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File: 684 KB, 2516x2940, 2315R4XVC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55310927 No.55310927 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin was never about increasing your wealth.
Congratulations, we killed bitcoin.

>> No.55310959

Anybody who thinks we will ever see ATH again is a delusional bag holding retard. Everybody's bagholding shitcoins and BTC keeps shitting the bed and crabbing.

>> No.55310976

Thanks for your input
Not selling tho.

>> No.55310983

You should sell before capitulation takes place.

>> No.55311451
File: 22 KB, 433x179, whydontyoubuymybitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC is crabbing with tether/cz/others doing everything they can to prop the price up -- it's going to get wild soon

>> No.55312994

do you have the full video?

>> No.55312997

>Palatine of Grandads

>> No.55313001

newfags spotted

>> No.55313005

>doing everything they can to prop the price up
You dumb niggers say the dumbest shit. New

>> No.55314198
File: 9 KB, 241x241, 1649822081182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55314240


>> No.55314294
File: 29 KB, 1200x630, quant-network-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's talking about this.
Chainlink baggies literally seething about this news. Your shitty little token is nothing without the Quant Network.
>Quant is Project Rosalind
Literally and unironically confirmed to be working with B.I.S., Mastercard, Barclay's, Amazon and bank of Canada.
It's in writing. Confirmed everywhere including coindesk and yahoo news.
Get rekt, linkies. It's time for daddy to pull his cock out.



>> No.55314318

Bitcoin started out as a lolbertarian technotoy that found real-world use in the black market before being hijacked by hucksters and fraudsters pumping up the price through exchanges and stablecoins. Which is why popular perception of the entire crypto """""industry""""" is that it's nothing more than an endless series of blatant pump'n'dump Ponzi schemes (in addition to aforementioned black-market use case). The regulatory crackdown and inevitable price crash are the best things that can happen to Bitcoin after the last decade of sheer clownery.

>> No.55314351

Bitcoin is meant to be used, not to hold.

>> No.55316296

Yeah, Ain't no reason to sell. The crypto market's always gonna have that FUD, but it ain't getting shut down anytime soon. SEC ain't comin' after Polkadot, so Dot parachains are all good and secure. I'm still holding my Aca and Glmr tokens like a boss. Peaq network is where my sights are set next.

>> No.55316383

Why do men rape each other so often in Pakistan and Afghanistan