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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55294496 No.55294496 [Reply] [Original]

stream is starting in 30 mins

>> No.55294636

>>55294496 Checked

>> No.55294671

Pivot or nah? Remember the bull won't start til about a year after the pivot anyway

>> No.55294696

Rate hikes will be paused.
This is the big one. I normally dont even watch these but im gonna watch this one

>> No.55294721

Rate hike pause right now, will continue hiking later, it's already ogre

>> No.55294824

Why is everything dumping this has literally been the plan for months now. Did people actually expect a pivot wtf?

>> No.55294905

Market is pricing in no rate cuts for 2023.
Fed goal for interest rates is 5.6% eoy so they say they might hike a couple more times later down the line

>> No.55295049


>> No.55295093

Simple. Everyone was expecting a pump so they dumped it

>> No.55295104

>inflation *coughs*
Oh shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.55295120

>5.3% inflation rate
>1.1% GDP growth
how is this healthy exactly?
Doesn't this mean the economy is shrinking overall?

>> No.55295128
File: 897 KB, 812x649, Autists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second most competent central bank chair on the planet, only beaten by Elvira

>> No.55295188

Ok the meeting is over now he said everything we already knew he would say can we pump please

>> No.55295191

Get this man a glass of water

>> No.55295205
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It wont pump until at least 2026

>> No.55295207

Probably slow pump for next few days imo, up to like $28k, then dump into july

>> No.55295277
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pause means hyperinflation
goodbye usd

>> No.55295341

Just shorted btc at 100x leverage wish me luck

>> No.55295364

Massive pump the rest of the month.

>> No.55295378

no. this means stagflation, if lucky until 2026 if unlucky, maybe depression in-between and next bull run 2030

>> No.55295396

this is my question. Can someone explain?

>> No.55295421

It is called stagflation. Check the 1970s for further explanations

>> No.55295424

This guy is a faggot, he got spooked and is afraid to raise rates

>> No.55295443

No, he is an autist that tries to land a plane without crashing it while the crew is a bunch of apes throwing shit at him

>> No.55295477

no he's a faggot afraid to raise rates

>> No.55295528

First he says the goal is 2 percent, while at the same time he’s afraid to raise rates. He’s fucking scared

>> No.55295569

Neither bears nor bulls will get what they want. Powell is too much of an a-political data autist and it is just the right thing for the stability and balance in the US. get fucked republicucks, get fucked demorats. Powell is going to land this plane

>> No.55295633
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I got a full Brazilian in anticipation of todays FOMC meeting

>> No.55295652

Wait did powell just say he wasn't gonna finance the governments spending? What do they expect me to believe they're gonna raise a bunch of taxes after they just gave us this economy, and no services?

>> No.55295683

Yep. Powell is an a-political autist. he takes his independence very serious, that is the point where demorats seeth

>> No.55295685

Lol dumb Latina didn't know how to use a mic

>> No.55295695

Powell cucks for niggers !

>> No.55295733

did powell just said no rate cuts this year? isnt this like mega hawkish? why market is pumping? i legit dont get it.

>> No.55295749

Expectations were rate increases every month all year until 30% base interest rates, stability is bullish

>> No.55295793

Look at the dot plot and weep. Crab reigns supreme for at least 3 years

>> No.55295831

dot plot is irrelevant, BTC will be $150k with 5% interest rates and 6% inflation rates in 2024

>> No.55295966

There wont be any price action for the next halving, unless some wonder happens; and I don't see any indicators for an economic wonder happening on the horizon. There is no technology that would majorly increase efficiency and eliminate costs to make that wonder possible (ib4 machine learning - no unless you write articles for buzz feed or a fur fag artists)
difficulty will fall and mining is going to be profitable again, while a bunch of second hand miners will hit the market with energy prices desinflating
Maybe we even get qubit miners by 2025

also fuck the mod that warns/bans me for /pol/ posting when all I do is pol-eco macro posting, which is totally /biz/

Also you cant ban me - I will evade very ban you do, when will you learn that you have to rangeban your own country to get me effectively banned

You are really a faggot nigger mod-sama

>> No.55295977

For rate cuts theres usually a big pump during the first one then it keeps dumping until they're near the end, perhaps its a similar situation here

>> No.55296005

news flash, all the mods are trannies who work for the FED in some capacity with the sole purpose of ruining discourse and keeping the population stupid

>> No.55296015

>Its always the same
Trying a new narrative here buddy? More attempts at poor mans nlp?

>> No.55296033

no - they are just identity fagging discord dwellers that share dick pics with each other and think because they mod this shitheap they have power over narrative, they dont

>> No.55296060

so are most of the employees at the FBI and IRS

>> No.55296080

This is the first time there's no rate hike in a long ass time.
Obviously that's more dovish than another rate hike.

The fuck is the matter with you.

>> No.55296081

Only that the FBI and IRS agents don't hang out all day in voice chat and try to become famous by streaming their worthless life to 50 idiots

>> No.55296213

nah man btc will reach a new ATH about a year and a half after the halving. Happens literally every time.

>> No.55296252

No. Its going to be crab hell for 3 years at least, as said, unless there is some wonder. And in the mean time, all unregistered perpetual pre-ipos are going to get raped by Gary, the most heavy rape will come from raping eth, usdc and usdt