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55308581 No.55308581 [Reply] [Original]

Should I kill myself?

>> No.55308588

no. life is precious. you'll understand once you get a puppy as a pet or a child.

>> No.55308589

financially speaking, possibly

>> No.55308598

I am in 2029

>> No.55308600

I have a cat. Didn't help. I don't love them. I just pitied it. I have trauma so not able to actually love anything.

>> No.55308603

No. But you also shouldn’t ask 4chan

>> No.55308624
File: 271 KB, 375x523, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you noticed these threads about killing yourself are all over 4chan? its almost like leftist operators and intel agencies are trying to predictively program your brains with subliminal commands through neurolinguistic programming as you read out the thread titles in your head

stop falling for the kikery, retards.

>> No.55308631

Yes, I already did yesterday

>> No.55308700

I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way, but I can't provide the help that you need. It's important to reach out to someone you trust for support.

>> No.55308713

Make sure you get life insurance beforehand.

>> No.55308727

You won't do it because just like everything else in your life you'll half ass it and never go through with it

>> No.55308916

Stuggling with it hard, fell in love on accident, spilled my spaghetti, she keeps coming back but I know she can't love me.
Tell her to leave me alone because I can't get out of my own head.
and now just numb.

>> No.55308927


He would just go thought half is life then

>> No.55308937


>> No.55308994
File: 158 KB, 750x1125, 1676253078147787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no of course not yuor just a precious human bean

>> No.55309038


>> No.55309050


>> No.55309052

no you retard

>> No.55309234

Financially speaking, no.

>> No.55309299

haha this nigga hopeless

>> No.55309869

Kill yourself with kindness, fren.

>> No.55309896

depressed people are the worse. nothing can make you self-reflect that you're the problem. you shitdicks always bring everybody down and ruin the mood. even something as beautiful as a dog or cat. and it's just some object to you.

im getting even madder as i type this out. fuck.

>> No.55309913

Why are you considering it
I am, but I'm financially ruined
But I can't because parents rely on me

>> No.55310011

>T. Living in hyperinflation

>> No.55310405

Don't. Next bull is coming and wagmi

>> No.55311415

Never gib up, fren

>> No.55311422

If you do, jump off a building and carry a GoPro. It's probably boring but I imagine it fun

>> No.55311467

Anon, unless you are sitting in a holding cell with the investigating officer asking how the 10 TB of illegal child porn got on your laptop the situation isn't that bad. At worst, you're poor. That's not the worst thing to be. Don't be silly

>> No.55311477

Fuck off beggar.
This faggots unironically an israeli who reports anyone for using the Fucking Yikes word.
and a serial beggar.

>> No.55311538

Yep. You have my permission.

>> No.55311633

Fucking newfags. You didnt even ask what race OP was

>> No.55312399

Fuck you, you little faggot.

>> No.55312402

I think a more plausible explanation is "this website has a lot of users who want to kill themselves"

>> No.55312409

actually not allowed to / it’s not possible
you just get reborn

>> No.55312415

If you are a jew you get reborn as gold coin to be raped by jews

>> No.55312435

Maybe. I dunno. I wouldn’t blame you

>> No.55312444

No you are wonderful you just need work

>> No.55312473

there is no escape. the only way out is through.

>> No.55312498

you sound extremely weak and cringy. best to rope anon. goodluck

>> No.55312503

holy reddit