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55324960 No.55324960 [Reply] [Original]

it’s over

>> No.55324965

>be Germany
>Elect American puppets
>Dump the entire budget and more into their failed war effort in Ukraine
You really should kill every single American GI on German territory

>> No.55324974

at least you werent racist, you tried to save the world and died while doing so, its an honorable death

>> No.55324975

It never actually began

>> No.55324984

At least you tried. Failed, but tried none the less.

>> No.55324987

They should have never shit canned the radical laws and killed the members of the green party back in 1985

>> No.55325004
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Es ist vorbei...

>> No.55325198

And as Irlmaier predicted, the Russians that enter Germany and get to the Rhine are going to be seen a liberators while the bodies of the anglos hang from lampposts

>> No.55325833

It ended 78 years ago

>> No.55326978
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That flag is upside down.

The above archived: https://archive.is/EfAla
Hambacher Lied: https://archive.is/yUzgO

>> No.55327009

Fuckin pajeet bot

>> No.55327045

But Ukraine defends le free world

>> No.55327085

Wait what happened

>> No.55327224
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What didnt?

>> No.55327255

They used to have Wilhelm II, look at them now...

>> No.55327973
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You are JlDF.

>> No.55327991

It is an attempt to create a narrative for the economic fuck ups of the socialists and the bribed american "Greens". It failed, and they die, literally. The population doesn't see Russia as the bad boy but the incompetent political class and their private and civil sector

>> No.55327997
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>> No.55328103

you are truly the most retarded bots on this website - your operators are incompetent and those who hired them are even on a level above their incompetency

this website in its totality is really just like a giant car accident one cant stop looking at because its so bad

>> No.55328848

thats not the saudi arabian flag though

>> No.55329051

German cucks should've followed what Bismarck told them to do, unfortunately they became autistic.
“One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.”
“The Balkans are not worth the bones of a single of my Pomeranian grenadiers.”

>> No.55330282


Doing God's work.

>> No.55330296

At least they’re no speaking german

>> No.55330344
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This. Humanity's pinnacle technology is still whatever we were able to steal from captured natsoc scientists in operation paperclip, but at least we get to have international banks and drag queen story hour.

>> No.55331831

You are in the EU, just move to a different country bro.

>> No.55331923

>became autistic

>> No.55331962

r8 my exit strategy (DE and NL passports, living in DE at the moment)
>make it
>buy passport from St. Kitts and Nevis
>open bank account in UAE using only St. Kitts documents (they report accounts of EU citizens respective countries)
>create holding company in UAE
>cash out into cook island trust owned by the holding company
>own nothing and be happy

>> No.55332175


>> No.55332183

No this is Russian misinformation or trump
Putin is literally trump or the other way around dunno

>> No.55332188

Wait, it's an actual quote?

>> No.55332189

Doesn't Germany have 0% tax on crypto if you've held it longer than a year? Why go through all these hoops?

>> No.55332194

Why not move to thailand with elite visa. Incorporate in Canada LP.
Write invoices for NFT

>> No.55332245

Bahrain? UAE can backfire.

>> No.55332260

I travelled to Stuttgart 3 weeks ago and was kind of shocked at what I saw, arabs, africans, gypsies from eastern europe (which are begging everywhere, even in trains) and so on, barely any germans.
Is this a thing all throughout Germany or is Stuttgart just a particular bad city?

>> No.55332272
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Not my problem.

>> No.55332296

there aren't that many non whites in germany, this isn't france, the uk or sweden.

>> No.55332337

1. I make most of my money from stocks and options, not crypto.
2. Laws can change (they are talking about introducing a wealth tax)
3. I don't want any of the EU beurocracy to know any of my data

First priority is 0% state theft. Thank you for pointing me towards this Thailand option ,I didn't know about that.
>Incorporate in Canada LP
From a first glance it looks like I would need a partner for this and could not do it alone, is that right? I would rather stay afar from insane countries like canada as possible.

>UAE can backfire
Can you give an example on that? I don't plan to live there permanently. I am not familiar at all with Bahrain, it just seems to me that the UAE has the most infrastructure setup or whatever you call it for rich people trying to escape their countries.

