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File: 26 KB, 474x266, 401k paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55314028 No.55314028 [Reply] [Original]

Am I retarded or are 401ks fucking dumb as hell?
>muh saving on taxable income
Bitch, you don't save shit. You still have to pay taxes when you withdraw and you have no way to know if the tax rates won't be higher than they are now. The way things are going, I'm gonna guess that they'll be higher. Might as well just pay up now, throw your money into a brokerage and pay long-term gains that are flat rate anyway.
>muh employer match
Okay so for every dollar you put into a 401k, your employer puts on in too? Nigga that just means that your salary is that much lower...So no change there.
Also, in some 401ks you can't control what they buy so you're gonna lose your ass to high fees and less growth than if you just funded a taxable account by yourself.
401ks have got to be the biggest scam I've ever seen. They are designed to prey on the worker that sees, "tax free" and immediately signs up.

>> No.55314057

holy shit you are a nigger brain

>> No.55314061

Is this an american thing? Sounds stupid

>> No.55314078

Explain where my niggerness is showing, please. I don't see the benefit of having the money now. Okay, I put $100 into a 401k tax-free, if i just paid tax on it, I'd have $80 that is free to invest in whatever I want. Even riskier assets to potentially grow more.

>> No.55314087

I mean I'd rather have the after-tax money now. Shit, my nigger grammar is showing itself.

>> No.55314099

Yeah. It's like an ISA for Brits. Not sure what Euros get. Basically, you put money in and your employer (maybe) matches it up to a point and then it can grow tax-free until retirement age that is currently 59.5 (subject to change any time). It's designed to go along with social security to help you retire. But it seems dumb as hell to me. You give up control and you postpone your access to your money until you're already nearly dead.

>> No.55314646

>Yeah. It's like an ISA for Brits
No, it's like a SIPP.
You put post-tax money in an ISA and can withdraw at any time and don't pay tax on gains or distributions.
You put pre-tax income into SIPPs and 401(k)s, pay no tax on the gains and pay income tax when you withdraw in retirement.

>> No.55314682

They wipe out one side of taxes. That’s a pretty big deal considering tax eats like 25 percent of your pay. You pay taxes when you take it out? What do you think would have happened if you had it in a TAXABLE brokerage account, you think you aren’t paying taxes when you withdraw?

The Roth it great, pay the taxes now and when you retire it’s all tax free. Or you could use a regular brokerage account. Pay taxes now and when you take out the money pay more taxes. Big difference

>> No.55314698

Employer match: you always take it, it's free money

Otherwise, they are of limited use unless you're dead set on leaving it in there until age 65. Personally I think the goal should be early retirement, more like age 50.

401ks save you money on current income taxes. Roth IRA save you money on later capital gains taxes.

If you plan on withdrawing more per annum in retirement than you earn now, you go Roth. Otherwise you go 401k. But they're both forms of locking your money in and I don't trust the government will keep them so advantaged forever as our culture gets more desperate and niggardly.

>> No.55314714

OP is probably a real nigger.

>> No.55314727

You're not going to be making any money that you're pulling out of the 401k with your stupid nigger brain.

>> No.55314737

>if I call op a nigger he will let me use his wages to invest with

>> No.55314757

Biggest worry is when it comes time to draw
Social security that the government decides to
prorate SS check based off what your 401k and other retirement vehicles you may have.
So you did everything right but the SS fund starts to dry out and to make up the difference, in order to pay for those who " aren't privileged" or maybe they were screwed
by circumstances out of their hands, the government takes a 1000 buckerinos out
of your SS check, Hey nothing personal, kid.

Hasn't happened yet, but...?

>> No.55314820

401K's are for the financially illiterate, its something normies rely on as a savings plan. reality is all their savings plan are worth the same, if you ae not braindead you can take the money from the 401k and invest it and make more today than you would leaving it alone for years.

best thing they could do is remove capital gains tax on precious metals when sold, that way you have a truly tax free inflation resistent store of wealth

>> No.55314828

Based Roth enjoyer. I’m sad this is the last year I can contribute to my Roth because now I make too much money, even though I live in a high COL area so I’m not actually wealthy ;__;

>> No.55314834

Everyone is now stupider for having had listen to you. Thank you.

