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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55305831 No.55305831 [Reply] [Original]

>delivery driver

>> No.55305843

Someone has to do it. At least you're providing an actually valuable service to society

>> No.55305848

Do something about it instead of bitching like a faggot.

>> No.55305849
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Thank you for your service.

>> No.55305851
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>> No.55305855

wagie cope

>> No.55305861

It could be worse you could be in a factory or meat processing plant or something more dangerous and/or bad for your body. Just save up money and take classes to do something more skilled.

>> No.55305864
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Thank you for your service.

>> No.55305869

>spend money
>on anything other than crypto when the bull is around the corner

>> No.55305872
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Get a CDL A

>> No.55305874

>the legendary sam bridges, huh? ....... this is amazing- cargos in perfect condition

>> No.55305885

Definitely invest in crypto but don't neglect investing in yourself. Both your stack and yourself need to go to the moon.

>> No.55305887

>wagie cope
I just got out of bed at 12:57pm and got on my computer for another day of pretending to work remotely.

>> No.55305896

also wagie cope

>> No.55305899

It’s ok. I mainly drive around the city and pick up the shit.
Thing is I don’t know what classes to take. I enjoy driving, maybe I should delivering on the side as a side-business?

>> No.55305902

like landlords

>> No.55305930

you are still a delivery driver with trucking license you dumb retard

>> No.55305933

You could pick up a trade like plumbing, automotive work, electrical, or try getting your feet wet with really basic web design and programming. Don't overthink it and stress about picking the wrong class just try stuff and see what you like.

>> No.55305960

I did React/Next.js web dev and I fucking HATED it. Maybe because I wasn’t very good. Money was the same as delivery but I don’t feel any stress as I did coding for pajeets.

>> No.55305975

>working in a warehouse
>finishing up my degree
Could be worse anon

>> No.55306028

The picture was of a UPS Driver. I understand the semantics of what you're saying but I also want you to know that you're pedantic asshole for no reason. Colloquially when people refer to delivery drivers they're talking about local CDL B/E work.

>> No.55306052

thats still makes you a delivery driver only one that showers less

>> No.55306063

or they could dca all in and mot have to wagie 1-2 years from now

>> No.55306065

Being a UPS driver is actually a really good job.
They're unionized so they make good pay, unlike amazon and fedex drivers

>> No.55306070

When I was 28 I was a security guard

Now I'm 33 and making about 80k a year, looking to take a job making 100k+

You're a man. It's never too late to up your income

>> No.55306084

what did you do?

>> No.55306100

It will happen quicker than most think, but longer than most hope. They will do absolutely everything in their power and pull every trick to force you into the ultimatum of sell or be homeless which is why you must have some backup plan for when markets slow down.

>> No.55306101

sounds comfy desu, I'd take that job

>> No.55306118

let me guess, coding?

>> No.55306124

You are still a pedantic prick dude.

>> No.55306128

>work by yourself all day
>get to go outside
cant be that bad unless youre in some gigapozzed city with horrible traffic

>> No.55306138

Doesnt matter im simply responding to someone who claims upgrading your drivers license gives you a different occupation lol

>> No.55306184

You're also an ESL faggot who can't write English correctly which also explains why you don't understand the subtilties of American English. Fuck off Rajesh. Damn this board needs flags.

>> No.55306191

>Delivery driver
How do I not become like OP bros??

>> No.55306202

learn a skill

>> No.55306211
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good argument big boy delivery wagie

>> No.55306251
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>> No.55306324
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>train driver
>no degree
What should an Ausfag study at university to get a comfy corporate job with decent career progression and the ability to work from home occasionally?

Hard mode: Consider that I am a brainlet.

>> No.55306334

Train driver seems legit comfy

You can just relax all day not even hold a steering wheel

>> No.55306336
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>> No.55306345

>unionized so they make good pay
This is literally not how it works, especially if you have less than 15 years of experience

>> No.55306353

>>delivery driver
Based job senpai honestly. You get to be out in the sun and move your body. Trust me bro being trapped in a fucking office with normies all day is not worth any amount of money

>> No.55306368


What crypto do i buy for this feel?
I want out. Or maybe it's my department

>> No.55306371

I guess I'll have to do something for my life, but I truly don't wanna work, should I try Nilo?

