early?

>> No.55340236

>You like spool?
There's so much to like about the product desu, the V2 plans to bring onboard RWA, LSD and ETH staking.

Pendle is another LSDFi project i keep coming across on CT but i am quite relaxed about it as i haven't had time to take a look at it.

>> No.55340274

> What do you want me to say?
faggot,just say whats the niche/content that made you so lucky ?? were you making asmr videos or whatever the fuck you were doing.
Now that you can no longer replicate it again ,why are you such a pussy to tell others about it .

>> No.55340288

i get 10-12% rate in my country , so 400k would be enough for me to not have a panic attack like this . I would keep that in the bank or invest somewhere and learn some new skills
>t.3rd worlder

>> No.55340548
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Since DePIN is the next big trend, I'll follow your footstep anon and partake in the KREST public sale, aiming for a Peaq airdrop. Is like killing 2 birds with one stone.

>> No.55340571

DePIN is one of these tech, Jeet. I expect cutting-edge applications to emerge from ecosystems of DePIN leaders like arkreen, peaq, metablox and others.