>> No.55314835

I see. Sorry. Thank you for the correction. SIPP then. ISAs must be like our IRAs. Complicated naming.

>> No.55314851

You could also lose it ?

>> No.55314850

If you throw it into VOO or something, you'd pay negligible taxes on dividends and then after one year, you could take a withdrawal/sale and pay a flat rate for long-term capital gains. In the US that's currently 15% until hitting about $450k and then it's 20%.

>> No.55314878

Just throw it into VOO then. It's not that hard. Show me your noses, now.

>> No.55314897

California actually considered paying reparations for a minute...just think about that. Everyone said it'll never happen. It's retarded. It's ridiculous. But they still brought it up with the legislature...so yeah, I don't doubt SS is going to face a lot of problems in the future.

>> No.55314906

>silverfag is a retard


>> No.55314911

Somewhat true, they prop up the stock market with (practically) compulsory participation.

>> No.55314912


Can’t you get around the income limits with a back door ira?


>> No.55315040

Thanks, I wasn’t aware of this. So dumb that ((they)) won’t let you contribute directly but it’s 100% legal to roll it over from a traditional IRA. Just a stupid little Jewish hoop to jump through

>> No.55315146

Retard, you don’t pay money on capital gains in a retirement account, so you do save on taxes overall. Count the number of times you get taxed in a normal investment account, it’s twice. Once when you earn the money, then again once you sell the investment you bought w/ it. Now count the number of times you get taxes on a retirement account, only once. And most people will be in a lower bracket when they retire even if you meme about muh democraps muh socialism in the future. If you work for a shitty company with a crap 401k plan then sure, they suck. Most decent companies have fidelity or vanguard with low fee investment options, and if you really want to be a gambling degenerate and pick stocks instead of buying index funds, nothing is stopping you from rolling over your 401k funds into a self directed IRA at a brokerage. I rolled my first 401k over into an IRA at Schwab and I hold a few thousand dollars in GBTC.

/biz/ is so fucking dumb w/ 401k’s

>> No.55315236

yeah but you have to wait until your 59.5. For now. That'll probably change to 65 or 70 when the change SS.
If you're gonna retire at 35, you might as well just keep the extra cash. If you don't sell it until after a year, you only pay long-term cap gains anyway. It's the same rate as if you sold long-term gains from a 401k, is it not?

>> No.55315263

I hate 401k's too but your reasoning is honestly shit.

The value of your 401k is predicated on 3 things:
> The health of the stock market
> How much you contribute each year
> Your employer match

Literally the only good thing about 401k's is the employer match. As we can see with the state of the stock market, if you have a bad 401k program, inflation will far outpace any gains you make, so that already makes your "retirement savings" nearly worthless. Secondly, we have the extremely gay rules about how much you're allowed to contribute to a 401k each year (sorry high income fags, you can't game the system). Double whammy right there.

If you have a decent employer match, and IF YOU'RE WILLING TO WORK UNTIL 59, then yes a 401k is solid.

Otherwise, don't bother with 401k's. Don't contribute to BlackRock's ultimate ponzi scheme where they can gobble up midwits' funds and buy up real estate everywhere to prop up their indexes and then they go, "see? we are a reliable retirement fund! value goes up!"

>> No.55315290

oy vey that’s antisemitic

>> No.55315345
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>you get taxed
I have Roth contributions to my 401k, I’m not paying shit when I cash out
>employee match
Yes, I get a free $6k in company stock every year
>you don’t get to choose what they invest in
No, you can’t pick specific tickers but rather funds, I have my 401k in the most extreme/aggressive growth funds.
Cope. 401k chads just can’t stop winning. Imagine not putting 15% of your paycheck into retirement. I still have $2500/month to gamble on shitcoins/0DTE’s even after my 401k. Your problem OP is that you’re simply poor.

