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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 250x150, 1686962768522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55321304 No.55321304 [Reply] [Original]

Guess who's not going to jail?

>> No.55321313

He's just a kid you antisemite bigot

>> No.55321346

if this guy got stabbed, everyone in the world would celebrate, just saying

>> No.55321357

Good he better hire the best protection money can buy, he will have about 56millon people looking for street justice
If law cannot be upheld by courts then the rule of law must be handled by civilian hands this is in our laws, they don't want you to know this.

>> No.55321358

Did he force anyone to donate money to him??? Yeah, I didn't think so

>> No.55321367

Personally he ruined my life and robbed my money for stem cell transplants from me.
I will gladly see him walk.

>> No.55321372

He didn't MEAN to do it. He's 32 for chr*st sake he's only a kid

>> No.55321379

Was he transparent with what he was doing with their money? Yeah didn't think so.

>> No.55321397

>*donates hundreds of millions to DNC*
>*uses connections to deep state DNC*

heh. nothing personnel, kid

>> No.55321405
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just a kid mistake

>> No.55321406

This shits making me see red guys I'm real fucking close to fedposting.

>> No.55321430
File: 72 KB, 800x450, 9A55082F-4B06-41E3-9041-F672A0EEA27E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must know some good lawyers

>> No.55321454

Nobody knew how much risk was in the system.

>> No.55321495
File: 34 KB, 680x680, 41588406-9FEE-4130-AD74-FDFB7C05322F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the movie they make about /ourheeb/ he’ll be played by Timothée Chalamet, and our hamster queen will be played by Bella Ramsey.

>> No.55321509

>Avoids jail
>Lives the rest of his life in solitude and fear
>Dies alone
>Goes to hell

>> No.55321532

would be a shame if a gang of people took him into a torture chamber for a few months

>> No.55321534
File: 948 KB, 1612x1436, bankman fried rats maggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a day or two, we had actual justice for once.

>> No.55321563


>> No.55321575

He'll probably get a slap on the wrist.

>> No.55321580

It would be anti semitic to send him to jail

>> No.55321592

I saw him walking two dogs today.

>> No.55321600

Kys jew lover

>> No.55321633

see? he's had enough punishment! rats and maggots. he is sorry

>> No.55321667
File: 141 KB, 298x431, 1659251892675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were you investing money that you can't lose you greedy dumb fuck!?

Rule number one: Do not invest money that you're not ready to lose

Let this be a lesson to you and yours

>> No.55321790

Based picrel

>> No.55321806

he already went to jail and he served his sentence to society.
I don't know why you want to punish him or make an example of him.
he had sex with caroline as well as 8 other men.
and the holocaust happened.
it's ragoo cuz growin's up tough
it's ragoo the poor boy's been through enough!
ragoo the pasta sauce for jews.

>> No.55323233

He knew what he was doing.

>> No.55323242

God I love ourguy bros as soon as ftx reopens the bull will never end

>> No.55323252

He’s had some charges dropped recently, likely because he’s talking to the DOJ about CZ and Tether. Habeeb it.

>> No.55323256

nobody is going to do shit.
the type of people that would go after him have already roped themselves.

>> No.55323285

You're incredibly naive if you think he actually sat in a Bahamas prison. The place known for corruption
>here's 50k, tell the camera crew I'm dying in prison

>> No.55323480

Is this why we pumping?

>> No.55323763

You guys ever wonder what its like to simply "be born in the right clan"?
>produce nothing of value, ever
>leech off other hyper productive people
>bribe your way out of the evil shit that you've done
>the general mass too fuckin stupid to ever understand any of this

>> No.55323787

>produce nothing of value, ever
he made a speculative asset that people adored
>leech off other hyper productive people
name them? oh wait you can't
>bribe your way out of the evil shit that you've done
might makes right
>the general mass too fuckin stupid to ever understand any of this
unless you're part of the top 1% you are part of the masses stupid, you don't know shit

>> No.55323806


>> No.55323818

He is. Short sentence tho.

>> No.55323849

jews are evil

>> No.55323874

YAHWEH would cry

>> No.55323918

fake news. jews are always lying!

>> No.55323945

Ok keep coping. You and i know no one will do shit because we live in a world of coward. Stay seethe while jews stay winning

>> No.55323949

FTX is back baby

>> No.55323967

This is how the powerless goyim copes with reality lmao. Reality is:
>avoids prison
>goes to some 3rd world nation to live like an absolute king with the hundreds of millions of dollars he hid for himself.
>you stay coping and hoping sky daddy punishes him because otherwise you would just mald so badly you melt everything around you til you hit the core of the earth
Stay seething while jews stay winning.

