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55302806 No.55302806 [Reply] [Original]

There's an Islamic clothing store near me. If I as a swarthy white bought this and wore it to interviews passing as muslim, would it help me get a job via diversity points?

>> No.55302842
File: 23 KB, 519x519, me_irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always just actually become Muslim, it's a very straightforward religion.

>> No.55302846

I unironically think that would work as I've lost a lot of job opportunities to diversity hires

>> No.55302856

but to answer your question: yes you will probably look more diverse and be more memorable if you make yourself look vaguely ethnic (perhaps they will think you are a pale afghan or something idk)

>> No.55302858

the ultimate apparel is a subtle star of david. I was given this tip decades ago and no failure.

>> No.55302866

brown countries have all the objectively worst fashion traditions. they get away with it because everyone's standards for them are significantly lower.

>> No.55302897

interviewer enters the room. he is a muslim but op is oblivious to this as he is wearing a suit. the interview is taking place in a secure building that op can only leave under escort. these facts become painfully clear to op as he realizes the gravity of his situation during the first 10 minutes of the 3 hour interview process

>> No.55302902

not gonna as salaam a make it.

>> No.55302905

This is actually real smart hehe

>worshipping a pedophile who stole some stories from the Bible and gave his own twist to it
No thank you Muhammed

>> No.55302910
File: 683 KB, 1313x684, British Muslim Drip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cope, western fashion all but died in the last two decades meanwhile in arabia people still walk around in premium flowing thobes with intricate patterns, and headwear

>> No.55302911

It would certainly help.

>> No.55302928

That's not specifically muslim. It's popular all across south Asia.

>> No.55302976

modern "fashion" all looks bad, yes. but if you're comparing that to standard european suits european fashion wins every time.
nobody respects the rag-heads

>> No.55302994

won't work,
muslims are not considered the "good kind of diverse"

> t. muslim

go back to pol

>> No.55303086

Our chances are better saying your from ukraine

>> No.55303179
File: 74 KB, 564x844, 5da8566b00ddd6a1d84557ad01541658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends if we're talking about men's fashion or women's fashion. Men's fashion in Europe has sucked since the 1900s (pic related goes hard), women's fashion lasted a lot longer.

>> No.55304045

nepotism in minorities groups is extremely high, yet only the white man is forced to co-live with niggers. makes you wonder.

>> No.55304064

white people are minorities in california and texas. "They" will never mention it, but it's true

>> No.55304115

why dont white people mention it then lol
oh wait the kikes have the whites on a leash and if they step out of line they get punished

>> No.55304130

Lmaooooo. Have you seen what white people call fashion. You guys practically dress like niggers

>> No.55304133
File: 413 KB, 1480x1641, 658E873D-5A5A-449C-8AF8-8688AC4CC48B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me? I'm always wearing a yarmulke to interviews and mix yiddish words into my replies.
like I enter the building and someone holds the door open for me I say "thank you you are a real Mensche". when surprised I say "oy vey".
and if they say something I dont like I hiss at them.

>> No.55304137

most white people either don't know or yes like you said, or they've been brainwashed since adolescence to think "white" people caused all the evil in the world

>> No.55304218
File: 2.16 MB, 1990x958, 1236781273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows who's white anymore...

>> No.55304230

I would try it if you weren’t having any luck. If you get the job you’ll have to wear that shit forever though.

>> No.55304248

Then he would be damned.

>> No.55304506

>subtle star of david
This. If the owners are Jewish, wear a star of David necklace. After you're hired, never wear it again.

>> No.55304674

The only flaw to this plan is that on some job applications they group middle eastern with white/Caucasian.
What you'll need to do is to put down "non-binary" as your sex/gender

>> No.55304975

Just pull yourself up from your bootstraps

>> No.55305011

maybe if you changed your name to "ahmed yousef" or such

>> No.55305119

You are objectively worth of eternal laughter at (You)

>> No.55305132

>larp as jewish
>if they say something I dont like I hiss at them
Holy fuck sides are in orbit thanks anon

>> No.55305150

>would it help me get a job via diversity points?
Yeah but you gotta add a wig, wheelchair, and troon flag on said wheelchair

>> No.55305283
File: 554 KB, 1440x2649, cough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this. You absolutely need this too.

>> No.55305314

kek try wearing a suit in the desert

>> No.55305365

Naive. I've been part of a Jewish community (complicated family) and they don't fall for this shit.
1. They all know each other. Even if you go to Timbuktu, there will be a guy who knows a guy. They attend each other's parties, events, gatherings, etc. They are extremely social and know everyone in 6 degrees of jew separation.
2. They know your name and they know Jewish names. Jews with non-jew names keep track of their clan (original Jewish name)

If you try this shit you will be their fool, and I wouldn't be surprised if they make your life difficult as punishment. Easy for them to talk to their solicitor or bank manager friend.

>> No.55305798

You're not getting it. The advice isn't to pretend to be Jewish.

>> No.55306475

Yes it is.