>> No.55315400

There’s no reason to raise 401k withdrawal age, it’s not like SS where there’s a shared pot of money that is in danger of being depleted. Your money is your money. And even if you retire early you will still benefit from a 401k because chances are you’ll live to 59.5, you just need another pot of money to act as a bridge to retirement age. Paying long term capital gains is still going to be worse than having it in a pre tax 401k because you already paid income tax on the money in a brokerage acct. Also the higher your bracket the better a 401k becomes, if you make enough to be in the 35% or whatever then you’ll benefit from deferring taxes. Not to mention I get a free $11,250 match this year from contributing $22,500

>> No.55315437
File: 45 KB, 443x450, 1683535696785103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will happen or worse your 401k will be nationalized when we realize we have 100 million spics with zero retirement at age 60 trying to withdraw SS. The same spics that have been a net drain on the tax base for they entire lives

>> No.55315454

>Your money is your money.
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.55315458

If that happens we have bigger things to worry about, that’s some Mao’s China tier shit, outright confiscation of personal property. Your brokerage or real estate wouldn’t be safe either

>> No.55315474

>throwing into VOO
Topkek. NGMI. Imagine leaving your future up to the whims of market forces. Also OP is heavily niggerbrained for reasons already stated.

>> No.55315477

401k’s have amazing asset protection, that’s yet another advantage to them. If someone sues you for a million dollars and wins a judgement against you they still aren’t allowed to take from your retirement accounts (IRA’s it depends on the state)

>> No.55315499

Roth is also great because you can withdraw your contributions from the account without paying tax on it again. Not the gains, the initial contributions.

>> No.55315528

OP is partially right, 401ks are bullshit. Its a tax punishment to not put your retirement assets in a heavily managed and feed account, where are like multiple levels of middlemen taking fees off you.

But the question is, should you max your 401k? Yeah, probably. Its still better for you to get the tax incentive even if you're getting completely cucked and controlled by 401k providers. That's whats so shitty about it. It would be far better just to have less overall taxes than have to cuck yourself with a 401k provider.

Now if you're rich enough you can create an LLC, managed by yourself, then have your IRA own it, then roll your 401k over into it and complete control over your assets but this will cost $1k/year at least. But even then you still can do stuff like buy gold coins, fine art, or custody anything yourself, like you can't self custody crypto, There's all these stupid restrictions because the intent of gov retirement accounts is to turn the public markets into a generational ponzi to replace pensions which were more obviously unsustainable.

>> No.55315540

Yep. Options expand even more when setting up a proper Solo 401K that let's you invest in assets other than the typical equities and bonds etc.

>> No.55315947

You defer the taxes until you withdraw during a time your income is significantly less hence you get taxed less

>> No.55316121

Tax pros help me out. You put money in a taxable brokerage, so it’s after tax already. Then say it doubles , when you withdrawal you pay capital gains tax on that larger amount

Compared to 401k where it’s tax free at start but only taxed at the end, so hypothetically just taxed once right?

Also the average American consoomer sees money and thinks they need to spend it. The restrictive nature of the 401k is a feature, not a fault

>> No.55316241

>bag holding the shiny rock

>> No.55316410

Its a scam. I cancelled my 401k right after I started work and put the money into crypto again (this was mid 2017). Multimillionaire today.

>> No.55316435
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>Also the average American consoomer sees money and thinks they need to spend it. The restrictive nature of the 401k is a feature, not a fault

this is the reason I max out 401 and roth every year. All $26k. I pretend like I'm broke but soon I'll be able to buy a house outright

>> No.55316530

severely underestimating the match

my biggest regret is not maxing out employer match when i was in my 20s and living at home.. left tons of money on the table

>> No.55316660

The main reasons why /biz/ doesn’t like 401k’s:
>makes it harder to invest your money in risky speculative assets like shitcoins
>thinks that you won’t be alive after age 60 because life isn’t enjoyable at that stage (problem is once they hit 60 they’ll still want to live)
>doesn’t understand the actual tax rules behind it or the basic math that shows why they’re useful

>> No.55316672

I can take the money that I made and put it into an index fund or bonds for the same rate of return per year, just starting with more money after 100xing on crypto.