>> No.55323974

Never happening but hey whatever you have to do to cope with how powerless you are

>> No.55323975

what's the weather like in Tel Aviv, Moshe?

>> No.55324003

Good but you aint gonna do shit but forget about it and fall for the next jewish scam. Cry about it faggot

>> No.55324029
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It's going to be a good arc for crypto, I hope they develop my character better, I want to see how much I grow from having 3 fucking jobs and a REBATE bag, if this doesn't make me wiser, then I will definitely have an epic death

>> No.55324061

he dindu nuffin, just followin the Talmud, goin ta Synagogue erry day..

>> No.55324106

Truly, God's chosen people

>> No.55324136

He already went to jail. Did you mean "not going to prison"? Idiot neet.

>> No.55324160

i can tell you the thug that kills this scammer will have a better life in prison than on the streets. Will be like the reverse of pedos going to prison.

>> No.55324187

somebody put a big black penis in that mans mouth or somethin

>> No.55324492

Anyone know the next time he's going to be in NYC ?

>> No.55324499
File: 26 KB, 660x127, sbf jail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was never in that part of the jail, they kept him separated in a clean room with a comfy bed, air conditioning, television and special meals due to his health issues, security risks and the enormous international attention. He got the full VIP treatment. The only rat he saw in his room was his face in the mirror.


>> No.55324503

Wow Timothy Chalamet got fat

>> No.55324908

Based, fuck bor

>> No.55324958
File: 51 KB, 334x506, 1687006379744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if he gets PvP'd in minecraft man. I would cum so much.

>> No.55324996

kys wagie poorfag

>> No.55325005


>> No.55325011

>his face in the mirror

>> No.55325538

>goes to some 3rd world nation to live like an absolute king
but he cant everybody knows his face and knows he has a massive fortune hidden away from the ftx collapse
africans or bugs living on a ricebowl per day would gladly and without remorse put the pliers to him until he gives up his wallets, unlike the inaction of all the people he stole from
just do a search on how many crypto millionaires get whacked in third world countries or disappear

also anyone heard any news on where sweet caroline and tabasco are right now

>> No.55325576


>> No.55325650
File: 2.73 MB, 358x328, jewish trickery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking shock.

>> No.55325738

All of Israel and America would mourn the death of a national hero and true mensch.

>> No.55325759
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>> No.55325814

This man named Sam nearly wiped out all my years of savings and it's pissing me off that he's roaming scot-free.
Ever since then, I've been digging deep to ensure I don't fall for such bullshit scams again, and I'm grateful that tools like tokenmetrics actually come in clutch for my research. He deserves to be locked up, no doubt about it.

>> No.55325860
File: 184 KB, 975x1274, 1686507561933384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guess who's not going to jail?
This guy

>> No.55325873

The most painful daytime robbery in crypto here. Many Jews were rekt because of this dickhead. Would have been a victim if not the NXRA I chose over FTX. He need to be hanged.

>> No.55325907
File: 86 KB, 801x789, 1670889717308495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about our queen ?

>> No.55325908
File: 420 KB, 1284x2089, 1686410668434486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, how did you not see this was an obvious scam?

>> No.55325924

Fuckers like him made me start being cautious as fuck. And now with all this FUD surrounding Binance, I've taken my ERC-20s and all my ERC721s and saved in Sylo smart wallet.
Privacy and security are my top priorities now, man! The damn SEC can go screw themselves with their meddling in centralized authorities.

>> No.55326047

guilty ass bitch already plead guilty she is the only guilty one for comingling funds she promised Hero Sam she wouldn't comingle i think 15 years in jail is fair

>> No.55326071
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>> No.55326096

someone kill this fucker ffs

>> No.55326110

You forgot they will reopen the FTX exchange and continue printing money and laundering it to Ukraine and other politicians. Sam will play league of legends.


>> No.55326114

fuck off with this con-artist twitter posts

>> No.55326123
File: 50 KB, 700x722, 1686842451320987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the people who lost money were not white.

>> No.55326131
File: 1.09 MB, 1196x937, 1686678853693846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Broken clock
Is he wrong tho?

>> No.55326140
File: 84 KB, 975x975, 1686008740437820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55326166

she unironically did nothing wrong. she's a terrible investor and should not be trusted with any money, but so is cathie wood and people are still buying into her hedge fund. in the end she just received a loan from FTX, it was sam who financed this loan using customer funds.

>> No.55326167

this hence the violent arabs all over this thread

>> No.55326182

109 counties can't be wrong.

>> No.55326193

who are you calling arab faggotbitch

>> No.55326197

Leo Frank: The Sequel lol

>> No.55326205


Imagine being part of the most cowardly race ever known since the dawn if mankind lol

Lmfao pfffptptpfpfttffff

>> No.55326207

If they let him off it will destroy what public integrity is left of the justice system.

