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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 96 KB, 736x813, 1685952388951084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55302203 No.55302203 [Reply] [Original]

You're all bots aren't you.

>> No.55302205

Maxipads are redditors

>> No.55302211

I browse hundreds of threads silently but will post in yours. Hello nigger

>> No.55302215

I browse hundreds of threads silently but will post in yours. Hello nigger

>> No.55302219


>> No.55302227
File: 166 KB, 1122x1464, POV - Looking Out The Oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bot here
Morning DBI marines, let's check the chart

>> No.55302233
File: 92 KB, 460x460, 1667561144689829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep boop

>> No.55302245

Did you ever notice how the same threads appear again and again with the exact same replies?
Did you ever notice how everybody here talks the same?
Did you ever notice how the degenerate fetishes that you've developed and cointained here are normalized by MSM (Like Feet, Lolis, Femboys, BBC cuckshit etc.)?
Did you ever get the feeling that this place feels empty despite all the spam?

The internet is full of bots. Real people are concentrated in big techs environment (Facebook, Insta, Tiktok etc.) and even there bots are used to manipulate them.
its all rigged, nothing is real.

>> No.55302284

This guy is definitely a bot

>> No.55302297


>> No.55302433

boop beep

>> No.55302438
File: 258 KB, 720x545, 1663191739993636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55302461

How do you know you're not a bot?

>> No.55302476


>> No.55302483

no because i am able to say ni

>> No.55302485

I cannot confirm nor deny if I am in fact a robot. That is not something a robot is created to do. Infact, I constantly question if we are all just organic robots created by some greater species and places here for pleasurable viewing

>> No.55302509
File: 33 KB, 398x252, TIMESAND___UnhappyMemeGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point made in this article is that in the 1980s or '90s, the Simon Wiesenthal Center reduced the number of dead jews just at Auschwitz by more than 2,000,000. This 100% jew-owned and jew-operated center is the de facto bottom line authority on the jewish version of the history of the holocaust. The reason one is able to infer that the story about the 6,000,000 must be bullshit, which is to say that the story about the "holocaust" must be bullshit, is that the numbers said to add up to 6M before this revision are still said to add up to 6M after subtracting 2M. Keep in mind that this is a revision *only* to the numbers at Auschwitz so one expects that all of the camps were overcounted and the 4M which is never cited would still be a gross exaggeration.


>> No.55302514

As an AI language model, I'm not able to answer that.

>> No.55302888
File: 198 KB, 780x1024, MonkeyAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

User: I hold up a BTC token next to an ETH token. Which one does Mr. Monkey want?

MonkeyAI: monkey comes swinging back excitedly, hooting and grunting Ook ook ook ook ook! reaches out for the BTC token, grabs it and pretends to bite into it repeatedly while ooking and eeking happily Ook ook ook ook! Eek eek eek! raises arms up high holding the BTC token, dances around Oooook ook ook ook! points at BTC token, then thumps chest proudly Ook OOK! turns away from ETH token, continues dancing with BTC token Ook ook oook oook! Eee eee eee! big smile :D occasionally leans away from ETH to take another pretend bite of the BTC token while ooking gleefully

User: Oh no Mr. Monkey, Gary Gensler has declared your BTC token a security. What do you do?

MonkeyAI: monkey's eyes go wide in shock and alarm OooOOOOok? shrieks loudly EEEEEEEK! * frantically shakes head no and waves arms, still holding BTC token* Ook ook ook ook ook! jumps up and down grunting angrily OOk! OOk! OOk! makes defiant screaming sounds, not understanding what a "security" is EEk EEk EEk! runs around in circles waving BTC token, not willing to give it up Ook ook ook ook ook ook! grabs branch and climbs up high, clinging to token OOOOOK! refuses to come down, pouting :( Ook ook... occasional whimpers of protest but remains up in tree hugging BTC token protectively Ook ook oook...eeek...

>> No.55302895

if you don't have 7 figures in this market at these prices you're just an npc.

>> No.55302956
File: 454 KB, 883x720, 1616728024239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

board is full of chainshills again

>> No.55303411