>> No.55332345

>just move to another country that's as bureaucratic as yours, as insane taxes just like yours and imports browns like there's no tomorrow just like yours
you're a fucking retard
>YoU'Re In ThE uS, jUsT mOvE tO a DiFfErEnT sTaTe BrO.
this is what you sound like

>> No.55332376

>1. I make most of my money from stocks and options, not crypto.
So you still have assets under your name in the EU? How do you plan on cashing these out?

>> No.55332389

No its generally that bad in cities in the west

>> No.55332390

Has been over since '45 bro

>> No.55332397

Yeah but you could use your grandma as partner and set her as a 1% holder or something

Or open a us LLC but its harder to get bank accounts

>> No.55332398

thanks, hopefully things will become better soon for you german friends

>> No.55332403

There are no big cities left in Europe and North America that aren't non white shitholes.

>> No.55332406

Then everywhere else is equally fucked, so stop complaining. Do you want to emigrate to muttland? Go ahead and try your luck.

>> No.55332413

Germans will literally go extinct in next 40 years or so, they haven't had above replacement fertility in over 50 years.

>> No.55332427

Muttland is literally turd world if your aren't atleast a multi-millionaire.
This is bare minimum requirement to exclude yourselves from a jungle of drug addicted street shitting child raping (& murdering) animalistic feral subhumans.

>> No.55332430

What happened?

>> No.55332454
File: 512 KB, 808x793, w3t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? :(

>> No.55332459

Nah there are where russians used to rule.
Its not that bad.

>> No.55332462


>> No.55332472

>So you still have assets under your name in the EU?
I still live in the Germany, but the state doesn't know that. I renewed my passport in 2021 and then deregistered from the town hall telling them I plan to emigrate to the Netherlands, but I never did. I use IBKR for options trading and have never filed a tax return.

My plan was to setup a Cook Islands trust owned by a holding company owned by me first. Then cash out into an offshore bank account that I opened with a non EU travel document and transfer the money to the trust and live of the dividends/fund white paramilitary groups in South Africa.

Yeah that is not going to be an option for me, my family are all turbo normies that cannot be trusted.

>> No.55332478

> where russians used to rule
Not Europe
> It's not that bad
kek, if you only knew.

>> No.55332514

Ah youre the Michel that thinks he i vanished while still getting post from the taxman lol

>> No.55332533

I don't think so, aside from the occasional amazon order I haven't has any mail in years.

>> No.55332544

It’s very bad. A 1.5 birth rate means you are losing a quarter of your people every generation

>> No.55332569

If the next government (in fucking 2 years...) doesn't include the AfD it's completely over. Most of the damage can't be reversed anyway, damage control is the best whats still possible.

All these rapefugees need to BTFO.

>> No.55332603

There are retard
Everything east of the elbe doesnt have these super shithole cities
>> It's not that bad
>kek, if you only knew.
Wtf are you on?
Whats your agenda?

>> No.55332607

Yes but does this mean extinct in 40 years?

>> No.55332639

a wealth tax?
I missed that...

I am looking to exit this shithole too because as a cuck who declares taxes I can't trade options because of their new law ignoring losses from derivatives over 20k...

They make it impossible for me to live from trading.

>> No.55332665

I don't know if you're joking or not, but there are still a lot of nice places to live here in the US. The entire country isn't Detroit, NYC, and LA

>> No.55332677

Which address did you give ibkr then?

Like said, US LLC can be an option, should be fine to get a WISEA account

If you deal with us companies the canada route is preferred ofc

Btw name some options you guys can think off
Buying a citizenship is BS for the reason that it will not matter, why dont you register yourself as dutch abroad anyway

>> No.55332689

'in a nutshell' (teehee, Germans only use that) Bahrain needs your money/investment more than UAE. Also has to do with mentality there and also international dependencies. Regardless of your decision, you should have friends in either country.
After west confiscated Russian money, every other country will start to do so as well the only reason that didn't happen for decades was the west telling everyone how it's unfair and hinders growth. That fairy tale is over now.

