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55312804 No.55312804 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/!

Stumbled upon this token called Reverse. They've got some funky tax system going on where 2% goes to holders and 1% gets burned. They're also saying they've got something big coming in 30 days, but who knows what that's about.

As always, DYOR. Peace out, Anons!

>> No.55312817

Sounds spooky. I'm in for the mystery and the tendies. Rug or moon, only time will tell, lads!

>> No.55312830

This reeks of a classic pump and dump to me. All mysterious and secretive - sure way to get you hooked, eh? But well, if you lot wanna toss your money into the void and call it 'investment', be my guest. Just remember, you might end up holding a bag of vapor.

>> No.55312844

Alright you bunch of keyboard warriors, I've actually done the legwork on this one. Looked at the contract myself - the liquidity is locked up tight, no rug-pull shenanigans here. And let's talk tax. The max is hard-coded at 10% in the contract, no funny business or hidden surprises. So no, it's not some tax scam either. Quit crying wolf every time a new token shows up. Sometimes there's a diamond in the rough. But hey, keep sleeping on it, more for me.

>> No.55312927

Gotta admit, you've got me intrigued now. I was ready to write this one off as just another flash in the pan. But if the tax and liquidity checks out like you say, I might just throw a couple of bucks in and see what happens. The 30-day surprise has got my curiosity piqued too. Maybe there's more to this Reverse than meets the eye. But I swear, if this turns out to be another Shiba Inu, I'm coming after you, anon!

>> No.55312932

Oh great, another "hidden gem" in the wild west of crypto. Listen, I've seen a hundred of these "next big things" and guess what? Most end up being more like "next big flops". Tax system, locked liquidity, yadda yadda yadda... it's all just smoke and mirrors until they've got your money. But hey, you do you. Just don't come crying when it all goes belly up. Remember, not every coin can be the next Bitcoin.

>> No.55312962

What do you niggers think of DUA rebranded to Brillion

>> No.55312964

XDDDDD schizophrenia? psycho

>> No.55312973

funny XD

>> No.55312988

Bros, why are we even debating this? It's crypto. It's like a roller coaster on crack. You might get lucky, you might get rekt. This Reverse thing? Maybe it's a gem, maybe it's dog shit. Only way to know is to take the ride. Remember, no guts, no glory. YOLO!

>> No.55313002

More like 'Reverse your gains'

>> No.55313013

Alright, I'm feeling a bit adventurous today. Just threw in a couple of BNB into this Reverse mystery box. Worst case, I'll have a fun story to tell at the pub. Best case, we're mooning. So, here's to finding out what's behind curtain number 30 days! Let the games begin.

>> No.55313053

Took you just under 4 min to find this thread and read the contract

>> No.55313093

They gonna pull the liquidity in 30 days

>> No.55313127

Exactly, mate. This contract is straight-up and short. Not much to decipher here. So yes, it did take only a few minutes.

>> No.55313219

Alright, listen up, you keyboard jockeys! Half of you wouldn't know a good token if it hit you in the face. All I see here is a bunch of whiny skeptics, crying about every new project that pops up. Maybe, just maybe, instead of sulking, you should learn a thing or two about how the crypto game works. But hey, keep on crying while the rest of us are making some serious dough!

>> No.55315672

Peeps be going back and forth, arguing about short-term and long-term tokens, while I'm just chillin and waiting for my Kava, Brillion, and Vechain to shoot straight to the moon. Ain't got time for the drama, just gonna ride the wave.