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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55318715 No.55318715 [Reply] [Original]

Is there actually a business that allows you to rent a "girlfriend" so that you parents don't worry about you situation?
Seems like a way too profitable business niche to not be fulfilled by the invisible hand of the market.

>> No.55318727

it's illegal

>> No.55318761

What I do is pretend to "go out", dress up nicely and leave the house and then literally just aimlessly walk around the town for about 5-6 hours and then go home pretending as if I was out there drinking//having fun or whatever with my "friends". All that just so my parents don't feel sad for me.

Also how I spent the last 6 New Years Eves straight. Maybe you could use my tactic to pretend you have a gf, just make sure not to overplay it

>> No.55318767

>Seems like a way too profitable business niche to not be fulfilled by the invisible hand of the market.
Yeah, but as always you have the very visible anus of the government in the middle

>> No.55318813

No sex involved. So I don't think this would be illegal by the standards of any legal system of any country on the planet.

>> No.55318816
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It's called a prostitute.

>> No.55318879

Can't we just do a deal with women?
Combine our resources to buy a home. Can ignore each other 50% of the time, but come together to fulfil mutual needs.
See each others' families, etc. Prove to the world we're not incel freaks.
She does all the cleaning, you do all the cooking.
Just a marriage of convenience, surely it's doable and probably more likely to succeed than most serious 'in love' marriages.

>> No.55318881

Anon I feel for you.

>> No.55319347


>> No.55319419

Just because it's legal doesn't mean that prostitutes aren't already fulfilling that niche.
The whole GFE thing has been around for decades. Just hire and escort to actually escort you for a change. There's a win-win-win-lose system already in place.

>> No.55319432

It's called a sugar baby, anon. A live in prostitute.

>> No.55319446

The problem is that many modern women are jews and will also want rights to your property including all your labor AND it's a contract they can walk out of for 50% of YOUR FUCKING SHIT. This is an insane contract if you consider that modern women are jews.

>> No.55319472

a player dont pay for pussy anon. get your mind right, start moving some weights, listen to some larry june and start training these hoes instead. gotta switch it up.