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55304488 No.55304488 [Reply] [Original]

This market has been brutal. Was 2018 like this?
There are a lot of big names and investment funds, including blackrock, that hold BTC. The fact that this market has been non stop pain tells me that the powers that be will reward those that brave the storm.
Either that or nobody will make it. What's your take? Old fags and 2018 vets welcome

>> No.55304574

Wasn't here in 2018, came in in 2020. So far it's been bleed-only for me since November 21, started at 40k, went to 560k top, now down to 3.8k believe it or not. I have no choice other than trucking on... It's been really fucking tiresome.

>> No.55304594

Yeah but less pajeets

>> No.55304620
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Did you say BRAVE the storm :)))))))))))

yeah shit's fucked

>> No.55304653

this is way more brutal, at least last bear market everyone here held a bag of link. this is nothing but pain

>> No.55304907

This market is way worse than 2018. Back in those days, there was this feeling of innocence and hope. Nothing was regulated and everything was possible. Nowadays whatever the SEC looks at, turns to shit. It's like the squid game or whatever that korean show is named.

>> No.55304978

ive been through 2 crypto bear markets 2015 and 2019 are the time frames that compare to now and they were both bad. I wouldnt say right now is worse, it's pretty similar. i just seems worse because it's in the present moment

>> No.55304999

i got here in nov 2019 not sure exactly
there were anons around that time talking about brave, and how you'll be able to use the tokens from the browser; i don't think that ever happened but unironically i still use brave

>> No.55305013

have you made it yet, anon?

>> No.55305041

Not him, but many here on /biz/ have "made it" but lack any sense of investing in other assets, so we still keep a large chunk in crypto

>> No.55305304


2013: I heard of this thing called Bitcoin. Interesting - but Gay.

2017 (beginning): Bitcoin is worth WHAT? Wow, Ethereum's Smart Contracts are a promise of a brighter tomorrow - the entire marketcap of cryptocurrency is under 20 billion dollars, this is ridiculously undervalued tech. I'd better get in on it. Wow, I'm going to be so rich!

2017 (mid): Wow, all these interesting projects! I'm going to research all day and make a fortune! If even one of these takes off, I'll be rich!

2017 (end): Wow, I am SO RICH!

2018: Wow, holy fuck. Did I actually just get Ponzi scammed? This is humiliating. I'm going to be waiting tables for the rest of my fucking life. Well, I said I would hold long term so I guess I will do it. I can't believe I really believed in Crypto Currency.

2021: Wow, hypothesis correct. Big institutions are entering, super bowl commercials, Inflation is out of control - looks like cryptocurrency is mainstream. That said, looking a little inflated right now. It will probably drop a good amount, but my leverage positions are safe. After all, it would need to drop over 90% to liquidate me, and the market is way more mature than it was in 2018, plus I pick great coins like Chainlink. I'm *so* comfy right now.

2022: What the FUCK IS GOING ON?


2023 (mid): Wow, my own government is trying to crush retail while institutions are embracing digital assets and decentralized frameworks behind the scenes. The SEC is in full pilpul market-assassination mode. We are So Fucked. This is the absolute worst possible scenario for the little guy.

So that must mean that...

we're Back?

>> No.55305337

>endure the storm

You're a moron whose asset class is failing and you're too stupid to comprehend that.

>Not me! I'm the chosen one!

>> No.55305372

>Was 2018 like this?
for me this bear has been the worst by far.

>> No.55305648

2022 was like 2018, and this year feels like 2019. Very fucking boring. I think we’ll move back down rest of this summer and then prices go up early next year. Plenty of time to buy more if you have a job

>> No.55305939
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I started on biz in 2017. Went from nothing to six figures jumping from ico to ico. Ended up holding a shitcoin to the ground. Was in absolute dispair and quit the space for like 6 months. Got back in early 2019. It felt very comfy to be back then. Had good discussions, learned more about the tech. Now it feels like utter shit and even tho I still have 6 figures in crypto, I feel I won’t make it if crypto. MAYBE we see another run 2025 but the regulation until then will make it much more tamed, boring and disappointing than you’d think. I hope I am wrong but I don’t think I am. Keeping 110 eth and 2 btc regardless what happens. If I don’t make it of that I don’t really know where to go next.

>> No.55306808

That's the way to do it! I'm all about that accumulation phase right now. I've already stacked up some DOT and a bunch of parachain tokens like glmr and aca. My next sights are set on Peaq. It's all about those DePINs and EoT and grabbing those opportunities.

>> No.55307227

Yeah, it's been a wild ride. The SEC hates wild things. Anything (((they))) cannot control, will destroy. Since a lot of (((them))) hold crypto they are going to make the on ramps impossible to access, in order to exclude the small guys.
Let me tell you, I'm pretty sure this next bull run is going to be an absolute face ripper, then crabdom till the end of time.

>> No.55307275

kind of

>> No.55308471
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My plan remains the same, to continue holding avax, link, and btc

>> No.55309362

>regulation until then will make it much more tamed, boring and disappointing
Bassically this

>> No.55310769
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In 2018 I was a fucking slave to ETH. I lost crazy money and time. I think I'll always regret it. Fortunately, I was able to rebound and right now hold AVAX, XMR, LINK and ROSE in my bags.

>> No.55311555
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Yeah fuck the sec.
It's too obvious that they want all the cheapies for themselves.
I think the rest of the world is allowing crypto as a hedge against the US. And because it makes (((them))) seeth.
I got dual citizenship and will only trade crypto as a Mexican now. (((They))) can seeth at the fact that I can still get in.

>> No.55311586

2014/15 like, but this starts to feel like it's going to be worse. Back then there was room for 0%ing. Now, forget it

>> No.55311711

this is an awesome way to lose all your money

>> No.55313028

This correlates to 2019 and its way worse today, back then there was still hope in the world, now it looks like the tradfi markets are gonna rug any minute
Also 2018 was scamfree no blowups while 2022 was the worst it has ever been in terms of stealing peoples coins

>> No.55313527

>110 eth and 2 btc
you'll make it.
>regulation until then will make it much more tamed, boring and disappointing than you’d think
not necessarily. regulations dont prevent big pumps from happening. just look at GME and how it pumped a 100x in a few months despite being SEC regulated

>> No.55314527

I wasn’t around in 2018, but from what I hear from those that were around in 2018, it was worse then. The final capitulation really tested peoples conviction in the space apparently. Question for those that were around, did the previous bear market provide shitcoin rallies the way Pepe did? Also, how many people believed a bullrun was coming in just a couple of years the way many believe currently?

>> No.55316940

2018 fucked many and I sold off my BTC with little profit, but now I'm fuckin wiser to diversify on Matic, Sylo and Firo. Optimistic is time to fuck the market good.

>> No.55318572

I don't remember 2015, but this is way worse than 2018-20
That bear market was a bit dull and mundane. But crypto still overall seemed interesting.
This one is really depressing and dreary and pointless.
It's hard to maintain interest