>> No.55316691

Most people will do a 0.01x not a 100x

>> No.55316701

Theyre literally tools that turn u into peasants for blackrock and vanguard. U give your hard earned money to them for them to buy actual stock with to vote with in public companies so they can push their agendas meanwhile u get fun coupons u can redeem for retirement money one day. Ever wonder why they dont let u just cash out your 401k whenever or even transfer to ira unless u quit?

>> No.55316706

Invest in AI stocks instead. NVDA can still 10x from here over the coming decade, we would expect around 2.1x from the S&P

>> No.55316739

>Nigga that just means that your salary is that much lower...So no change there.

Lower salary, but double your money? Huh? The money is yours. LMAO do you think company matching means they keep their half? You can't be this stupid

>> No.55316759

Also and this is probably the biggest reason, most of /biz/ are poorfag wagecucks who only have a few hundred dollars to invest each month at most. If you only have a small amount of money to invest in index funds then you’re never going to have enough to retire, doing a 4x or 8x over the course of a few decades isn’t good enough when you can only save $100 a month. If you’re a brokefag I guess it makes more sense to chase higher returns even when those returns come with great risk and the statistics aren’t on your side, you hope that you’ll be one of the lucky ones to cash out at the top before everyone else gets rugged. When you make a lot of money and can stack thousands every month then investing in the S&P becomes more comfy. I put away 10k a month in investments, 90% is in boomer index funds, and 10% is in degen gambling plays

>> No.55316772

When people like AOC are in control they will do retard tier shit

>> No.55316773

You get taxed at marginal income rates when you withdraw. The gov under-reports inflation intentionally to cause tax-bracket creep, where top tax rates creep downward on smaller real income despite being higher nominally. 401k shelters growth which is advantageous, but think about every time Biden says he won't tax anyone making under $400k yearly. Eventually $400k will be "median". Just like how $4k used to be median. Our real tax rates on marginal ordinary income will be exorbant, and Required Minimal Withdrawls force you into higher tax brackets than if you took your money upfront, invested, and lived off dividends tax at long term cap gains. You are FORCED to sell with 401ks & trad IRAs due to RMDs. Roth 401k/IRAs are superior in this system of tax bracket creep.

As a small example, consider that Social Security payments and exemptions were only upped 8% for 2022, but tangible cost of living was up 15%. They took a real paycut and tax increase.

The delta between rate of true inflation and rate of reported inflation is the silent ordinary income tax harvester.

t. Taxmaxxer

>> No.55316790

400k isn’t even rich, most of the people who earn that much live in places like manhattan and SF where rent is 8k a month and you take home 20k/mo after tax

>> No.55316806

And even worse, the cap on income subject to social security tax went up from 147k to 160k in the last year so now I will pay another 6.2% of 13k and my company isn’t doing salary increases at all this year.

>> No.55316979

Thanks for the real example and sorry about your experience anon. This is another angle I hadn't considered where inflation adjustments up social security burden on high earners as well, even if they are not making more. Gov hates high earners.. that's why the bolsheviks starved the farmers who were self-supportive, to create more dependency. Our form of serfdom lies in tactics of deceit and sleight of hand rather than oppressive force.

>> No.55317101
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I can help you with 401k questions. AMA.

>> No.55317125

I don't understand all the types of IRA, but I think an ISA is different in that you don't have to wait until retirement to withdraw, it's just an untaxed brokerage account you pay post-tax money into. You can put at most 20k bongbuxx in a year, it's been frozen there for several years after the government was accidentally too generous kek.

To keep the wagies at work. The UK is increasing the age at which you can withdraw from a SIPP (Bong 401(k)) even for people who started their account at the lower retirement age.