>> No.55306412

>working for dad's construction company in budgeting dept.
>finishing bachelors degree
>have cheated my entire way through my degree cuz im a lazy fuck and have no idea what im going to do after

>> No.55306413

I do socialize alot during the day and fit in pretty well with the normies. Guess that makes me a normie too kek

>> No.55306434

It is pretty comfy. In fact, I like this job quite a lot. I can chill out all day and listen to music or podcasts and for the most part it's very easy. I have absolutely zero stress and work doesn't come home with me.

Trouble is that in the long run it's just not going to pay me enough to get a house, save for retirement, and live comfortably along the way. And I also sometimes get the feeling that I haven't made my parents proud, y'know what I mean? It seems a little silly but I wish I could tell my Mum that I do something super important and impressive and have her be proud of what I've grown up to be. Does anyone else know this feel?

>> No.55306449

A job is just supposed to earn a living. Nothing more. If you fell for this rat race meme that suggests a job is supposed to make your rich and buy your freedom like an ultra-small minority of finance and tech workers get to do, then you just fell for bullshit. In general, work is basically undignified. It’s something you have to do because you have to. It’s always been that way. It’s always going to be that way.

>> No.55306467

> Trouble is that in the long run it's just not going to pay me enough to get a house, save for retirement, and live comfortably along the way
We’ll that’s because you’re an Ausfag one way out friend and it isn’t in that cesspool

>> No.55306478

I do, yeah. I’ve always dreamed about buying my mom a house.

>> No.55306482
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>knowing the material world is meaningless

>> No.55306533

Grow a pair, get a job

>> No.55306541
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Keep cheating at work, Google is your best friend

>> No.55306545

At 21 you're not a NEET, you're still a mommy boy you faggot

>> No.55306546

Clean it up wagie

>> No.55306547

>Quick answer

>> No.55306605

>We’ll that’s because you’re an Ausfag one way out friend and it isn’t in that cesspool
Yeah things are tight here man, there's not really any other way to describe it. I make an income well above the typical individual in Aus but the very smallest of freestanding houses within a reasonable radius of me are all around $2M+ (so $1.3M USD I guess?). I don't know how it rapidly got so bad here really, this country is really starting to look a lot like much of the third world in terms of affordability of basic amenities.

I've been wanting to move to the USA for close to a decade now but it's very difficult and there are a lot of barriers in place. I do have NZ citizenship as well but from what I can determine NZ is just as expensive but salaries are lower.

>> No.55307309

Are you literally at mortdale maintenance centre right now

>> No.55307440
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Absolutely-fucking-not m8, you couldn't pay me enough to run up and down the Illawarra for eternity

>> No.55307590

union roastie hands typed this post

>> No.55307742

We do Hornsby loops on the weekends, it's not that bad

>> No.55307761

wagie cope

>> No.55307871

It'll be ok, anon.
You won't be 28 forever, so you have that going for you.
Jerk off now while it still feels good.

>> No.55307872

I'd probably take a week of Hornsby loops and then Illawarra working for the weekend over the other way around, the North Main is particularly comfy. But for now I'll stay at Central, it's reasonably close and for now there's little incentive to go elsewhere.

I should really go to bed, but what's the go with those weird blue and yellow signs on the branch toward Cronulla now? Is that some ATP Level 2 thing?

>> No.55307984

Don't get mad at him because you're fat and double digit IQ anon. It's not his fault

>> No.55307992

cool just make sure to avoid the black neighborhoods

>> No.55308163

No, it wasn't

Many people were small farmers that had long periods of freedom

>> No.55308169

I was cleaning toilets at 18
washing dishes at 22
stocking shelves at 24

I then went to school for 3 years, spent another 2 years working on my portfolio and now I'm a white collar comfy wagie

No shame in working those jobs, but remember that no one except you is going to manage your career progression. You need to find something in this world you want to get REALLY good at and that makes money, then focus on that as much as you can.

>> No.55308172


>> No.55308246

>fell for the designer meme

>> No.55308290

>senior analyst

>> No.55308328

>software developer
>top 15% income earners in my shithole country

guess the learn to code was never a meme

>> No.55308476

thanks for the package boxslave

>> No.55308493

How do AIfags cope with human dishwashers still be necessary?

>> No.55308530

I drive for uber a lot, in my opinion delivery driver is one of the more tolerable jobs

>> No.55308550

You are mistaken.

>> No.55308586

not in the slightest

>> No.55308697

Yes they're for atp level two but it's still up in the air if they'll go ahead with it because there still isn't a clear solution for what would happen if a freighter needs to go into the branch to pull a dead train out

>> No.55308796
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>Because of my work ethic they let me listen to stuff in one ear with my wireless ear bud
>listen to podcasts, live dnd, and philosophy/political discussions
>heavy autism allows me to dissociate while I work and focus on whatever I'm listening to
>basically paid to learn and have fun

Smarter, not harder.