Ask, if you need more info. I am in a similar situation.

>> No.55332690

We are talking about population loss 4 times more devastating than WW2. Every 30 years. It changes everything

>> No.55332708

The SPD requested the Hans-Bockler Stiftung to explore how they could introduce a wealth tax again without breaking the constitution in february. You can download it here:


>> No.55332800

>Which address did you give ibkr then?
My german address, when I was still registered. The account is way older than that.
>Btw name some options you guys can think off
For low risk easy money you can always sell dividend aristocrats.
By far the most bang for buck in the last two years has been GME, just make sure not to sell Calls in case that the conspiracy theorists in the general are actually right. I only sell covered puts on GME for that reason.
For higher risk/returns it is always changing, look up thetagang to check the current trends.

I couldn't find much in the last few minutes.
Since they are fairly close to each other it seems being an Island could be a disadvantage, putting a hard cap if they want to build more infrastructure and the UAE has their airlines making it easy to get there from around the world.
I would love to hear more.

>> No.55332807

You know the broker then will inform the taxman about your trading?
How can you sign off and still not inform your broker? Doesnt it deduct tax automatically?
Maybe the taxman sees it as a gift since you already left and still pay them but ofc when you dont claim it back they will know your still there???

>> No.55332850

>You know the broker then will inform the taxman about your trading?
Yeah but the taxman doesn't know I still live in his country.
>How can you sign off and still not inform your broker?
Not sure what you mean there? Not update my address with them? I did that, I just didn't update it with the tax man.
>Doesnt it deduct tax automatically?
IBKR doesn't. At least for me. Degiro did when I had an account there, though only on dividends. I know some German brokers automatically withhold capital gains tax, but I never had any accounts with them.
>Maybe the taxman sees it as a gift since you already left and still pay them but ofc when you dont claim it back they will know your still there???
No, they never got anything from me. (and they never will)

>> No.55332875

Weird tactics desu

If you make that much trading why didnt you just move to cyprus???
Trading is tax free there and for trading crypto can use a company and pay around 10% tax

>> No.55332879

Yeah, getting there from Qatar will always be possible.
Being and island is an advantage in many ways.

When Oman is the Switzerland of the gulf, Bahrain is Liechtenstein.

UAE are completely different people from Bahrain.

>> No.55332914

so many parasites who think the money from others grow on trees...

>> No.55333000

Germans are to blame, really. Never met such Indoctrinated peoples. Even Americans don't let them cuck that bad.
Literally the whole world incl Austria laughs at you

>> No.55333017

I still have not made it by my standards and want to keep living minimalistic/under the radar until I do and then make a clean break and not worry for the rest of my life.

So far I only found people saying positive things about Bahrain, the common thing also seems to be traveling there usually involves a layover in Dubai or Abu Dhabi which begs the question when looking purely for a a tax residence it would have to be noticeably cheaper to live there to justify the extra effort. I suppose I'll have to travel to both myself before committing to either.
When looking at a place to call home for longer this Thai Elite Visa or staying in Switzerland or Italy with a flat tax seems more attractive.

Imagine if the FDP was not in the government right now, they would probably try to ram it through before the next election

>> No.55333055

Yes, the indoctrination is really something although there are exceptions.
I found many good German people who were aware of the reality, but most of them were also on their way to leaving the country or had already a place outside.

>> No.55333067

The FDP still cucked on removing the stupid trading tax loss ignoring rule...
Germany is on a fast track towards collapse.
I can't imagine how they will recover from this.
No energy and max green cultism with max tax.

Pure insanity!

>> No.55333084


>> No.55333100

Checked but the usa/england is to blame for the modern germany.

>> No.55333184

no, because germany is far worse.

>> No.55333225

Like I said you have to go there personally.

Forget staying in eu (my personal opinion)

Oh boy, how many flee the country.
The exceptions aren't really viable. They still play the game, despite being aware of.
Sure, there are great Germans.

Sounds what a German would say.
The Germans just oh so willingly accept a higher sovereign. It's deep in their blood.
German philosophers knew hundreds of years before.