>> No.55326224

Doing something about it in most cases means giving your life. Not really worth it.

>> No.55326233
File: 772 KB, 1122x748, 1686433877418164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who lost money were brown. Any redpilled white man could tell by his nose he was a swindler. The rest are overly socialized cucks.

>> No.55326853

cool story we all know you are retarded and gullible and this kike stole your cringy cryptocoins and yet YOU WONT DO SHIT. EVER. COPE MORE KEKBOI

>> No.55326870

i almost deposited onto FTX then i googled Sam Bankman Fried and wikipedia confirmed he was a dirty kike. people trust jews LMFAO. I honestly dont feel bad for the retards who got financially ruined. they willingly deposited their cryptojewcoins with a Jew. lesson learned i hope. NEVER TRUST KIKES

>> No.55326879

hopefully this teaches normies why racism is based and necessary

>> No.55326932
File: 46 KB, 960x540, 1682420104065664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It adds up perfectly. That rat faced jew gensler was working with the FTX jew to set up a regulatory monopoly and then he was going to go after the goyim exchanges and get them shut down while ignoring FTX and leaving it the defacto victor. The good yid fucked up and lost everything but its ok uncle moshi in the justice department is going to drop all charges.

>> No.55326956
File: 548 KB, 1284x855, gary gensler goyim making money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55327032
File: 58 KB, 512x512, 1664769339515383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their most prominent illusion lately. All they have to do is cover the mess after the first big flash then wait a little for everyone to forget. Every crime they commit now is all about that distract and delay. With all the media being made for 30 second attention spans they figure they'll get away with every slow boil con they want. So far if this really goes through then the best tricks are still the old tricks silly goyim.

>> No.55327076

Go outside ask anybody about him, nobody will have a fucking clue who you're talking about. They won (again for the millionth time), you lost, keep copin and seething chuddie, you won't do shit and die doing shit

>> No.55327172

There is none

>> No.55327232

He always rubbed me the wrong way.

>> No.55327237

What do he even do wrong? I had no idea scamming people in crypto was illegal.

>> No.55327252
File: 137 KB, 1200x632, sbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here /comfy/

>> No.55327262

He should be rockwelled.

>> No.55327404

he is a fed so no he won't go to prison. biz knew he was a glowie from the beginning. no one (tourists excluded) here bought into ftx, and we made minimal losses from the fallout.

>> No.55327517
File: 112 KB, 675x900, FgBtxbDUAAA-v1v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking kike rat, if he doesn't rot in jail private justice will take over

>> No.55328372

>private justice
are we making stuff up now? SBF is a king, he'll always stand above you as he should. your money is rightfully his

>> No.55328494

nobody here lost any money on ftx
we know the never trust a heeb with your money but still nice projection there bud

>> No.55328841

No no, he's right. Everyone here was singing praises for FTX when it was up and are now crying as they are now penniless. SBF won so hard that his haters are crying and their little revenge scenarios won't actually happen. He's basically scot-free and will continue to live off the billions he rightfully earned off the backs of the useless deadweights, and that is not my opinion that is objective fact.

>> No.55328915

Someone post the Pentoshit image where he verifies that FTX has the coins

>> No.55328987

It was a disinfo psyop you fucking idiot.
He never did anything wrong, I don't know anyone who lost money to FTX and neither do you.
He was making real waves in the crypto world so the CIA wanted him shut down.
He should be the king of /biz/ not the enemy

>> No.55329287

>56millon people looking for street justice
Hahahaha. These are the people who bought into his scam just because their favorite celerity goys told them to. Do you really think they have the conviction or balls to seek vengeance for their retarded goyish decisions?

>> No.55329306
File: 204 KB, 1242x1528, mango enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? he's absolutely fucked. his excuses are the kind you hear come out of the mouths of all scammers


>> No.55330432

Happened to white too, although everything was during the pre NexeraID era. Will never repeat again.

>> No.55330647

the amount of people defending this jew faggot should be enough evidence to tell you that /biz/ is not a place where smart people go for financial advice

>> No.55330714

>slowly, I began to hate them

>> No.55330723

he drives a white honda with no tint

>> No.55331447

>flees back to israel
>nothing happens
hell is just a way for people to not seek justice through violence and feel better.

>> No.55331470
File: 261 KB, 469x481, 1686973671964422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews cant help themselves, they just always overplay their hand and lose.
like this kike, so smug that the gigakikes run everything, even tho hes of the inbred underling jew class, and theyd gladly kill him to save themselves.

>> No.55331486

Damn he will really play league for the rest of his life in israel while working some low profile IT job.
Life is crazy.