>> No.55309042


>> No.55309394

>delivering plastic junk from amazon
>valuable service

>> No.55309474

>1pbtid aspie here to project
Faggots like you are scum worse than wagies.
Only good post in the entire thread that's actually worth reading. Some people don't pick up their lives until they're well into their 30s.

>> No.55309512

career ups drivers earn over 6 figures and despite what brainlets will say, delivery drivers will be one of the last to be replaced by AI
you just have to worry about being replaced by independent contractors and shitskins.

>> No.55310249
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Same here, but I'm 25. I enjoy it though.

>> No.55310423
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>Software engineer

>> No.55310440

I’d pay you 2k cash a package if I can pick up on your route

>> No.55310457

>Does anyone else know this feel? Yes. Just get money and live happily and she’ll be proud

>> No.55310514
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>engineering technician
>today is my birthday

>> No.55310569

Depends where you live. I can speak for Brisbane and say theres a lot of chinese students. It wouldn't suprise me if it has been a lot of rich Chinese people started buying out places in the bigger cities. The major cities in Aus are some of the most developed places on earth, yet a couple of 100kms up north of Brisbane and you'll find it's not too different from a Bali-level of society (higher crime, shit education, ageing society, and not a whole lot nice about it all).

>> No.55310593

>late 20s
>was NEET
>now part time retail wagie
>have to start life very late making nothing money wise
>I shouldn't have fucked myself

>> No.55310595

You literally get to drive and see your country while listening to music all day, sounds a lot better than sitting in the same cubicle every day for 7 hours.

>> No.55310603
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Happy birthday, fren.

>> No.55310683

I was an RN at 26, worked for 3 years and became an alcoholic and suicidal despite making bank. Became a security guard at 29 and went to a no name school for computer science. Now 34 WFH making six figs, more money than being a Nurse with 1000x less stress.
See anon... you're what I call, an actual sane, decent human, someone who isn't completely corrupt and egotistical. I saw an older guy bully a taco bell worker once because he spilled a drink on the floor. The worker was short, fat and nerdy and looked like he was gonna cry. The bully was probably in his late 40s and fat too, but really tall. He called him a loser to his face and laughed uncontrollably. Hope he gets pancreatic cancer.

There's no shame in any job, if you have a plan and you're not a piece of shit, please try to improve your life. You deserve it. It's never too late. Maybe past late 30s is too late, but late 20s is basically your last shot. Also, if you look young, age doesn't matter. I still got ID'd at 28.

>> No.55310696
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>people fall for the "you fell for the "l2code" meme" meme
Many such cases... If people are fudding, it's probably a good career.

>> No.55310701

>Colloquially when people refer to delivery drivers they're talking about local CDL B/E work.
this is not true at all, I think of "truckers" the moment a CDL is brought in

"delivery driver" means FedEx, ups, or Amazon

>> No.55310708

>also 28
>security guard but warning $30 for unarmed
I am in uni (sun 3.0 gpa) for accounting. Hope I can snake my way into government accounting

>> No.55310714

Shit I wanted to try to become an RN how about an X-RAY tech? How did those guys do

>> No.55310834
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i just turned 25 a few days ago. i work part time at UPS, $18 an hour. however, our union contract is up, and one of the union guys told me they're going for 20 an hour starting wage, and 25 once you make seniority on top of whatever wage you accumulated from your years of service. so i could be making somewhere north of 27 an hour by the end of august.

I wasted so many years of my life drinking in total depression, i wish i had gotten a job here sooner, and started going to college sooner. i've since gone a full year without drinking, been employed for almost 2 years at UPS now, and i'm hopefully starting my computer science degree next year, with the goal of graduating by at least age 30.

i still live with my mom, though i have to pay half the rent cause she's in so much fucking debt she cannot pay it on her own. i can still save a decent chunk of my money, and am hoping to have a down payment for a house, soon. this UPS strike and wage increase should greatly accelerate that. here's hoping i have everything i want (house/degree/the end of my depression) by the time i'm 30, and can have a new outlook on life.

>> No.55310855

Neither of you are drivers because UPS drivers make up to 150k a year, mogging most /biz/lets. It is an actual desirable job because it's union, the amazog delivery jobs are the shit ones.