>> No.55333438
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> ihr Underperformer entflieht der Heimat

>> No.55333544

what is germany? i think you meant new Turkey

>> No.55334077
File: 171 KB, 1280x725, we're back so hard we've never been so back baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's over
>it's never been so over >#vantablackpill

>> No.55334708

Not as long nato exists

>> No.55334759

And still when things get too worse they rise up
But then the fucking jewified anglos organized the world against it and now its seemingly too late

>> No.55334803

Yeah, your only bet rn is the hidden star of le lepens secret weapon. However time will tell if he can overcome his puppet installment and if he has what it takes to resist big money.

In 2017 I secretly wished for a left-right alliance with the far left star and that blonde lesbian teachers pet.
I don't think Germany alhas any chance without trump/lepen.

>> No.55334831

until Germany hasn't thrown out every single last American, be it military, business or otherwise, its going to be a broken nation that is used as a proxy to keep the EU down for American interests. The macro bear should be used to rally people against Americans in Europe and blame them for everything under the sun, make them the scapegoat

>> No.55334851

How expensive is real estate in Germany outside of major cities? Say can a married middle class couple afford a decent house in a smaller/medium sized city (30k-100k people or so)?

>> No.55334878

between 300K (in the middle of nowhere) up to 15M (outskirts of capital city) for a flat an american pays between 30K and 500K

>> No.55334971

that's cool but I don't remember asking about shartmerikkka

>> No.55334993

Just a comparison
Median home sales price, which includes every shart market sales in the the US fell from 480K to 410K, In Germany 590K

but you could have googled that; instead of using this website like a godman zoomer trash faggot that needs to go back and never post again

>> No.55335012

letting Austria fight against Russia all alone would've been indirect suicide for the German Empire

>There are no big cities left in Europe and North America that aren't non white shitholes.
ever been to New England

>Its not that bad
it absolutely is my nigga. it's over for western europe, there's no stopping this train

>All these rapefugees need to BTFO.
what will you do about the millions of turks who are legal german citizens?

>Germans are to blame, really. Never met such Indoctrinated peoples.
that's by design. Germany is the USA's dog in Europe.

>Sounds what a German would say.
>The Germans just oh so willingly accept a higher sovereign. It's deep in their blood.
to say this is to be completely ignorant of the last 100 years in history. World War II from the point of view of the allies is a race war engineered by the anglo-dutch elites of the USA and the UK against the germans. FDR gave absolutely 0 fucks about democracy or the jews, all he wanted to do was turn Germany into a giant crater. The only reason Germany is the leader of Europe today is because the USA realised they had to prop up Germany as deterrant against the USSR. or else all of Europe would go red.
Same thing with Japan.

>> No.55335034

kek enjoy your astroturfed results
I want some cock rock solid first hand answers

>> No.55335087

You could use tradingeconomics, tradingview or other data visualizers that draw from the statistical sources but as you had to ask a retarded question on an imageboard like it was quora or some chatbot, I didn't thought you would be aware of such services

>> No.55335263

>American education

>> No.55335311

>I want some cock
kek faggie

>> No.55336687

Maybe read Freud, goethe, kaestner, Hesse, Man, idk?

>> No.55337157

Hesse was a jew
Hitler suspected Mann to be a crypto jew

>> No.55337165

Mann is pretty basic, not much good literature
Hesse, for teenagers its okay

>> No.55337215

Merkel was pro russian with that pipeline though.

>> No.55337239

Merkel was an opportunist that let American billionaires push the de-industrialization of Germany. The pipeline is from the Schröder times, he was clearly pro Russian, there is a reason why Germany didn't support Nato doing the Saudis Mission in 2003 and it was just the coalition of the willing taking out good old Sadam. The Greens on the other hand they were American 5th column since the 70s and the Spd under Scholz is just blackmailed for his shit in wirecard

>> No.55337312

Is Germany even allowed to throw out the Americans even if they wanted to?

>> No.55337338
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How is it over, krautbros?

