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File: 108 KB, 1360x616, usdjpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55316419 No.55316419 [Reply] [Original]

I hoped you longed usdjpy when I told you too yesterday. Went parabolic and I clocked almost 200k. Stay poor faggots

xoxoxox Forex anon

>> No.55316902

What platform do you use to trade forex? Ive seen you around here quite a bit and figured I should give it a shot

>> No.55316909

Don't care chainlink will make me rich

>> No.55317134

I had to use jewgle to try and find a decent one for mobile and still can’t seem to find one that is retard friendly (even though I know forex trading isn’t for the faint of heart). This kind of thing seems to require as much attention to your positions as crypto does and you’re not always going to be planted in front of your monitor.


I also found this to be as simple an explanation as any on how to make sense of it all. Hope it helps some fag newer than me to this.

>> No.55317201

I use numerous ones, mostly oanda though

>> No.55317647

Post PnL not the thread you made yesterday or you are simply another LARP

>> No.55317668


>> No.55317989

Im the only person on this board who knows how to make money. This is my board poor bitch. Your board is /lgbt/ with the other troons

>> No.55318108

So longing USDJPY is essentially betting that USD will gain power vs the JPY or do I have that backwards?

>> No.55318143

nah you got it

>> No.55318167

ok, cool. why did this happen and how did you predict it correctly? I remember about a year ago the exchange rate for USD to JPY was like $1 for 170 Yen but it came down some from there.

>> No.55318189

Reminder OP is a scammer with less than 2k to his name.
He longs and makes threads so he can get $20 off enough retards because his discord scam call group failed.

>> No.55318199

Reminder Advertising & Begging
He has been caught doing both so many times this applies to any content he makes on this board going forward.
Mods, job.

>> No.55318236

>sits at computer all day

>> No.55318262

id this still a legit play? i can 1000x on gns