>> No.55310993
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>Mechanical Engineer

>> No.55311032
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>UPS drivers make up to 150k a year
UPS corp sup here

drivers make maybe 120k a year tops with heavy OT, but that's only a driver who's made seniority and is an actual O300 FSP

the mystery meat 22.4 slaves make like 40-50k and bust their ass as hard as a senior driver

I can also AMA any questions about basically any part of being in UPS, I've done almost everything

>> No.55311042

How did you become supervisor? What degrees do you have?

>> No.55311046

>law student

i'm about to make so much money

>> No.55311063

>Apprentice jeweler
>Make under $10 an hour but at least I'm learning skills
Only alternative is a dead end job serving fast food. Idk what to do. It's either have no present, or no future. Life feels hopeless. I don't go out, don't have friends, don't spend money, but just buying groceries and rent takes every penny I have, and I often skip meals. I'm so tired.

>> No.55311066

no you are not
you should have become a banker or quant fi if that was all you wanted to do

>> No.55311085

I work there as part time pre-loader on the Sunrise shift in Nebraska. i have a shit ton of questions, main ones are about the upcoming strike.

Do you think the strike is actually going to happen, or are they going to just cave, and give them what they want, and we're business as usual?
I'm hearing 20 an hour starting wage for part time pre loaders, and 25 after seniority, on top of whatever you accumulated in years of service. is that true? or will it be different for every region.
How much do part time supervisors make vs full time supervisors?
What do you think the best positions are in general?
Is UPS stock likely to take a shit if a strike happens?

>> No.55311093

Im 33 and applied for a job as a dishwasher and was told I didn't meet the min requirements. Then they told me to reapply for a different position, like fuck you dude.

I was a sous chef before Coivd but they don't pay me enough to cook

>> No.55311095

>Make under $10 an hour but at least I'm learning skills
Holy fuck please tell me you work for a Jew slave wage tier

>> No.55311110

Bump. What’s this strike shit I keep hearing about? Is it going to be big or a nothingburger wagie ragie?

>> No.55311111

Why are line cooks so degenerate man seriously these people are fucking weird how much does a sous make the current one is always riding my ass about bullshit

>> No.55311124

Congrats bro, I know you’re gonna make it. Rooting for you

>> No.55311131

its suppose to be the single biggest labor strike in america, (if the Union doesn't get what they want). otherwise, it could just silently fizzle out if they do get their demands, and a new contract is signed. i'm hoping the strike actually happens, and UPS's stock takes a big hit, allowing me to buy low sell high on the rebound.

>> No.55311135

>make 80k a year working middle management at a hospital
Most days I don't do shit, the money is good and the benefits are amazing (I pay like $8 a month for full coverage health insurance) but man is it fucking boring.

>> No.55311138
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I was thinking about becoming a UPS driver the last holidays and I was gonna do their seasonal driver position where they're so desperate for people to work for them that they will throw anybody at it. I applied for it and they basically never reached to me. What are the chances they actually hire some fag with no prior experience and keep them? I don't have a super great CV but the pay rate is honestly pretty decent.

>> No.55311168

The mystery meat driver I was talking to was making $40 something after only 2 years.
How much does it vary by location?

>> No.55311214
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>> No.55311259

do they make you like hit the bench for the job interview? what happens when you cant lift some boomers new lazyboy up a 5 flights of stairs by yourself? i went to an interview and they basically gave me the job, i just had to show up to orientation, but when i thought about how bodybusting the job was going to be i just ghosted them.

>> No.55311286

I'm currently in CVICU it's better than where I was before (stepdown). I've been a nurse for 4 yrs.

When people say computer science what exactly do they mean?
I think I can do it in my free time

>> No.55311298

X ray techs make almost the same as an RN with WAY less stress. There is not much room for growth though.
I guess I can try radiology nursing since have little to no patients

>> No.55311326

degenerates become line cooks because its acceptable to be a degenerate. Like when i worked at a grocery basically every lazy 80iq slob in a 10 mile radius worked in that store

>> No.55311432
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This gives me hope anon, thanks.

>I was an RN at 26, worked for 3 years and became an alcoholic and suicidal despite making bank. Became a security guard at 29 and went to a no name school for computer science. Now 34 WFH making six figs, more money than being a Nurse with 1000x less stress.
Can you go into more detail about this anon? Because I feel we may have been on a similar trajectory. I wanted to go to PT school so I graduated from my undergrad in Bio. Decided against it because I didn't want to go through the stress of getting a doctorate, or having to work as a practitioner, but by the time I made my decision I was already going into senior year so I just said "too late to change majors now".

