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55292643 No.55292643 [Reply] [Original]

Im 24 yo, currently at my parents,
Already was in a bad state but they broke into my place 2 days ago, and I have a panic attack since then

I have this not leaving state of doom in my head, that my life will always be shit. My parents want me to drive me to a clinic, but they would let me NEET too
I don’t want to be even more traumatized at the clinic

What do I do

>> No.55292693

>broke into my place 2 days ago
If you're paying them rent then you could get the law involved. If you're just living there then you're at their mercy. Either way, you should just move out.

>> No.55292719
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>Say good-morning to hot staceys when I'm walking by.
>They smile and say hello.

>Say good-morning to fat and ugly pigs when I walk by.
>They don't say anything and just look at me like they're pissed off.

WTF is wrong with these people?

>> No.55292773

No let me correct it
I’m living at an apartment and people broke into it

Therefore I’m currently at my parents, they didn’t do me bad

>> No.55292869
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Honestly checking into the clinic is not a bad move.
I was fucked up during my early 20s, suicide attempts, stupid drug use, psych wards, ... Long story short I'm probably an autistic retard.
Some years passed now I'm gonna use those medical documents and hopefully get my autism card, this should open some more benifits to me and my troubled mind

>> No.55292887

>I’m living at an apartment and people broke into it
get some cheap smart home stuff, if you're IT savy you can protecc your home properly for a couple hundred easily

>> No.55292966

I don’t care about my apartment. Lost my job 4 months ago, dropped out of uni 2 years ago. No motivation to lift left

I get depressed if I need to get up and drive to get groceries. Lost a lot of weight

>> No.55293422

DO NOT go to a clinic. Don't get admitted into anything. This will ruin your entire life. If you need help find a local psychologist who is highly reccomended. Make sure they understand privacy and the law. Things are rough but they WILL get better. I love you. Your brothers on this board love you. You will be ok.

>> No.55293442

this is why even though i have a mood disorder ive never gone to public services. anything digital will eventually get leaked and i dont want the world knowing that im batshit crazy.
t.software engineer

>> No.55293476


Will def get flagged dealing with any actual institution/public service, yes.

Or just put in meds that will permanently damage you.

>> No.55293481

Good looking stacy's had alot of positive interactions in their life. People like them and smile. They become nice and social.
They literally see the good in people and expect good responses.

Horrible fat hambeasts had a lot of negative interactions. They heard and see alot of bullshit. They expect you to make fun of them. Or to complain. They see the worst in you and expect negativity.

Both can be good or bad people. The latter one is harder to connect to because they are not trusting and afraid.

Tldr; as a society we get what we give.

>> No.55293504

Thank you bro
But getting an therapist appointment takes 3-6 months and people tell you it doesn’t even help sometimes

I asked out a cute girl recently and got ghosted. I feel so devastated and numb
I don’t even know what to do all day. Days are so long.

>> No.55293548

> Honestly checking into the clinic is not a bad move.
Not all clinics are the same and many are low effort scams. Boomers believe all doctors so they are often not very discriminating about these recovery clinics and believe whatever bullshit marketing they put out.

OP just be careful if you agree to go that route and good luck

>> No.55293604

> asked out a cute girl recently and got ghosted
This is the way if the world. If you were a cute girl you would have many guys interested in you and ghost a shit ton.

Don’t let one negative experience affect your personality permanently. Its like if you fell once when trying to walk as a baby and then just fucking gave up.

>> No.55293614

read the bible (read book of job and new testament) and sign up to a gym. Also veryy important to go to a doctor and check your vitamin levels (D3, B vitamins, Iron). Go on a hike to a forest too

Thank me later for curing your depression

>> No.55293644
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Medication won't fix the issues that have led you to a state of constant gloom.

You can only break free by taking action each day to improve your life and that starts with a solid overarching goal. What is your goal in life op?

>> No.55293705

Take the self-improvement pill. You ARE worthy. You are IMPORTANT. Try to be the best you can be. Start working out. Don't be scared. You don't need to go to a gym (at first or at all). You can do a workout at home (callisthenics). As soon as you start to gain muscles or lose fat you will start to feel alot better.

That being said your mind needs training too so you can feel satisfaction. Personally I like to read the Bible. I like to read Catholic scripture. I also like Daoism and it's major scripture. Tao te Ching etc. But that's not important.

All YOU need to know that is that your mind needs training to. Stoics, Koran, Nordic Saga's where Wodan causes thunderstorms or whatever you want. Read and practice. Read. Read 95% of your entertainment. Watch 5% of that time.

You WILL make it my brother. I have your back and you mind. I believe in you. This life if yours. You are the captain of your vessel. The only one you have to answer to is yourself.

>> No.55293761

This brother understands.
This brother is very wise.
OP please excuse my previous spelling mistakes. English isn't my first or second language. Just like you I try my very best every day.

>> No.55294039
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You won't be broke if you start brushing ur teeth using Nilo bro

>> No.55294050

That doesn't really work anon

>> No.55294063

Nature is wise, and so is the Lord that created it

>> No.55294071

>the absolute state of nigger

>> No.55294075

What makes you think that Anon needs that? Fuck off

>> No.55294274

I think it’s fine to go to a clinic as long as they don’t pump you full of drugs. I think you have to think about whether you’re having legit mental or physical illness or whether you’re just going through a difficult time. The latter doesn’t necessitate a visit to a clinic. The former might.

>> No.55294357

I tried to get a degree, failed
Went into sales, quit
I lifted weights, did nothing to me except body disphormia
I try to go to the gym, have bad mood, and don’t come back again

>> No.55294358

No. No clinics or admittance of any kind. This will ruin your life.

>> No.55294441

Im Self improving since 16yo
I am 24 now
I just feel dissociated,

>> No.55294453

what is a panice attack like, i never had any of this mental shit

>> No.55295018

Changed network

>> No.55296830