>> No.55317166
File: 179 KB, 561x556, ACA794E0-EB59-417E-A530-14395E8E1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, 401ks are a scam. Everything is made to keep people out of commodities and precious metals. I literally got banned for talking about debt maxing and cashing out of my retirement plan for commodities and metals.

>> No.55317179

Yeah you’re retarded

>> No.55317259

Here's a 401k tax savings calculator.

>> No.55317412

>Want to invest in Roth IRA
>Live overseas, so claimable tax in $0
>Not allowed to contribute to IRA

God fucking damn it. How do I make $6,500 in the US while not living there so I can fucking contribute?

Can I just lie and claim that I made that much "consulting" as an independent contractor on my taxes, and eat the tax payment every year?

>> No.55317420

Also fuck vanguard. They have a retirement calculator on their site to tell you how much you need to save for retirement. Their inputs are artificially low (nominal market growth 4%) in some places and high in others (you need 85% of your current income to live off of in retirement). Through this shit math it says I’ll have barely enough (1.6 mil) to retire on at 65 and live a horrible life lol why do this? To get you to give those Jewish weasels more money

I am 32 with almost 300k invested and have had an average salary my working life of maybe 75k. I have lived on 42-55k even in Biden’s America during this time. I Make 130k now so can obviously contribute more. Use any normal FIRE calculator and I’ll be good to check out with over 2mil at 48-52 and that’s without any additional contributions. but nope not vanguard. There I’m eating cat food at 68 despite maxing out my 401k for years now

>> No.55317562

have you ever put a carrot up your bumbum? with regards to a 401k?

>> No.55317933

You do know roth 401ks exist right anon?

>> No.55318516
File: 205 KB, 324x324, Screenshot 2023-06-16 at 20-25-59 FLUF World - Collection OpenSea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flufs will be a super investment Anon. Their daily value appreciation is fuckin shocking and over the roof. Multiple Xs on Opensea by the day.

>> No.55318622

yes they are a scam and a forced prisoners dilemma thrust upon wagies

>> No.55318713

just backdoor Roth IRA -- it's a simple form. On Fidelity its a click of a button you dumb nig.

>> No.55318786

Then we shall play minecraft

>> No.55319041

You will probably have lower income when you withdraw and so you will pay lower income taxes. Also your assumption that taxes will be higher may not be correct. 401k allows you to put away money and not pay taxes on it. Other options require you to pay the tax now and they claim it will be tax free later but who knows what really will happen later. The best option is probably to avoid paying any taxes as long as you legally can do so by using a 401k and supplement that with other savings options.

>> No.55319907

>Your brokerage or real estate wouldn’t be safe either
Not necessarily. Second-world countries (e.g. Poland, Argentina) have confiscated private pensions in particular without taking people's houses. It's obviously more palatable for normies to have money they they'd get in 25 years vanish instead of assets they have now. Around 35% of working age Americans have a 401(k), do you think it's impossible the other 65% will ask for a share?

>> No.55319986

That’s why those countries are backwater shitholes, if the USA does this it’s basically a communist revolution and it will destroy all investor confidence. It’s a very unlikely scenario anyway and not a good reason to not max your 401k, you would see the writing on the wall long before this happened and would just eat the early withdraw penalty and cash out then flee to a 1st world country if the US went full banana republic.

>> No.55320067



>> No.55320713

>you would see the writing on the wall long before this happened and would just eat the early withdraw penalty and cash out then flee to a 1st world country if the US went full banana republic
No one does this. Every time any currency collapses, everyone holds through it. Very few people can conceive of their local currency losing 90% of its value in a month. It's obvious if you just count the number of new dollars being printed, but hardly anyone does that research.

Lack of research is the fundamental problem with a 401k. What are the odds that the price of bitcoin goes up by 8% over the next year? It's as close to certain as you can get in life. Why would you take on the extra risk of third party custody for an ROI of 8% when you could just buy bitcoin?