Tried my shot at Wildlife biology, but it was a total meme (like most fields in bio). Now I'm stuck with a degree that's basically only useful if you go into medicine; either as a practitioner, researcher, or lab tech. And now I'm seriously considering the tech route. It sounds cozy, and I always enjoyed working on my pcs anyway when I was into pc gaming. I'd say cybersecurity probably interest me the most.

How hard would it be to transfer from Bio to Computer Science? I don't think many credits would carry over would they? Or maybe just stack up on tech certifications?

>> No.55311475

>about to start entry level work at a bank

Don't feel bad about that. I knew a guy who worked for UPS for years before retiring recently. Liked his job, got paid pretty good money and since it was in a more rural area it was pretty chill.

>> No.55311492
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I applied, I don't have a degree just "some college" and a shitload of experience

>Do you think the strike is actually going to happen, or are they going to just cave, and give them what they want, and we're business as usual?
no strike, I think Corp and the Union want a lot of the same things, just nitpicking over details
>I'm hearing 20 an hour starting wage for part time pre loaders, and 25 after seniority, on top of whatever you accumulated in years of service. is that true? or will it be different for every region.
probably about right
>How much do part time supervisors make vs full time supervisors?
PT supe is like 30k a year, FT is 80-100 depending on whether you deal with drivers or not
>What do you think the best positions are in general?
FDR driver for union, anything in IE for management
>Is UPS stock likely to take a shit if a strike happens?
yes but there won't be a strike, Biden will break that shit up fast on national security grounds

>What are the chances they actually hire some fag with no prior experience and keep them?
pretty good, it's how I came on and I've been here 16 years

he wasn't the slave class 22.4, he got the lucky fast track

>do they make you like hit the bench for the job interview?
no or else we wouldn't have any women whatsoever working here, they can't handle anything above 40lb but nobody brings it up
>what happens when you cant lift some boomers new lazyboy up a 5 flights of stairs by yourself?
you ask for help and wait for one or two other drivers to show up and help you

>> No.55311577

Why did they never reach out to me when I applied for my CV? Also what are the chances they actually keep me post holidays?

>> No.55311587
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>do database sql stuff @ huge company
>most people don't even know how to format an excel file, let alone query databases/publish visualizations
>most people are fucking idiots

Why are you idiots killing yourselves washing dishes and delivering slop-food to literal mouthbreathers. Just try a little harder.

>> No.55311619
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I dunno lol, sometimes hiring freezes screw over great candidates, sometimes you're not black enough to meet the govt quotas we adhere to

yeah being able to use SQL and excel even at a basic level put you instantly in the top 1% of a company, there's so many lazy fucking idiots out there

>> No.55311725

>the AI engineer fears the dishwasher

>> No.55311738

I hope it happens so they start hiring seasonal vehicle drivers in the summer kek.
>paying independent contractors 35 bucks an hour to dump packages on people's doorsteps and hope they realize there's a package there

>> No.55311765

I worked as a FedEx Express driver for a few years out of college. It was decent money at the time, ~$17.50 for a work schedule that I loved (2PM to 10PM), and it looked good on my resume when it was time to move on. By the time I was done I was making about $24 an hour.

Definitely need to get out eventually. The old timers had broken bodies and marriages lol

>> No.55311775
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Real jobs are critical

>> No.55311793

People value it, the US dollar is only worth something because people think $5 = loaf of bread, when really its a piece of paper no where near that value. Value of things depends on belief. People will pay for it and it gets a product from point a to b = its a valuable service

>> No.55311810
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>poorfags decide against college
bold move, Cotton

>> No.55311816

Look at cooking at nursing homes, im a dietary aide, doesnt pay the best honestly but work in a assisted living facility and just eat the shit you cook and take cookies/sauce packets out of the stockroom. Thats half of the pay, also its chill talking to the residents, I listen to 102 year old named milly chismar tell me about the great depression. May not be for you though ive always been called a old soul. Also its a good reference for a resume, better than walmart reference wise but i only get paid 11.05

>> No.55311862
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I'm proud that I became part of the real working class when my dad bought me a duplex and now I can play landlord

>> No.55312211

I can't imagine doing anything like coding, I get really frustrated at the most basic windows errors or following any software instructions. I'm a typical ADHD zoomer so I can't do any engineering shit either. Should I just go for something like an X-ray or CT tech? I don't want to be in retail anymore

>> No.55312219

>Clinical analist

>> No.55312460

do drug deliveries for the cartel instead you dumbass

>> No.55312499

I make 26/hr as a regular loader here, it's pretty cool.