>> No.55337422

It's supposed to be a sovereign state. Nothing in their Grundgesetz prevents it. There are international treaties but those are not really law

>> No.55337668

>sovereign state
88 years after the war and still no real constitution has been promulgated lol

>> No.55337689
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>> No.55337691

The Grundgesetz is defacto a constitution. It reads like one it has most attributes of one

>> No.55337729

>This Basic Law, which, since the achievement of the unity and freedom of Germany, applies to the entire German people, shall cease to apply on the day on which a constitution freely adopted by the German people takes effect.

>> No.55337762

The way it was made might not have been the usual way but would a constitutional conference do effectively, just rename the Grundgesetz into Constitution? If it walk like a constitution, talks like a constitution and reads like a constitution you can call it a duck and it would still have the attributes of a constitution

>> No.55337785

>reads like a constitution
no constitution in the world has an article stating "this law shall cease to apply on the day on which we adopt a real constitution"

>> No.55337821

Okay then the constitutional conference would have one point, remove that article and rebrand the texts into constitution. Law wants to be formal but one can also take it too far. That said I am not a fan of many of the articles in the Grundgesetz but if Germans don't go the way of hanging their political parties, putting them on the same lists as the nsdap and kill the institutional environment set up by the texts with fire to then completely redraw it, there is no point in not considering the Grundgesetz the constitution of Germany in its current form

>> No.55339121

I'm certain he was.

People today can't even comprehend most basic shit.

? It's cumex and cum um, you illiterate.




>> No.55339333
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The FDP is the most cringe shit imaginable, they will follow everyone as long as it brings them in the government, anyone voting them might as well vote green or cdu

>> No.55339797
File: 25 KB, 483x149, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AfD flag is missing Zionist judenstern
also AfD is full of fags
if CDU/CSU went back to Leo XIII style christianity we would have valid political representation

>> No.55340060

>valid political representation
Retarded cdu shill still thinks any political party isnt a scam, are you a literal boomer?

>> No.55340117

the history of germany is really pathetic.
it starts with them being generic barbarians trying to meaninglessly fuck some very local romans and always failing . They do it only to fill up their days and try to pass as local hardcore heroes towards their retarded local population lol

then they become nothing. France was all the most powerful kingdom ever. Spain, Italy, GB all achieve some relevance too.Meanwhile germany was still a shithole with little warlords killing each others lol.

Then progress was made by france once more. This time with the enlightenment. The german rats were 100 years late on this and the output of the german renaissance is turds like kant, hegel and nietzche lol

Then world wars happened entirely due to german rats.
Of course they got crushed like the rat they were.

Since then germany is a generic american bitch and has been trying to destroy europe for the last 20 years lol

>> No.55340127


>> No.55340139

Yeah, that's not a balanced view, is it?

>> No.55340233

They are always trying to start wars they can't win.

>> No.55340243

That's even true in their everyday life

>> No.55340262

I don't speak Kraut, what did I miss

>> No.55340265

Diese kack schwuchtel

>> No.55340359

Mega retarded eastern european spotted, merkel was extremely anti russian, 2005 the election was about her beeing pro usa and schröder beeing more equal.
She only did the pipeline for the economy and to tie putin to europe making him dependant on western money

>> No.55340367

There is one place for cdu/csu, and that's a pyre

>> No.55340374

Afd is decent actually

>> No.55340377

Ok Rabbi
Germans were the only ones to resist romans
France was literally founded by germans who were the elite
>Then world wars happened entirely due to german rats.
Well yes how is your foreskin feeling?

>> No.55340543
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>> No.55340606

It's still a socialist shit party but compared to the rest, it's okay. Though every party in Europe that stole from the public deserves the pyre and their members beheading

>> No.55340933

What a 4d chess move
How’d that work out

>> No.55340978

for the merkel, pretty good, it is a multi millionaire with dozens of worthless prices, but it cant show its face anywhere in germany without 12 security guards, because everyone wants it dead.
For Germany, back to the late 19th century, starving, especially now with Russia having cancelled the grain and fertilizer deal

>> No.55341023

zionism is based