>> No.55320813
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as long as you don't put more than your employer matches, then you're a smart nigger. other than that, you should kys. plus borrowing a loan from your 401k naturally has very low interest rates in case of emergencies, whatever taxes you have to pay at the end of the day is irrelevant since half of the money isn't yours to begin with

>> No.55320829

I have my 401k set to my employer match.
Should i liquidate it and buy Bitcoin?

>> No.55321172

Only if you want to lose everything on top of paying insane tax penalties

>> No.55321275

This! Folks, physical silver is the onyl investment worth putting money in. Every time you buy physical silver you are protesting the globalist agenda and showing your loyalty to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Almighty.

>> No.55321307

a roth 401k deducts taxes now instead of later
but most people are in lower tax brackets when they're retired than working, so it's debatable whether a roth 401k is actually better than a trad 401k for most people
i do traditional 401k and roth ira to balance it out
leaving the employer match on the table is peak retard

>> No.55321527

Bagging BTC would always be a based decision anon, especially with its next halving closing in. I'd also add low cap gems to the list like Flux, Sylo and Kas which I could stake for passive income.

>> No.55321628

If your employer matches then take it up to the match, beyond that it's a meme. Funniest part is that when you withdraw it's taxed as ordinary income rather than long term cap gains, despite holding it for 20+years lmao

Oh and once you're a certain age you have to withdraw a certain amount every month and pay taxes, even if you don't want to

>> No.55321683

>Second-world countries (e.g. Poland, Argentina) have confiscated private pensions
damn i just read some articles about what the poles did and its crazy that a nominally capitalist country could do that to game their debt/ gdp numbers
argentina its expected i guess, the only way to avoid confiscation in that shithole is crypto

>> No.55321733

move to Puetro Richo pendajo putte

>> No.55321787

Does a 401K even reliably beat inflation? Obviously any returns would beat cash but Google tells me 401K balances dropped 20% in 2022.

>> No.55321803

401k is just an account you invest in mutual funds usually ex sp500 fund or gov bond fund

>> No.55321821

And? I fail to see how that answers my question. If your returns don’t beat inflation, then you’re still losing money. You’re just losing less than you would otherwise.

>> No.55321854

sp500 has beats inflation over long term
short term no

>> No.55322052

Crypto has become a safe haven for a lot of chads in the space and BTC is just the beginning. It also has platforms enables decentralized communication and data privacy for users in the space.

>> No.55322080

>Okay so for every dollar you put into a 401k, your employer puts on in too? Nigga that just means that your salary is that much lower
Never change biz. It baffles me that some people actually take the advice they receive on this board. They are probably the same people who cry for their money back after the latest scam coin ponzi scheme goes bust. The day the bitcoin ponzi finally fails is going to be epic

>> No.55322152

Imagine the wave of red on the board
Maybe some fun sudoku live streams even

>> No.55322246

This board hasn't been good for anything other than schadenfreude since the scam coins took over. It will truly be a great day.

>> No.55322311

This or a target retirement date fund. Heavy on stocks when you’re young, becomes heavier on bonds as you approach retirement age. Average of 5% annually over a few decades is typical. So in normal times it beats inflation but not the past couple years

>> No.55322364

So what do i do just leave it for when I'm 60?

>> No.55322369
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Okay. What would be a good strategy if you're a US citizen living outside the US and disqualified from any retirement funds. Also can't invest in foreign retirement accounts because of PFIC laws and Obama. Debatable good news is that short and long term capital gains are both flat 20% and not affected by income tax brackets.

>> No.55322410

Niggers aren’t smart enough to know when they’re being niggers. That’s why they’re niggers.

>> No.55323641

Most employers do a Roth IRA now instead of a 401k and it’s just strictly less of a headache

>> No.55323780

I just signed up for my first 401k plan at 22 because this was the first job I thought I would stick with for more than a year. It's been a month and I'm about to quit, so what should I do with my 401k after this?

>> No.55323825

dumbfuck probably has the same mindset as OP and transferred his 401k to a trad ira and now cant do that without a tax bomb