>> No.55312600


>"Property Maintenance"
>Fancy title for an overnight janitor that only does 2 hours of actual work in an 8 hour shift.
>Bought a gaming laptop to keep track of markets, learn and work on personal projects
>Got a post pandemic high pay/high turnover factory job on weekends
>Lift heavy while maintaining good form to keep fit. Can wear earbuds too. Doesn't burn out my body because it's only 2 days a week
>Essentially work alone
>The happiest I've ever been

There's something to be said for not feeling absolute dread at the thought of getting up for work. I work 7 days a week and I know people who 5 or even 4 days who are fucking miserable.

>> No.55313025

Remember when Bill Murray got arrested for possession of cocaine at a fucking airport and jack shit happened to him except he became a huge star? That was kinda weird.

>> No.55315264

i did exactly this. went from an aerial installer to software dev. best and worst decision i made.

>> No.55316075
File: 166 KB, 988x959, IMG_7326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s going to moon! On pinksale

>> No.55316112

Same here but I am a couple years younger than you. I actually enjoy my job quite a bit, just driving around listening to music is cathartic to me. It also keeps me fit, forces me to be social so I don't spiral into schizoid isolation.

>> No.55316368
File: 666 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_7405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ferzan Wallet! The next big thing

>> No.55316384

>$200k per year
>Work 4-6 hours per week
>Spend days living with kids and wife

>> No.55316540
File: 26 KB, 480x344, sexo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexo in the broom closet with mature married sexually frustrated nurses

>> No.55316579

>like landlords
They are actually useful. Students rent rooms. Not everyone wants or needs to buy a house or can and they provide housing. There would be a huge number of homeless without them. The fact is you are just a retarded whining commie who wastes what money you have on retarded crypto scam and then cries about landlords like a retard. Pure plebbit meth head lefty tier thinking....I already know you have damaged your brain with narcotics and are either not while or have piercings or tattoos

>> No.55316654

im in top 10 percent at a top 20 school so ill be alright.

>> No.55317886

>top income decile
>can barely afford a shitbox flat
such is life in the UK

>> No.55317910
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1642268442603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wakey wakey wagie wagie
dont be lazy dont be lazy
else your boss goes crazy
and your girl goes on a frenzy

so wakey wakey wagie wagie
off to work dont be lazy

the bills wont pay themselves
if you care enough in a way
mr greenberg will reward you.. some day

>> No.55317924
File: 50 KB, 540x540, IMG_0821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got fired from my cozy electrical wagie job of 3 years last year for being a drunken bastard
Now I’ve taken the NEET pill and have never turned back, I’m still a drunken bastard just far less productive

>> No.55317934

How do you pass the time neet king

>> No.55318280

72 seems low

>> No.55318298

I worked as a delivery guy for amazon for a while. It was actually kind of comfy until they started assigning me more deliveries than it was physically possible to deliver within a shift lmao.

>> No.55319061
File: 50 KB, 255x204, 1475543066301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pizza Delivery/Landlord

>> No.55319697

Why is it red?

>> No.55319715

>lost 400k from November 21 to now, now 40k starting folio is @ 3.8k
>living with parents
>not a virgin, actually pretty good looking
>always had luck with them ladies, never had luck financially

>> No.55319768

Would you trade in your luck with ladies for financial luck also how talll are you

>> No.55319797

>this country is really starting to look a lot like much of the third world in terms of affordability of basic amenities.
It's literally the opposite - go to a third world country like Thailand, Costa Rica, or the Phillipines with $500k and you can live like a a multimillionaire in a "developed" country

>> No.55319816

>Jerk off now while it still feels good.
Are you circumcised?

>> No.55319842

>Has GPT
>can't figure out how to do web design

Stay poor

>> No.55319881

Does anything cool ever happen while being a delivery driver? Do you ever get invited inside cool houses for a moment or speak to eccentric people?
If you live in a wealthy area at least.

>> No.55320454

1,81cm tall
74kg (muscular)
long luscious hair (down to waist)
Green eyes

My combo gets me younger girls very easily wet, but I'm tired of wahmen and I'm muslim now so no degeneracy of that sort for me. Also I'm not making deals with you jinn, begone, I ain't trading anything for anything, I know how you devils work.
