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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55315958 No.55315958 [Reply] [Original]

>Be in the year 2010
>Be me
>Read article about "Bit" "Coin" being used to buy drugs
>Article says law enforcement can't stop it
>Immediately see potential future value
>Immediately look to buy $8000 worth
>Can't find a way to do so
>Get frustrated
>Forget about it

>> No.55315975

>be the year 2013
>hear about "mining bitcoin"
>mine some bitcoin on ancient laptop
>forget about it
>throw away laptop

>> No.55315999

Chinese WoW gold trading website offered me BTC over USD for gold I was selling them back in 2009

Didnt understand what it was nor did I have any interest in figuring out, so I just took the USD.

>> No.55316017
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>be in the year 2017
>no friends in high school so sit alone in library on 4chan
>for some reason go on /biz/
>see link memes and laugh
>want to buy with $800 of my saved up birthday money
>eventually give up trying

>> No.55316061

>be in the year 2018
>find out my brokerage sells BTC
>sitting on $250k
>consider options
>buy a house

>> No.55316115

>be me
>hear about Bitcoin and efferiums in 2016 and research how to buy some
>find r/buttcoin and they convince me not to
>get upset when 2017 bullrun happens
>fud on biz every day for the past 6 years

>> No.55316148

Be me April 2022 get 130k ape in eth and shib

>> No.55316269
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I did the opposite, I sold my RuneScape gold for Bitcoin

>> No.55316354
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>Be in the year 2006-2010
>playing runescape
>understand value of party hats
>never bother with crypto

>> No.55316373

>be in June 2023
>buy 1,000,000 kas
>now its 2025
>made it

>> No.55316819

>Be me
>dont remember date but bitcoin about 65 apiece.
>No idea how to buy one
>light bulb, go to ebay. You can always buy shit on ebay
>find anon selling bitcoins for 75 each
>10 is a respectable mark up hes gotta make profit too so ok
>read details
>must have crypto digital wallet so i can send u coins
>me: wtf is a digital wallet
>google digital wallets, instantly get in the weeds
>you know what, fuck this, thats why this shit will never take off, its too complicated and they dont know how to explain it to people
>take mouse off buy it now button, close tab
>watch as btc races up to 60k and i want to an hero

>> No.55316861

btw this is why bitcoin is #1 regarding mcap. there is no other crypto where such a large percentage of the supply is irrecoverably lost.

>> No.55316881

Second story:
>be me
>around same time as BTC debacle, have gut feeling theres something to this crypto thing
>go to coinmarketcap.com, realize i can just buy through them and not worry about crypto wallets.
>get wild notion to buy 300$ worth of doge
>its a dumb meme coin I reason but what if, just what if, one day it shoots up in price
>nahh thatll never happen, its just a dumb internet meme
>take mouse off buy button, close tab
>elon dogemania happens
>pretty sure i fucked myself out of literal gorillions

I hurt myself... today.... to see if I still feel.

>> No.55317050
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I wrote a lot of words and got "our system thinks your post is spam" nonsense. Nothing of value was lost but if there's a hell, jannies will boil in the hottest cauldron.

>> No.55317176

>be me 2023
>order a penis pump
>week goes by and still no shipping notice
It’s fucking over

>> No.55318629

Feels bad man. I lost the BTC, ETH and AVAX wave.

>> No.55318751

>Be me
>Flying home from vacation somewhere
>Listening to Joe Rogan podcast
>Some guy on there is talking about Bitcoin and Ethereum
>Bitcoin seems expensive
>Ethereum is $9
>Damn I should buy this shit
>About to buy $1000 worth
>Nah this is probably a scam

>> No.55318983
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find bitcoin in 2012
buy some for buying drugs
buy some the next year for investment purposes
go broke irl
sell bitcoin to cover expenses
barely any money to buy any the years after due to finishing studies, scramble aside some money for ethereum and bitcoin
trade way back up well above # bitcoins i bought in 2013, but fail to become multi-millionaire level rich

i feel both shitty and satisfied, knowing i would have been rich af if i went working instead of studying

>> No.55319125
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Don't sleep on AVAX. You are still early